Page 33 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                               January 2020                                    33A

     Jewish values

                                              Jews  pursue justice through  tze-  small scale (giving to a food pantry).   The underlying theme of justice in
                                          dakah, gemilut chesadim, mitzvot and      Pursuing justice  through  gemilut   Judaism has to do with community and
                           From           Torah.                                chesadim also involves thinking about   relationships.  Justice involves obliga-
 her that they had not been forgotten         Tzedakah is monetary gifts in sup-  the greater good, the social justice is-  tions that we have to one another, and
 but would be announced  at the con-  the   port of people and institutions who are   sues of our society. It takes us beyond   to the Divine.
 clusion of the concert, just before the     in need. It is not the same as charity,   ourselves  and  our own backyards to   Tzedek reminds us that we are part
 encore.                   Bimah          which is voluntary. We are commanded   the needs of the larger community and   of something greater than ourselves.
 Indeed, when the  last scheduled         to remember those who need our help   those of our planet.                      We find meaning in relationships,
 piece  ended and the audience’s ap-      and to reach out to them. Even the        Mitzvot are the commandments.     not abstract  images  or concepts.  We
 plause had brought conductor  Robert     poorest among us are expected to give   We often think of the word mitzvah as   find God in the minutia of our lives, in
 Romanski back to the stage, he made  Rabbi Jennifer Singer  tzedakah, even if the amount is minis-  meaning a good deed, but that is only   love and laughter, in the joys and the
 special  mention of the  group.  This  Congregation Kol HaNeshama  cule. It is a way to empower everyone   part of it. Living a mitzvah-centered   sorrows that we share.
 prompted the audience to offer a stand-  to be an active part of a community that   life means fulfilling God’s command-  And when we are in a relationship,
 ing ovation with several people com-  f someone asked you what is the   takes care of each other.   ments by living according to high ethi-  when we understand that we are part of
 ing over to the survivors to convey   most important Jewish value, what   Gemilut chesadim are acts of lov-  cal and moral standards.  something greater than ourselves, tze-
 their regard.   Iwould you say? Many people quote   ing kindness. This engages us on an-  And Torah? Judaism asks us to en-  dek comes easily. Tzedek, tzedek tirdof
 The conductor then shared a story  Hillel’s reply when he was asked to ex-  other level than tzedakah does, asking   gage with our sacred texts and their mes-  – Justice, justice you shall pursue. Not
 about when, at the age of 35, he accom- plain  Judaism while  standing  on one   us to get directly involved in helping   sages for our entire lives – to remind   seek, but pursue. May we be blessed to
 panied his mother to a deposition about  foot: “That which is hateful to you, do   others, whether on a large scale (serv-  ourselves of our obligations to ourselves,   remember this sacred task.
 a car accident she’d been involved in.  not do to another.”   ing on the board of a non-profit) or a   our families and our communities.
 Under oath,  her revelation  that  she’d   That’s important, but I don’t think
 been married prior to her marriage to  it  covers enough situations.  And be-
 the  conductor’s father  shocked him.  cause it is voiced in the negative, I find
 Later, she recounted  that  her  father,  it less than inspiring. I want a positive
 a  German  cab  driver,  convinced  an  value that I can use to guide me.
 American serviceman to meet his   So what about pikuach nefesh, sav-  FUNERAL SERVICES
 daughter, whom he then married. The  ing another’s life? This is so important
 two subsequently moved to the United  that we can break virtually any other
 States.   commandment in order to save some-  The Area’s ONLY Jewish Owned & Operated Funeral Home
 Romanski indicated that if not for  one’s life. If I was in the medical field
 that marriage, his mother would prob- this might be helpful, but in most of
 ably not have survived the war. He  our everyday lives we don’t get many   Specializing in local burial, out-of-state transfers,
 expressed deep respect for what the  opportunities to observe this mitzvah.         and burial in Israel
 survivors had endured in escaping the   While  thinking  about  this,  I  was
 cruel fate so many others suffered.   intrigued  when a  non-Jewish friend   •  REFORM  •  CONSERVATIVE  •  ORTHODOX  •
 Following this, Romanski proceed- asked me to explain the word tzedek,
 ed to lead the symphony in the playing  which he translated  as righteousness.
 of John Williams’ haunting, piercingly  While this is true, generally Jews un-  • Chevra Kadisha
 inspiring  theme  to  Schindler’s List.  derstand the word to mean justice. The   • Pre-need Trusts
 Several  of the survivors wept.  They  first phrase that always comes to mind   • Cremations
 were  tears of sadness for friends and  for me is tzedek, tzedek tirdof – “jus-  • Free Burial Plots   2426 Bee Ridge Road
 family that had been lost, but also of  tice, justice you shall pursue” – from      for Veterans/Spouse   Sarasota, FL 34239
 pride  and gratitude  for the  new life  Deuteronomy.
 they have found in America.  And I realized that this is my an-
 Though this encore had been  swer. Tzedek, justice, is the Jewish val-  24 Hour Information at  (941) 955-1075   Michael, David, Pati and Steven Gross
 planned  for the  concert  long  before  ue that I hold dearest, a universal value
 Anna called the symphony’s executive  that we can use to guide our lives on a
 director, it felt as if it had been fore- daily basis.
 ordained  because,  as  the  Baal  Shem
 Tov famously asserted, “There are no
 Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a
 Community Chaplain and Director of
 JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
 position is underwritten by The Jewish
 Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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