Page 32 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 32

32A                          January 2020                                                                           COMMENTARY

     Bring light into the world                                                 A touching symphonic

                                              There  are so many  personal and   moment
                                          communal experiences that might en-   By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
                           From           gulf us in darkness. The loss of a loved      owadays there is never a short-  her that they had not been forgotten
                                          one, a trying family situation, financial
                           the            difficulties or health issues may darken   Nabundance of cable television   but would be announced  at the con-
                                                                                        age of news. This is due to the
                                          our world. Similarly, contemplating
                                                                                                                      clusion of the concert, just before the
                           Bimah          environmental issues, warfare and po-  channels  and, of course, the internet.   encore.
                                                                                Additionally, a constant stream of hap-
                                          litical strife also engulfs us in darkness.
                                                                                                                          Indeed, when the  last scheduled
                                          How do we bring light to these areas of   penings from family and friends locat-  piece  ended and the audience’s ap-
     Rabbi Michael Werbow                 our life?                             ed throughout the world is constantly   plause had brought conductor  Robert
     Temple Beth Sholom                       One way is to use the light of Cha-                  being sent to our   Romanski back to the stage, he made
                                          nukah coupled with the  making  of                       Facebook  feed.    special  mention of the  group.  This
            appy New Year! I hope every-  resolutions on New Year’s Day to turn                    In fact,  there  are   prompted the audience to offer a stand-
            one has enjoyed their Chanu-  Martin Luther King Jr. Day into a day                    so many stories    ing ovation with several people com-
     Hkah celebrations and that you       of service and action. It is not enough                  and  photos  on  it   ing over to the survivors to convey
     all found much joy and light during a   to think about what needs to be done.                 that we have to    their regard.
     time of the year that is the darkest and   We must act.                                       speed    through       The conductor then shared a story
     coldest. We now take that light that we   The Ten Commandments are men-                       them just to keep   about when, at the age of 35, he accom-
     all created to head out of the darkness   tioned twice in the Torah. In Exodus we             up.  Nevertheless,   panied his mother to a deposition about
     and to spread the light to many other   are  told to  “Remember  the  Sabbath,”   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  in spite of this   a car accident she’d been involved in.
     areas of our community.              and  in  Deuteronomy  we  are  told  to   digital onslaught, there are still many   Under oath,  her revelation  that  she’d
        Often times, in Judaism, people   “Observe the  Sabbath.”  The  question   worthy events  that  go unreported.  I   been married prior to her marriage to
     link  one  celebration  to  another. After   is asked, “Why are there differences in   share one with you here.  the  conductor’s father  shocked him.
     Sukkot, people will make a liquor out of   the two versions of the Ten Command-  Earlier this year, The Jewish Fed-  Later, she recounted  that  her  father,
     the etrog that they can drink on Purim,   ments?” An answer given by the rabbis   erations of North America awarded a   a  German  cab  driver,  convinced  an
     or save the palm from the lulav to use   is that  both  remembrance  and action   special grant enabling both JFCS  of     American serviceman to meet his
     to burn the chametz on Passover. Fol-  are needed. Neither works alone.    the Suncoast and Gulf Coast JFCS      daughter, whom he then married. The
     lowing Yom Kippur, some people head      It is not enough to think about how   (Clearwater)  to develop innovative   two subsequently moved to the United
     right home to start building their suk-  we can make a difference. We need to   wellness programming for Holocaust   States.
     kah, linking celebrations one to another.   act on these thoughts. Making the reso-  survivors. In her role  as project  co-  Romanski indicated that if not for
        We can link our religious and secu-  lution to volunteer, to support a chari-  ordinator for our area, Anna Eckstein   that marriage, his mother would prob-
     lar holidays together as well. I suggest   table organization or to assist someone   has organized a myriad of activities for   ably not have survived the war. He
     linking Chanukah with New  Year’s    in need is a great way to start the New   survivors such as music performances,   expressed deep respect for what the
     Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   Year.  Then,  implementing  that  resolu-  poetry readings, an elder-law work-  survivors had endured in escaping the
     Hopefully, Chanukah stirred up for you   tion as soon as possible is a way to make   shop, herbal  medicine  demonstration,   cruel fate so many others suffered.
     ideas of how you can bring light into   sure you don’t forget it and can be a way   and presentations on Jewish topics by   Following this, Romanski proceed-
     the world. Lighting candles is how we   to set a positive tone for the year ahead.  local rabbis.                ed to lead the symphony in the playing
     respond religiously to the darkness in   May 2020 be a year of light for you   In October, members of the North   of John Williams’ haunting, piercingly
     the world. Unfortunately, that is not   and your families as we all bring light   Port survivor  group inquired  if Anna   inspiring  theme  to  Schindler’s List.
     enough.                              into the world.                       could  arrange  for them  to  attend  a     Several  of the survivors wept.  They
                                                                                concert by the North Port Symphony.
                                                                                                                      were  tears of sadness for friends and
                         ConneCt                                                Because funds are not available to pay   family that had been lost, but also of
                                                                                                                      pride  and gratitude  for the  new life
                                                                                the cost for such an outing, Anna spoke
                    with your Jewish Community                                  to the symphony’s executive  direc-   they have found in America.
                                                                                tor who generously provided 15 free
                                                                                                                          Though this encore had been
                                                                                tickets to a performance in November   planned  for the  concert  long  before
                                                                                and said the group’s presence would be    Anna called the symphony’s executive                                                    announced from the stage.             director, it felt as if it had been fore-
                                                                                    However, on the night of the con-
                                                                                                                      ordained  because,  as  the  Baal  Shem
                                                                                cert, when the audience was apprised   Tov famously asserted, “There are no
                                                                                of the special guests in attendance,   coincidences.”
                                                                                the  North Port survivors weren’t an-  Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a
                                                                                nounced among them. Since the group   Community Chaplain and Director of
                                                                                had looked forward to being recog-    JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
                                                                                nized, Anna sought out the executive   position is underwritten by The Jewish
           Temple Beth Sholom                                                   director  during  intermission  to  ask   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                                                                why. Without explanation, he reassured
            Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue
             "Where community is family and egalitarian Conservative Judaism
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