Page 3 - Jewish News_October-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          October 2020                                      3

     Helping to fight the stigma of mental illness

     By Marty Katz, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing
           rian and Joan Wides, London-   mental health professionals to become   works as a volunteer, says, “Our com-  boost  to  self-worth  and  self-confi-
           ers who now consider Sarasota   certified  Youth  Mental  Health  First   mitment  to Compeer  is the result of   dence.”
     Btheir snowbird home, wish they      Aid Instructors. Then, throughout the   our awareness of the stigma of having   The couple also gives generously
     had begun their philanthropy in earlier   year,  these  instructors  will  certify  lo-  mental illness and the need to end the   to JFCS of the Suncoast, assisting two
     years. “When our lives were extreme-  cal members of the Jewish community   social isolation of those with mental   programs: Camp Mariposa, which pro-
     ly busy bringing up children and pro-                                      health issues. Bunny Skirboll is posi-  vides weekend-long camps for children
     gressing our professions, we were not                                      tive and inspiring and gives tirelessly   impacted by addiction and trauma, and
     that involved in working for non-profit                                    of herself.”                          school-based  programs  in  lower  in-
     organizations,”  Brian  says.  “We  en-                                        Bunny says similar  kind words    come Sarasota County schools.
     courage others to make time, and mon-                                      about  the Wides. “They  are  the  most   Brian and Joan Wides’ impact on
     ey if possible, to become involved at                                      kind, generous, smart and unassuming   the  mental  health  community  in  our
     an earlier age. The fact that we’re now                                    people I know. They did not let their   region speaks volumes. Unfortunate-
     able to make some contributions  to                                        own personal tragedy stop them from   ly, there were not many mental health
     many lives is very fulfilling.”                                            helping  others  with  mental  illnesses   services  available  to their  daughter
        The Wides’ daughter Melissa suf-                                        in every way possible.”  Bunny adds,   when she was alive. “We have now
     fered from mental illness for 20 years                                     “They are true mensches!”             learned how much she could have been
     before she passed away in 2014. The                                            Their generosity does not stop    helped,  and we have  the  opportunity
     couple has now made it their life’s                                        there. The Wides like to support causes   to help others that still need that help.
     work  to  support  organizations  that         Joan and Brian Wides        where they can see the practical bene-  If we can help  people  in a practical
     combat a variety of mental illnesses.   who live and work closely with teens.   fits of their giving. They are involved   way, it’s a wonderful thing to do. We
        At  The Jewish Federation  of     It is a five-step action plan designed to   with the Academy at Glengary which   try to give people the opportunities she
     Sarasota-Manatee,  they  have  estab-  raise  awareness  and  help  adolescents   provides community reintegration and   never had.” Joan poignantly adds, “To
     lished the Melissa  Wides Foundation   suffering from a mental health or sub-  career training for adults with mental   be able to change someone’s life in a
     Education  Scholarship  Fund which   stance abuse crisis.                  health issues, in areas such as technol-  positive direction, even if just chang-
     awards college scholarships to those     Andrea  Eiffert,  Federation’s  Teen   ogy, graphic design, culinary & hospi-  es one person’s life, is a very precious
     who are  behaviorally  or emotionally   and Family Program Coordinator who   tality and customer service. Brian says,   thing.”
     challenged and those who are interest-  will be coordinating this new program,   “The future looks bleak for those with   For information  on how you can
     ed in pursuing the mental health pro-  says, “The  Wides’ commitment  and   mental illness. It gives them something   support The Jewish Federation of Sara-
     fession.  Specifically,  it  helps  students   caring  for individuals  struggling  with   positive to do and somewhere to go. It   sota-Manatee, please contact Ilene Fox
     with a financial need to attend a 2- to   their mental health is even more cru-  gives them hope and is a tremendous   at or 941.343.2111.
     4-year college, university or vocational   cial  now when so many people have
     program; who are challenged with psy-  been isolated, lost loved ones, are out
     chological, physical, cognitive, behav-  of work, etc. This program will have   Who does the Jewish community turn to for
     ioral or emotional limitations; or who   a direct and positive impact on many   the most trusted service in real estate?
     are planning to major in an area of un-  teens and families in our community.”
     dergraduate  study such as Psychiatry,   Major Gifts Officer Rich Bergman
     Psychology or Social Work. The Wides   says, “Brian and Joan understand that
     family has provided funds sufficient to   mental  health issues are widespread
     assist four students each year for each   and universal. Working with our Jew-
     of the years they attend school (up to   ish Federation, their vision is  to help
     four years).                         people  struggling  with  mental  health
        Lisa  Feinman,  Resource  Devel-  challenges  to restart  their  lives  and                      Contributing to the
     opment  Manager  who manages  the    make their lives better. Our communi-                            prosperity of our
     Federation’s college  scholarship pro-  ty is so fortunate to be the recipient of                   Jewish Community
     gram, says, “At the outset, Brian and   their love and leadership.”                                      since 1979!
     Joan take the time to get to know        Outside of the Federation,  the                         Ryan Ackerman     Barbara Ackerman
     each awardee and endeavor to keep in   Wides are very active  in the local                       941.387.1818               941.780.6045

 munity institutions to train on a variety  touch with them as their studies prog-  chapter of Compeer, which was creat-  #1 Small Team in Sarasota and Manatee County
 of topics from first aid to hurricane pre- ress. Their generosity and vision have   ed by Federation board member Bunny
 paredness,  assess  each  organization’s  opened  doors that  might  otherwise   Skirboll in Rochester, New York in the
 security needs, maintain collaborative  have remained closed.”   1970s. The program matches commu-
 relationships  with local  law enforce-  Brian  and Joan are also demon-  nity volunteers  in supportive friend-
 ment and oversee the hiring of addi- strating their deep compassion once   ship  relationships  with  children  and
 tional  security guards where needed.  again by sponsoring a new Federation   adults with mental health issues. Joan,
 Jeff will work collaboratively with two  program that  will enable  two local   who is on the Compeer board and also
 committees – one that addresses Fed-                                                                 WE BUY GOLD,
 eration’s security and safety needs, and                                                 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY.
 another  that  oversees   ADULTS
 those needs for our Jew-
 ish community  institu-  CHARITY         CULTURE
 Our Federation will  KIDS
 continue to do every-  JEWISH
 thing in its power to   CALENDAR
 provide a safe and se-          Your Hub
 cure future for our area   OF EVENTS
 Jewish institutions. Thank you to those   IN SARASOTA   for Jewish Events
 who have joined us in this effort and   AND MANATEE
 have generously given their time, tal-
 ents and tzedakah to support this im-
 portant initiative.
 To make a contribution to the Keep
 Us Safe Fund, please visit  LEARN
 KeepUsSafe or call 941.371.4546.  FAMILY                                                                         EST. 1979

                                                                                                1484 Main Street  |  Sarasota, FL                                                               (941) 312-5566  |
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