Page 9 - Jewish News_October-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS October 2020 9
Federation Celebration...continued from page 7
as well as our Jewish community, are Morasha (Legacy) Award
the lucky benefactors. As head of the Bobbi and Don Bernstein, nominated
College Scholarship Committee, Mar- by Rich Bergman: “The Bernsteins are
sha works tirelessly to ensure that area deserving recipients of the Morasha A concierge practice devoted to internal medicine and wellness.
A concierge practice devoted to internal medicine and wellness.
students receive much-needed funds to (Legacy) award. They believe that they
attend college and vocational schools. are able to enjoy life’s benefits because
Marsha also spent considerable time those who came before us left a legacy Proudly supporting our
Proudly supporting our
over the last two years to complete our for them, and they, in turn, will do the
Jewish community.
2019 Jewish Community Study, which same for future generations. The cou- Jewish community.
identified the tremendous growth in ple has established legacy gifts through
our community, and provided tools to our LIFE & LEGACY program for both
help organizations plan for the future.” our Jewish Federation and for Temple
Atid (Futures) Award Emanu-El. In addition, they established Steven W. Fineman, M.D.
Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Merrill Wynne, nominated by Rich an endowment for our new Federation Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Bergman: “A retired partner in a presti- campus. Their philosophy of “give
gious Atlanta accounting firm, commu- while you live, where you live” has
nity activist, Federation board member been a blessing for our Jewish Feder- EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE. EXTRAORDINARY CARE.
and Development Chair for our campus ation and our entire community. Their Call (941) 954-9990
Call (941) 954-9990
capital campaign, Merrill Wynne is the legacy will live on for many years.” Visit
perfect choice for this award. Merrill Avodah (Service) Award Visit
understands how our new campus will Ed Cohen, nominated by Marty Katz:
help provide a safe, healthy and loving “Retired lawyer and judge Ed Cohen
home for our Jewish community for is a proofreader for The Jewish News. SPMF_JN-0619_MECH.indd 1 7/2/19 2:01 PM
many generations to come. Merrill is His sharp eye has been instrumental
active with the Child Protection Cen- in keeping us on our toes and he of-
ter, Josh Provides Epilepsy Assistance ten finds errors that no one else does.
Foundation, and many organizations May we all have such a keen mind at
supporting Israel and our Jewish peo- 95 years old!” FELDMAN
ple. He and his wife Sheila have three Acharai (Follow Me) Award
daughters and four grandchildren to Ellyn Bender and Christine Elliot, nom- WEALTH ADVISORY
help with his dream for a bright Jewish inated by Howard Tevlowitz: “Syna-
future for all of us.” gogues have been the heart and soul of
Kehilah (Community) Award our Jewish community for millennia, JOSEPH M. FELDMAN, CFP ®
Kurt Hoffman, nominated by Jessi and those who run them are our com- CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™ PROFESSIONAL
Sheslow: “Sheriff-elect Hoffman has munity’s unsung heroes. Today, syna-
been a friend of the Federation for gogues also face challenges related to 941.260.9174 | JFELDMAN@FELDMANWA.COM |
some time. We never thought the day COVID-19, changing demographics
would come when we would need the and the recent string of antisemitic acts INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL PLANNING INSURANCE
iff’s office behind us, but unfortunately, recognize two outstanding individu- ADVISERS, INC., A SEC REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR. 130 SPRINGSIDE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44333. 800-765-5201. FELDMAN WEALTH
we did this past summer. Sheriff-elect als who have exhibited extraordinary
Hoffman made sure his entire team leadership qualities in the face of these
worked to make the Jewish commu- challenges. Ellyn Bender, president of
nity feel safer. For his leadership and Temple Sinai, and Christine Elliot, ex-
friendship, Kurt Hoffman wholeheart- ecutive director of Temple Emanu-El,
edly deserves the Kehilla award.” both serve as role models not only for
Zachor (Never Forget) Award their respective synagogues, but for our
Bette Zaret, nominated by Jessi Shes- overall Jewish community. We appreci-
low: “Bette Zaret is a force to be reck- ate their hearts, caring and leadership.”
oned with. She is an amazing partner Ish Chayil (Man of Valor) Award
and chair of the Heller CRC’s Holo- Michael Ritter, nominated by Howard
caust sub-committee. She never stops Tevlowitz: “Men of valor have three
thinking about how to assist our com- distinct characteristics: strength, cour-
munity to ‘Never Forget;’ she will age and passion. As our Immediate Past
come to me with seven ideas that ‘just President and current Fundraising De-
came to her.’ I am always excited when velopment Chair, as well as a member
I see an email from Bette entitled ‘I of our Finance and Audit committees,
think you’ll love this!’ because it’s typ- Mike has consistently demonstrated re-
ically her incredible mind at work for silient strength, unflappable courage and
Holocaust education. I am fortunate to intense passion for the well-being of our Though we are physically distancing ourselves for the health &
have Bette as a supportive committee entire Jewish community. He has been safety of all of us, we are continuing to find ways to socially &
leader. ‘Never Forget’ is in her blood.” my partner-in-crime and now, proudly,
Halutzim (Pioneer) Award our Federation’s Man of Valor.” emotionally connect, grow and celebrate. Please refer to Temple
Mel Taub, nominated by Howard Kehilah Ha’argonit Sinai's website and Facebook pages for a vast array of events
Tevlowitz: “Jewish organizations in (Corporate Community) Award delivered right to your home!
Sarasota and Manatee counties will Sabal Palm Bank, nominated by Kim
enjoy a new culture of safety and se- Adler: “Neil McCurry, Jr. and his team
curity, including trainings, facility as- at Sabal Palm Bank have been wonder-
sessments, security consultations and ful partners to work with through very
collaborative law enforcement rela- challenging times. Sabal Palm Bank is
tionships thanks to Mel Taub. Mel, a committed to the success of our Feder-
Federation board member, graciously ation and has been ready, willing and
agreed to serve as chair of our Feder- able to help us in all of our endeav-
ation’s inaugural Security Committee. ors. We look forward to the evolution
With an extensive technology back- of this relationship in the months and
ground, Mel has played a critical role years ahead.”
in planning for The Larry & Mary Please join us at the Federation #InnovativeReform
Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Celebration to honor those who have
Life, and was a member of the hiring made such a difference in our Jewish 4631 South Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231
committee for our new Jewish Com- community. To RSVP, visit jfedsrq. (Enter off of Proctor Rd.)
munity Security Director. We are so org/events. For more information, con- 941-924-1802
grateful and appreciative for his help tact Jeremy Lisitza at jlisitza@jfedsrq.
venturing into this new territory.” org or 941.343.2113.