Page 36 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 36

36A                          January 2020                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

     How do we stay warm?

                                          do we impart to our youth the joy of   stressed-out moods over financial pres-  need to show them not to be afraid to   ecently, a group of Hershorin
                                          our heritage and the important values   sures, or do they see our excitement   ask. We don’t need to have all the an-  Schiff Community Day School
                     Education            that Judaism brings to the table? How   in preparing  a Shabbat dinner?  What   swers. We can study together with our Rmiddle school students, in part-
                                          do we instill in our children to remain
                                                                                                                      children. This not only creates a won-nership with the  Women’s Interfaith
                                                                                messages are we giving them about
                       Corner             enthusiastic and passionate about what   what is truly important to us?     derful bonding time, it also brings the  Network (WIN), visited  the Islamic
                                                                                    What an opportunity we have dur-
                     By Chaya Rivka       is really important in life?          ing this small pocket of time. When the   entire family together.       Society of Sarasota and Bradenton to
                                              In the olden days, a home had a
                                                                                                                          As the temperature cools down, let  tour its school and mosque, and view
                       Schmerling         furnace in the center room that would   children are young, it is so important   us take the time to reflect on how we  an afternoon prayer. It was a day of
                                          provide warmth to the whole house.    to take the time to instill in them the   can  keep  the  flame  of  Judaism  alive  sharing – faith, traditions and food – as
                                          Obviously, the closer a room was  to   important values that Judaism teaches   and burning strongly.          well  as  an  opportunity  to  experience
              y family members up north   the furnace, the warmer it would be.   us. We need to encourage our youth to   Chaya Rivka Schmerling is the Hebrew  new perspectives.
              pretend  they  don’t like  me   In order to ensure that the outer rooms   be spiritual, and discuss their concerns   School Director at Chabad of Venice &   WIN is a group of women rep-
     Mwhen I send them pictures of        of the house would be warm, the fur-  and take their questions seriously. We   North Port.
     my kids relaxing at the pool. It’s during   nace in the inner room had to be stoked
     this time of year when the temperatures   to a very high temperature. If the fur-  Sarasota BBYO
     drop quite low in the northeast, causing   nace  would  only  be  warm,  then  the
     people to experience  a numbing cold   outer rooms would be cold. But if the   This program is sponsored by
     that literally brings them to a standstill.   furnace  was  fiery  hot,  then  the  outer   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
     Here in beautiful Florida, it is not that   rooms would at least be warm.  By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Dir., North Florida Region           hanksgiving is a wonderful
     bad, but we do get to taste some of that   The furnace and the inner room      n November, Sarasota BBYO teens   participate in the fun? Well, lucky for   time of the year to gather with
     cool weather. On these types of days,   represent the period of education and   came together with teens from all   you, NFR’s next regional convention,  Tfriends and family – and enjoy
     it brings everyone to a numbing state   youth. It is symbolic of the time when a   Iover North Florida Region (NFR)   MIT/AIT LTI (Member in  Training/ some delicious food at the same time!
     of inaction. We like to stay home, stay   child is carefree and young, and free to   for FallCon  (Fall  Convention) in El-  Aleph in Training Leadership Training  The preschoolers of the Susan Schwaid
     warm,  and  not  go out  and  get  things   absorb all of life’s important messages.   lenton.  FallCon included  teen-led   Institute)  takes  place  the  weekend  of  Early Learning Center at Temple Ema-
     done. We are sort of frozen into a state   The outer rooms represent the period              Jewish education    January 17-19. MIT/AIT LTI not only  nu-El pulled this off very successfully
     of nothingness.                      of adulthood, when our responsibilities                 and identity  pro-  provides leadership training to all teens  with their annual  Thanksgiving Feast
        This experience can give us an ap-  in life  distract  us from  learning  new             gramming    over    in attendance, it also specifically looks  on Friday, November 8.
     preciation for why coldness is a good   things or taking the time to study the               the course of three   to welcome new members to the fold   A much-loved tradition,  the
     description  for a state  of disconnect   Torah and its wisdom.                              days. We celebrat-  with designated programming to intro- Thanksgiving  Feast is a special  day
     from G-d and holiness. G-dliness is      If the furnace is steaming  hot –                   ed Shabbat, gath-   duce them to BBYO. Reach out to me  for  children,  families  and  staff  of  the
     warmth  and  light,  as  the  verse  states   meaning,  if our time  of youth and            ered  around the    directly if you are interested in joining  Susan Schwaid Early Learning Center.
     (Deuteronomy  4:24),  “for  the  L-rd   education is fiery and steaming – then               bonfire for smores,   Sarasota BBYO at the convention.   The  Feast  opens with  a  performance
     your G-d is a consuming fire.” Cold-  some of that warmth will be retained in                learned about Jew-      The Sarasota BBYO board is in the  by each class of a song and dance.
     ness reflects the notion of apathy and   our later years.                   Jessica Zimmerman  ish identity and   process  of  preparing  its  Spring  Term  The children also wear  T-shirts and
     indifference along with a lack of moti-  A famous rabbi once said, “Your   culture globally, participated in AZAA   Calendar.  To be added to our email  costumes that they created just for the
     vation to get anything done.         child  will  care about  the  things that   and BBGG sports programming, and   list  and receive  updates,  email  me  at  Thanksgiving Feast.
        One of the biggest challenges that   you are truly passionate about.” In oth-  so much more.  What truly made the I hope to   “The  children worked extremely
     faces the Jewish world today is apa-  er words, whatever our children see us   convention so unique was  the diver-  hear from you and welcome you to  hard to perform for parents and grand-
     thy – not ignorance,  misconceptions   getting excited about, that will be the   sity of teens represented  throughout   BBYO Sarasota.            parents  alike,” stated  Susan Schwaid
     or even misguidance. When someone    message to them about what is impor-  our region and their mu-                                                Early  Learning  Center  staffer  Tammy
     is misguided but still passionate about   tant in life. We may want to ask our-  tual passion for exploring                                        Libera. “They practiced their songs and
     his or her Judaism, their searching will   selves: Do our children see our anger   what  Judaism  means  to                                        spoke about what  Thanksgiving is all
     lead them to the right conclusions. But   over the glass cup that they broke at the   them.                                                        about and what they are thankful for.
     if we are apathetic to our Jewishness,   dinner table, or our outrage at the guy   With  all  this talk                                                “To kick off the performance they
     then we don’t even care to investigate   who just cut us off through a red light?   about  the  convention,                                        sang ‘Buenos Dias,’ followed by ‘Pavo
     how  this can apply in our lives.  We   Or do they see us beam with pride and   you might be thinking,                                             Pavito  Pavo,’ a Spanish song about
     simply don’t care.                   joy over the kindness that they had   when is the next con-                                                   a turkey,” she added. “‘The  Turkey
        So how do we stay warm? How       just  performed?  Do  they  witness  our   vention  and how can I      BBGs (B’Nai Brith Girls) of NFR at FallCon  Hokey-Pokey,’  ‘Do  the  Turkey  Hop’
                                                                                                                                                        and ‘All You Turkeys Dance Around’
                                                                                                                                                        concluded the performance.”
                                                                                                                                                            Following the show, a potluck
                                                                                                                                                        lunch featuring Thanksgiving foods as
                                                                                             APPLY NOW                                                  well as the favorite foods of preschool
                                                                                                                                                        families  was served, along with an
                                                                                                                                                        abundance of beautiful homemade des-
                                                                                  PRE-KINDERGARTEN – GRADE 12


