Page 28 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 28

28A                          January 2020                                                                   JEWISH INTEREST

     A tale of two Januaries

     By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD
           his month marks 80 years since   ment. The town of Auschwitz seemed   ability of a railroad junction and raw   oversee the camp’s liquidation. On No-
           the establishment of the Nazi   the ideal location, though it had its ob-  material, along with the chance to ex-  vember 26, 1944, when delay threatened
     Tconcentration (later, extermina-    jectionable side. Surrounded by open   ploit slave labor, added to its allure. An   and the Soviets drew nearer, Himmler
     tion) camp at Auschwitz in 1940. It is   swampy moorland, it remained muddy   arrangement  was made between I.G.   issued another order concerning the
     also the 75  anniversary of the camp’s   for most of the year, it was unhealthy   Farben and the SS,  whereby the lat-  destruction of Auschwitz.
     liberation in 1945.                  and malaria-infested, and in winter it   ter would provide the slave labor and   After considerable administrative
        In 1939, with the outbreak of war,   turned bitterly cold. Severe winds swept   I.G. Farben would pay for the use of   difficulties, the complete evacuation of
     the German Inspectorate of Concentra-  down from the north, unimpeded by any   the workers. At the same time, SS chief   the complex was ordered for January
     tion Camps was authorized to examine   natural obstacles on the Polish plain. It   Heinrich  Himmler  ordered the camp   17, 1945.  The next day, some 22,000
                     the possibility of set-  was  flat,  cold,  wet,  muddy,  cheerless   system expanded to accommodate over   men and women left the camp, and
                     ting up new camps.   and colorless. There seemed little to rec-  100,000 additional inmates.     the day after that, a further 3,500 were
                     One  of  the  first  of   ommend the area surrounding the little   The  camp  would eventually  be-  evacuated. They were about all that was
                     these,  located  in  Silesian town.                        come  a  vast  complex  covering  15   left  of  a  camp complex  which  at one
                     southwestern Poland      Despite  this,  on  May  4,  1940,  the   square miles, in which the SS, capital-  time could boast a population of pos-
                     near  the  confluence   first commandant, Rudolf Franz Hoess,   izing on the use of slave labor, made a   sibly 200,000. The earliest date of free
                     of the  Vistula and   began his task of constructing the new   fortune as a result.              contact with Soviet forces was January
                     Soła  Rivers,  was  to   camp. Employing prisoners from other   Auschwitz, together with five oth-  22, 1945. When the camp was formally
      Dr. Paul Bartrop  be built just outside   camps as slave labor, the compound was   er camps located by the Germans in   occupied two days later, there were only
     the town of Oświęcim. In German the   soon built. It received its initial batch of   Poland  (Bełzec,  Chełmno,  Majdanek,   2,819 survivors left at Auschwitz.
     name was Auschwitz. This was initially   permanent inmates on July 14, 1940.  Sobibór and Treblinka) altered the na-  The prisoners had been evacuated
     to be a camp for Polish POWs.            Understanding the history of Aus-  ture and course of concentration camp   in the face of Soviet progress. The Rus-
        Auschwitz would ultimately serve   chwitz is a complex challenge. Initially   development. These were the Vernich-  sians were so close while the prisoners
     as one of the epicenters of the Holo-  it was established as a camp for Polish   tungslager, the death (or extermina-  were marching away that the sounds of
     caust, with more Jews murdered there   soldiers and political prisoners. Later,   tion) camps.                   battle could be clearly distinguished.
     during the war than in any other loca-  Soviet POWs were included,  while      Because of their existence, the im-  The  survivors  suffered  terribly  during
     tion. Since the victims came from every   Jews were added  increasingly  from   age  of the  Nazi  concentration  camps   the forced marches that took them to-
     part of Europe, and because Auschwitz   mid-1941 onwards.                  was irrevocably transformed, such that   ward the west, and countless numbers
     operated longer than any other exter-    Further, there was not a single Aus-  all camps are now viewed as elaborate   perished.  Discussion  of  these  Death
     mination camp, it has come to symbol-  chwitz, but rather three main camps –   and gigantic  factories  created for the   Marches opens a new dimension relat-
     ize the horror of the Holocaust overall.  Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau)   purpose of destroying human lives.  ing to the story, however, and will await
        It was on January 25, 1940, that the   and Auschwitz III (Monowitz) – along   The extermination camps were in-  another column at a different time.
     SS decided  to construct  a camp  near   with approximately 50 satellite camps   stitutions designed to methodically and   The name Auschwitz evokes many
     Oświęcim. Then, on February 21, 1940,   located  over a wide geographical  re-  efficiently  murder  millions  of  people,   things. What is often overlooked, how-
     the Inspector of Concentration Camps,   gion.                              specifically Jews. These mass murders   ever, are the bookend dates – January
     Richard Glücks, reported to Heinrich     In the winter of 1940-1941, Ger-  took place in specially designed gas   1940 and January 1945 – that separate
     Himmler that a group of “former Pol-  man industrial conglomerate I.G. Far-  chambers. At Auschwitz, they employed   what happened in the middle. Simulta-
     ish  artillery  barracks”  had  been  found   ben chose Auschwitz as the site for the   crystallized hydrogen cyanide, which on   neously the world’s largest murder site
     that were suitable for further develop-  construction of a new plant. The avail-  contact with air, oxidized to become hy-  and cemetery, the phenomenon of Aus-
                                                                                drocyanic (or prussic) acid gas, manu-  chwitz had to begin somewhere. Fortu-
      DIANE LAWSON, CCIM                                                        factured under the trade name Zyklon B.  nately,  after  a  herculean  effort,  it  also
                                                                                                                      ended, 75 years ago this month.
                                                                                    January 1940 therefore had a lot to
      COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES                                           answer for. But as the war progressed,   Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of His-
                                                                                                                      tory and the Dir. of the Center for Ju-
                                                                                and Soviet armies advanced toward
                                   Part of only 6% of brokers who              Germany throughout the latter half of   daic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies
                                     have earned their CCIM                     1944, the position of Auschwitz seemed   at Florida Gulf  Coast University. He
                                                                                uncertain. In September 1944, Hein-
                                                                                                                      can be reached at
                                     designation                                rich Himmler ordered Rudolf Hoess to

