Page 23 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 23

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                          January 2020                                    23A

     Another year of keeping

     the dream alive                                                              J         oin us for

            n November 18, hundreds of    CEO Jay Solomon. Using the time to                 INTERNATIONAL
            friends, family, volunteers,   discuss his ongoing health battle, Jay
     Ostaff  and  supporters  gathered    spoke about the power of community,                HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY
     at  Michael’s On  East  with  one  mis-  and shared with the audience how the
     sion in mind and one singular dream.   Aviva  campus  is so much  more  than
     Twenty-five  years  ago  from  the  date,   a location but a thriving and dynamic
     a group of passionate members of the   family.
     Sarasota community  came  together       Thanks to the contributions made
     with a vision to create a campus for se-  by the generous attendees of the eve-
     niors built on the Jewish values of love,   ning’s festivities, it  is estimated  that   Commemorating 75 years since the liberation of Nazi
     understanding  and compassion.  Their   an additional 15 to 20 residents will be        concentration camps and the end of World War II
     vision would one day become Aviva –   cared  for  financially  through  Aviva’s
     A Campus for Senior Life, Sarasota’s   Benevolent Care Fund.
                                                                                          Sunday, January 26, 2020
     premier rental senior living campus.     For more information on Aviva and           Sunday          January 26, 2               0  2 0
        Each year, The Aviva Foundation   its Benevolent Care Fund, visit aviva
     holds  Keep  the Dream  Alive, Aviva’s or call 941.377.0781.
     largest  fundraising  gala.  The  dream,                                                                 3:00    pm
     which is so integral  to this event,                                                    Beatrice Friedman Theater  •  The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family
     comes from  Aviva’s Founders who                                                           Campus for Jewish Life  •  582 McIntosh Road, Sarasota
     believed  that  no  qualified  resident  of
     Aviva  should  ever  feel  the  burden  of                                                        Guest Speaker:
     facing  eviction  due  to  financial  loss                                                        Debórah Dwork, Ph.D.
     or struggle. For residents who qualify,
     this dream has since become a prom-
     ise, that through the Benevolent Care                                                             Debórah Dwork is an American historian, specializing in
     Fund, these residents are ensured a                                                               the history of the Holocaust. She is the Rose Professor of
                                                                                                       Holocaust History and Founding Director of the Strassler
     place  to live  and  the  many  ameni-                                                            Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark
     ties  that  come  with living  at  Aviva.                                                         University in Worcester, Massachusetts. Internationally
     Not only does this fund support them    Chairman of the Aviva Board of Trustees                   renowned for her scholarship and the author of award-
     where they currently live, such as     Norman Cohen and former Aviva Resident                     winning books, she is also a leading authority on
 mitted by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Febru- those who live at Kobernick Indepen-  Council President Ellis Lasberg  Photo: Jonathan Edelman  university education in this field.
 ary  14, 2020.  The  Scholarship  Grant  dent  Living,  it  also covers the  cost
 Awards ceremony  will  be  held  on  associated as they age into  Aviva’s                             Entertainment:
 Wednesday, April 22 on The Larry &  complete continuum of care, including                             Sarasota Youth & Children’s Choir
 Mary  Greenspon  Family  Campus  for  Anchin Assisted Living and Benderson
 Jewish Life. For more information,  Skilled Nursing.
 please call 941.342.1855.  At this year’s  Keep  the  Dream
     Alive event, the theme of the evening                                                  Register online
     was a focus on stories. Children of res-
     idents shared with those gathered the                                        
     powerful stories of their own families
     who have embraced  the  Aviva  com-
     munity and the effect the unique senior
     community has had on their parents.                                           For more information, contact
                                                                                   Brieana Duckett-Graves 941.552.6305
        The  evening  ended  with a  pas-    Aviva President & CEO Jay Solomon with    or
     sionate  speech by Aviva  President  &   his wife Lori and Aviva resident Phyllis Davis


                 Connection is our promise.

                                                   Spring into Lifestyle

        From monthly happy hours to special events by the pool, our

        Aviva community is always looking for reasons to get together
        and connect! Led by our Director of Life Enrichment, our

        community maintains a monthly calendar with well over 400

        individual events per month ranging from social to educational
        to health and wellness. Let your senses come alive during our

        Aviva Concert Series featuring local Sarasota musicians ongoing

        from December through May or enjoy a lecture led by Sarasota
        scientists and historians in our Kretzmer Center. No matter

        what your interest may be there is always something do to and
                                                                                       1951 N. Honore Ave.                             941.377.0781
        a new way to connect to your family at Aviva.                                  Sarasota, FL 34235      
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