Page 34 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 34

34A                          January 2020                                                                           COMMENTARY

     Arab protests challenge Iran’s Middle East desires

     By Rabbi Howard A. Simon                                                                                                                           By Harold M. Halpern

           ecent mass protests in Iraq and   pictures  of Qassem Soleimani,  Iran’s   leadership  is Hezbollah,  a military                                     n  April 9, 2019, elections
           Lebanon pose a major threat to   famous  commander  and  a  frequent   group that is Iran’s closest partner in                                       were held for the 120-member
     RIran’s desire to exert greater in-  visitor to Iraq. These actions have been   the region and a major threat to Israel.                           OKnesset. Never in the history
     fluence and control in both countries.   followed by Iraqi anti-government pro-  The  opposition  groups feel  too  much                           of Israel has any party won a major-
     Iraqi protesters have attacked the Ira-  testers storming Martyrs’ Bridge over   power rests with  Hezbollah  and  that   and presence in the Middle East. Saudi  ity. However, the parties were always
     nian consulate in the city of                    the Tigris River. Twenty-  this has caused many of the economic   Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emir- able to negotiate an agreement for the
     Karbala.  Protesters  scaled                     nine people were wound-   and social problems that affect the lives   ates, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait have  required 61 votes to designate a Prime
     the walls carrying Iraqi                         ed after being attacked by   of Lebanon’s population.           joined the U.S. in imposing sanctions  Minister and a government.
     flags  proclaiming,  “Iran                       batons and exposed to tear    The result of the actions  in the   on  a  financing  network  controlled  by   However, in  April,  the  61 votes
     shall not rule this country                      gas. Tens of thousands of   Middle  East  have  led  Jasmine  El-   Iran’s military and several men linked           couldn’t be nego-
     or its people.”                                  people  have  marched  in   Gamal, a non-resident senior fellow   to the Tehran-backed Hezbollah group.              tiated. This  was
        In the wake of these                          Baghdad protesting wide-  at the Atlantic Council, a non-partisan   The  world observes these  events,               the first time there
     protests, Iraq’s Prime Min-                      spread  corruption,  lack   Washington think tank, to say, “What’s   monitors the changes in these countries         was a  failure  of
     ister, Adel  Abdul-Mahdi,                        of employment and  poor     happening  in  the  Middle  East  should   and asks the following questions: Will        negotiation.  The
     pledged  to  resign  in  the                     basic services.           be a wake-up call.  We should learn   the governments of Iraq and Lebanon                  Knesset dissolved.
     hope that this would tem-                            In Lebanon, Prime     from this round of protests that you   change their leadership  and how will               A new second
     per the actions of those at-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon  Minister  Saad  Hariri  re-  cannot get away with subjugating and   they govern their people?  What will         election was called
     tacking his leadership. This has not had   signed over the  continued  protests in   prosecuting and humiliating the people   Iran’s actions be in the face of possible   for September.
     the  desired  effect,  testified  to  by  the   his country. The protesters demanded   you are elected to serve.  changes in the two countries? Will the   Harold Halpern  Israelis elect-
     continual  protests in Baghdad, where   changes to a political system that has   Iran’s leadership views the unrest   influence  of  Iran  be  diminished  be- ed  their  Knesset  on  September  17,
     shouts went  up,  “Iran  out,  out.”  Bill-  been  in power for years dividing  au-  in both Iraq and Lebanon as a major   cause of these protests?   2019. Very soon after the election, we
     boards featuring  Iranian leaders were   thority  between  Christians,  Sunnis   threat  to their desire  to  have greater   Questions abound and, in time, an- knew the results. The Right group of
     torn down and shoes were thrown at   and Shiites. A major part of the Shiite     influence throughout the Middle East.   swers will  be forthcoming  – answers  parties,  led  by Benjamin  Netanyahu,
                                                                                Concerns over these protests and the   that could change the very structure of  head of Likud, had 55 votes. The Cen-
                                                                                reaction of the United States, France,   life in this ever-so-volatile part of the  ter-Left, led by Benny Gantz, head of
                                                                                the  European  Union and Great  Brit-  world.                           Blue-White, had 44 votes. The Israeli
                                                                                ain  to  Iran’s decision  to  resume  ura-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found- Arab coalition (the Joint List) had 13
                                                                                nium enrichment at its Fordow site has   ing chair of the Robert and Esther  (10 of which they said would be voted
                                                                                only  made  matters  more  difficult  for   Heller Community Relations Commit- for Gantz), and Yisrael Beiteinu led by
                                                                                Iran, thus curtailing its goal to domi-  tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.  Avigdor Liberman had eight votes.
                                                                                nate the area and extend its authority                                      In both my recent monthly columns
         FELDMAN                                                                          What do you think?                                            in this paper, and in my columns in the
                                                                                                                                                        Sarasota Herald-Tribune, I wrote  of
         WEALTH ADVISORY                                                                                                                                the  disparate  positions  of  the  parties
                                                                                                                                                        but felt that the publics distaste for a
                                                                                               The Jewish News                                          third election and the critical social and

