Page 7 - Jewish News_October-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS October 2020 7
Federation Celebration set for Sunday, November 8
which, over time, people have come to
trust.” By Gayle Guynup
She’s certainly doing something he Jewish Federation of Sara- a home on the Federation campus. to have them hear Holocaust survivor mittee. With his feet firmly planted in
right. Tablet’s readership is now about sota-Manatee’s will once again Now, owner and president of Evolve Howard Chandler, who accompanied both the STEP and Generation After
1 million readers per month. Tmark the accomplishments of Business Consulting, and parent of a Dave on his trip to Poland with CWB. worlds, David’s dedication to the needs
It was an article that appeared in the organization and its many lay future camper, Jaime is bound and de- He is an exemplar educator who has of both teens and survivors is evident,
Tablet that was the inspiration for the leaders and volunteers with its annu- termined to bring Jewish day camping provided local students with an in- and the reason why he is so deserving
book The 100 Most Jewish Foods. “We al awards ceremony at the Federation back to Sarasota. Her leadership of the credible view of the history of the Ho- of this award. And also…his accent is
had done a variety of lists, such as 101 Celebration. The virtual event, chaired Day Camp Committee, and her enthu- locaust. This is why he deserves our delightful!”
Great Jewish Books and 100 Great by Marsha Eisenberg, will begin on siasm and dedication to creating a sum- Chinuch award.” Hatikva (Hope) Award
Jewish Movies, and we decided the Sunday, November 8 at 3:00 p.m., and mer experience for Jewish campers, The Betty Schoenbaum David Weiman, nominated by Jessi
next natural thing would be food,” she will include a State of the Federation has ignited interest and support from Heart-to-Heart Award Sheslow: “David Weiman is new to the
explained. “Together, these were meant address by Board of Directors Presi- lay and professional leaders. Jaime is Hadassah and Martin Strobel, nomi- Heller Community Relations Commit-
to create a sense of dent Randon Carvel, remarks by CEO the quintessential young leader.” nated by Rich Bergman: “For all of us tee but doesn’t stand on the sidelines.
what the Jewish cul- Howard Tevlowitz, and a groundbreak- Ahava (Love) Award who know and love them, Hadassah As a sabra Israeli who spent his high
tural inheritance is.” ing ceremony of the new Federation Geri and Lenny Drexler, nominated by and Marty Strobel are deserving recip- school years in the U.S., he has a strong
The online arti- campus. Kim Adler: “Two of the kindest peo- ients of this year’s Betty Schoenbaum pro-Israel voice that he uses well. Bring-
cle on food was very “Our annual Federation Celebra- ple you will ever meet, Geri and Len- Award. Also known as the “Heart-to- ing Israeli cultural programming that
popular and created tion allows us the opportunity to ex- ny Drexler are incredible ambassadors Heart” award, it was named in hon- ensures younger generations continue
a lot of online con- press our appreciation for volunteers for our Federation. Geri serves on our or of the way Betty liked to give and their love and support of Israel and the
versation. So, the and donors who have made such a dif- LIFE & LEGACY Committee and is receive hugs. This beautiful couple Jewish people is a top priority for Da-
idea for the book was ference in the past year. Although our a staple at our events. Lenny has served shows us their hearts every day by be- vid. He brings hope for our future.”
born. “The story of Celebration will be virtual, it will be on our board for many years and al- ing “Torch” donors for our Federation, Yad Chazakah (Strong Hand) Award
the Jews spans hu- as heartwarming as ever,” said Carvel. ways answers the call – serving on virtually attending and supporting all Larry Haspel, nominated by Kim Ad-
man history, so we The 2020 awardees were chosen by committees, making thank you calls to of our programs and events, as well ler: “With his vast experience in busi-
looked at the foods Federation staff to recognize volunteers donors and helping out at events. And as supporting Israel and Jewish people ness development, Larry Haspel has
that were most oper- and lay leaders for their hard work this they still find time to support their syn- around the world. Their love and gen- been an incredible partner in developing
ative in that story,” past year bringing together the Federa- agogue and the Jewish Club of Lake- erosity help our Federation stay heart plans for our upcoming Event Center on
she said. From that, they created “an tion and the Sarasota-Manatee commu- wood Ranch.” strong and healthy.” the Federation campus. As Campus Uti-
admittedly imperfect list.” nity. This year’s award recipients are: The Chinuch (Education) Award L’Dor V’Dor (Generation lization sub-committee chair, Larry has
“Our goal was to spark conver- Doris Loevner Memorial Dave Oness, nominated by Jessi Shes- to Generation) Award dedicated countless hours to meetings
sation, to get people talking, sharing Young Leadership Award low: “Dave Oness is an educator at David Grace, nominated by Andrea with contractors, vendors and service
ideas and creating their own lists,” she Jaime Marco, nominated by Lisa Fein- Sarasota High School. He was part Eiffert: “David Grace has been a stead- providers, and has helped to draft pro-
said. With contributions from food per- man: “Jaime Marco demonstrates the of our inaugural class of Classrooms fast volunteer and supporter of The posals to ensure the Federation’s future
sonalities including Eric Ripert, Mi- impact that Jewish day camping has Without Borders (CWB). Dave soaks Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana- success with its campus project.”
chael Solomonov, Tom Colicchio and on fostering Jewish adults who are up every bit of knowledge he gains tee for several years. He splits his vol- Ayshet Chayil
Ruth Reich, to name but a few, The 100 active in their communities and pas- from this program, not only while ac- unteer time between the Generations (Woman of Valor) Award
Most Jewish Foods, has drawn both sionate about sharing their formative tive but even now as an alum. He has After program for Holocaust survi- Marsha Eisenberg, nominated by Kim
critical and popular acclaim. experiences with others. Jaime grew brought Holocaust education to hun- vors and adult children of survivors, Adler: “Marsha Eisenberg is a woman
As NPR’s The Salt wrote, “[The up in Sarasota and attended the JCC dreds of high school students and even and as a member of the Shapiro Teen of many talents, and our Federation,
100 Most Jewish Foods] is a love letter day camp, both before and after it had set up a nearly 150 student assembly Engagement Program (STEP) Com- continued on page 9
to food, family, faith and identity, and
the deliciously tangled way they come Paid PoLiticaL adVertisement Paid PoLiticaL adVertisement
together.” (See Phil Jason’s review of
the book on page 32.)
At the People of the Book virtu- FiGhtinG anti-semitism
al event on Wednesday, October 28
at 7:00 p.m., Newhouse said she will
“give people a behind-the-scenes look
at some of the most heated and most
fun controversies that came up in cre-
ating our list. It should be a lot of fun.”
For more information on these
two events, contact Jeremy Lisitza at
941.343.2113 or
To register, and for information on
all 25 events in the 2020-21 People
of the Book series, go to
books. Complete information can also
be found in the special People of the
Book insert in this issue of The Jewish
News. Paid PoLiticaL adVertisement Paid PoLiticaL adVertisement
Paid PoLiticaL adVertisement Paid PoLiticaL adVertisement
“The explosive rise of anti-semitism here in our own
backyard will not be tolerated. Drake Buckman will
represent our Jewish community in Tallahassee.
He is a strong supporter of Israel and embraces
the core Jewish value of tikkun olam.”
—Jerry FLeischer, President
sarasota county democratic Jewish caucus
Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Drake Buckman, Democrat for State Representative District 72
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