          CORE VALUES                                                                                                                                          E  ducat            ion
              INTEGRITY                                                                                                                                    Scholarship
               SERVICE                                                                                                                                           Program
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                                                                                                                                                            APPLICATION WINDOW JANUARY 1 - APRIL 6
                                                                                                                                                              The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee will award more than $90,000
                                                                                                                                                             in education scholarships to eligible students for the 2020-2021 school year.

                                                                                                                                                                 $5,000                $4,000            AWARDS VARY

                                                                                                                                                                Jacqueline Siegel-   Ned and Janet Sinder     The Jewish
                                                                                                                                                               Frascella Scholarship    Scholarship           Federation
              100%                                                                                                                                                                                          Scholarship Fund

              COLLEGE                   Inspiring                                                                                                                $2,000                $1,000             Ronald and Geri Yonover
           ACCEPTANCE                                                                                                                                          Michelson Interfaith    Betty Schoenbaum Fund  Scholarship
                                                                                                                                                                  $500                Renewable          Get more information
                                                                                                                                                                                      for  4 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and download the
                                                                                                                                                             B’nai B’rith Gulf Coast Lodge   Melissa Wides Foundation   brochure at the
                                                  Character education and our core values define the ODA experience.                                              Scholarship        Education Scholarship  website below.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                               APPLY ONLINE AT
                                                                                                                                                             For more information contact
             Historic Siesta Key Campus: Pre-K - Grade 5 | Uihlein Campus in Lakewood Ranch: Grades 6 - 12                                                   Lisa Feinman at
                                                                                                                                                             or 941.706.0034                        The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish LIfe
                                                                                                                                                                                                              580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
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