                                   30+ years of experience in
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      M: 941.780.6136                                                                                                         Inspiring Speakers:
      E:                                                     and Tolerance Education
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                                                                                                                                 GINETTE HERSH
                                  Every woman                                       1,912 Sarasota-Manatee

                                  matters here.                                     students learned about
                                                                                    the Holocaust from

                                                                                    survivors last year                      #NEVERFORGET
                                  The Women’s Giving Circle [ “Ma’agal
                                  Nashim”] is a giving circle that empowers
                                  women as funders, decision makers and           Listening to your heart-wrenching story, I started
                                  agents of change. Each member contributes       to tear up. Your story of survival moved me and
                                  $518, and each has an equal voice in            I will remember you for the rest of my life.
                                  directing our funds. The giving circle model
                                  multiplies individual actions, creating a       –North Port high School StudeNt
                                  tremendous collective impact.

                                  In the last five years, we have distributed     History is not just about events,
                                  more than $236,632 in grants to                 it is about human lives.
                                  nonprofits in Israel that help women and
                                  children of all backgrounds live safer,         Learn what “Never Forget” means, before it is too late.
                                  healthier and more meaningful lives.            Invite a Holocaust survivor to your school, synagogue or library.

                                  Our Mission                                     To book a speaker contact Anne Stein

                                  To enhance the lives of Jewish women and children   Holocaust Speakers Bureau Coordinator •
                                  who are in need of help and live in Israel.

                                  Contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113
                                  or                                                              941.371.4546
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