         JOSEPH M. FELDMAN, CFP     ®                                                            wants to know!                                         existential needs of the country would
                                                                                                                                                        push the parties to a unity  coalition
         CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™  PROFESSIONAL                                                                                                    government.
                                                                                  Send an email to                                  As I write this column on Novem-
         941.260.9174   |  JFELDMAN@FELDMANWA.COM   |
                                                                                                                                                        ber 25, there has been no success.
                                                                                                            Letters Policy                                  Netanyahu tried but failed to get
         INVESTMENTS     FINANCIAL PLANNING     INSURANCE                         Letters  to  the  editor  should  not  exceed  300 words,  must be  typed,  and  include  the     the required 61 votes. Next, Gantz
                                                                                  writer’s name, mailing address and phone number. Letters can be submitted via USPS    tried and failed. Netanyahu and Gantz
         ADVISERS, INC., A SEC REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR. 130 SPRINGSIDE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44333. 800-765-5201. FELDMAN WEALTH   or email ( Not all letters will be published. Letters may be    agreed to rotate as Prime Minister but
                                                                                  edited for length and content.                                        Netanyahu  demanded  he  go  first.  At
                                                                                                                                                        the time, Netanyahu was under inves-
          build.                                       advocate.                                                                                        with a Prime Minister under investiga-
                                                                                                                                                        tigation for crimes. Gantz refused to sit
                           remember. support.                                                                                                           fused to vote for either Gantz or Netan-
                                                                                                                                                            Liberman  had the key but he re-

                                                                                                                                                        yahu, and only for a coalition of Right,

                                                                                                                                                            There  is one last gasp to form a
           Bridges                                                                                                                                      Center-Left and his party.
                                                                                                                                                        government. Any 61 Knesset members
              We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic                                                                may designate a Prime Minister. They
                                                                                                                                                        have  until  mid-December  to  do  this.
                groups to make presentations about Israel, anti-Semitism and the Boycott,                                                               But from where commeth  the votes?
                  Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). In addition, we send clergy                                                                  It’s unlikely  any member  of Center-
                    and community members on missions to Israel to experience and learn                                                                 Left, Yisrael Beiteinu or Joint coalition

                       about the land while forging friendships that deepen and continue                                                                will sign up for Netanyahu.
                                                                                                                                                            However, there is a new consider-
                         back home in Sarasota-Manatee.                                                                                                 ation.  Netanyahu has now been  pub-
                                                                                                                                                        licly  notified  that  he  will  be  charged
                                                                                                                                                        with three crimes, namely:  accepting

                                                                                                                         ^  Builds Bridges              a bribe, fraud and breach of trust. This
                                                                                                                                                        has led to a stirring within his party and
                                                             Robert and Esther Heller                           ^  Advocates through                    a demand for a primary within Likud
                                                                 CRC                                            Government Affairs                      to elect its leader. If a new leader were

                                                                                                                                                        elected, Gantz will join a coalition and

                                                                                                                                                        tanyahu  has agreed  to a primary but
                                                             COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE      ^  Remembers the Holocaust                              a government  would be formed. Ne-
                                                                                                               ^  Supports Hillel                       for  a  time  after  mid-December  when
                                                                                                                                                        another and third election  must be
                                                                                                                                                        fixed. Any  change  in  leadership  after
                                                                                                                                                        mid-December will not avoid the elec-
                                               Hillel                                                                                                   tion. So the only possibility is if there’s

                                                Hillel is the “Jewish Home Away from Home” for Jewish                                                   enough pressure to change the primary
                                                                                                                                                        date or if there’s an act of courage from
                                                  students in college. Your CRC and Federation support                                                  a breakaway from a group of Likud to
                                                    Gulf Coast Hillel in its pursuit to create meaningful                                               vote for Gantz. Not likely.
                                                                                                                                                            If the last gasp effort to form a gov-
                                                     and engaging holiday and educational programs                                                      ernment fails, a third election will take
                                                       on local college campuses.                                                                       place in March. In the interim, Netan-
                                                                                                                                                        yahu remains as Prime Minister as the
                                                                                                                                                        holdover  Prime  Minister. He doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                        have to resign except if he is convicted,
                       HELLER CRC’S MISSION                                                                                                             and he doesn’t need to take a leave of
                                                                                                                                                        absence. The outcome of a third elec-
                     To build relationships within                                                                                                      tion may shed no more light on form-

                   the Jewish and non-Jewish                                                                                                            ing a new government. Netanyahu has
                communities and to advance                                                                                                              indicated  he will run again, fully ex-
                                                                                                                                                        pecting to be running as the reelected
              common interests through                                                                                                                  Likud leader.
                                                                                                                                                            The inability to agree to a coalition
            education and advocacy.                                                                                      represents not only the desire for power
                                                                                                                                                        but also the divisions in Israel society:
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