Page 6 - Jewish News_October-2020
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6 October 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
People of the Book...continued from page 4 People of the Book kicks off...continued from page 5
justice is itself an act of justice.” in a remarkable race that is still talk- Alana Newhouse which, over time, people have come to
Michael Dobbs’ The Unwanted ed about in racing circles to this day – Alana Newhouse is author/editor of trust.”
– America, Auschwitz, and a Village but which, soon after it ended, Hitler The 100 Most Jewish Foods, a com- She’s certainly doing something
Caught in Between, is the winner of attempted to completely erase from pendium of those foods that have had right. Tablet’s readership is now about
the 2019 Jewish Book Club Award for history. Bring- the most relevance to the Jewish story 1 million readers per month.
Holocaust Studies. It examines U.S. ing to life this throughout history. These are not the It was an article that appeared in
immigration policy under President glamorous era most delicious Jewish foods, or the Tablet that was the inspiration for the
Franklin D. Roosevelt through the and the sport most popular, but the most significant book The 100 Most Jewish Foods. “We
prism of a small Jewish communi- that defined it, throughout the ages. had done a variety of lists, such as 101
ty on the edge of the Black Forest. It Faster chroni- Newhouse is editor-in-chief of Great Jewish Books and 100 Great
describes the quest for U.S. visas at cles one of the Tablet, a daily online magazine that Jewish Movies, and we decided the
a time when, according to journalist most inspiring, focuses on Jewish news, politics, ideas next natural thing would be food,” she
Dorothy Thompson, “a piece of pa- death-defying and culture that was launched in 2009. explained. “Together, these were meant
per with a stamp on it” was “the dif- upsets of all The talented writer/ to create a sense of
ference between life and death.” The time: a symbo- editor grew up on Long what the Jewish cul-
Holocaust is a German story, first and lic blow against the Nazis during histo- Island, New York, at- tural inheritance is.”
foremost, but it has an American for- ry’s darkest hour. tended Barnard College, The online arti-
eign policy dimension, meticulously We thank our media sponsors for and worked in politics cle on food was very
explored in this book. helping us get the word out about this for a while after grad- popular and created
Neal Bascomb, the award-winning series: Observer Media Group, Saraso- uating from college. a lot of online con-
and New York Times bestselling author, ta Magazine and WUSF. She attended Colum- versation. So, the
is the final presenter in this series. As The Federation staff responsible bia’s Graduate School idea for the book was
Nazi Germany launched its campaign for the People of the Book series and of Journalism, and then born. “The story of
of racial terror and pushed the world to- these add-on events are working hard went to work as religion the Jews spans hu-
ward war, three misfits banded together to ensure you are kept engaged and reporter and culture ed- man history, so we
to challenge Hitler’s dominance at the enriched with author/book programs itor at The Forward, a looked at the foods
apex of motorsport: the Grand Prix. throughout the 2020-21 season. Please publication dedicated that were most oper-
Their quest for redemption culminated join us at these exciting events. to covering the issues, Alana Newhouse ative in that story,”
ideas and institutions of importance to she said. From that, they created “an
For a complete schedule American Jews. About 12 years ago admittedly imperfect list.”
“Our goal was to spark conver-
she left to start Tablet.
of events, admission “It’s so hard today to remember a sation, to get people talking, sharing
information, author time when the internet seemed like a ideas and creating their own lists,” she
said. With contributions from food per-
good thing,” she said. “Twelve years
bios and book synopses, ago, though, it felt like a really good sonalities including Eric Ripert, Mi-
PEOPLE OF THE BOOK see the eight-page thing.” chael Solomonov, Tom Colicchio and
Newhouse’s goal was to connect
insert in this issue or with Jews across the country whom Ruth Reich, to name but a few, The 100
Most Jewish Foods, has drawn both
she otherwise would not have had the
critical and popular acclaim.
opportunity to meet. “The internet does
As NPR’s The Salt wrote, “[The
100 Most Jewish Foods] is a love letter
allow us to make those types of con-
nections,” she said.
to food, family, faith and identity, and
Newhouse hired a group of tal-
together.” (See Phil Jason’s review of
we are FED ented editors from across the country the deliciously tangled way they come
the book on page 32.)
– from the Associated Press, Vanity
At the People of the Book virtu-
Fair, The New York Times and other
publications – and went to work on
al event on Wednesday, October 28
at 7:00 p.m., Newhouse said she will
Tablet. “Twelve years later,” she said,
“give people a behind-the-scenes look
“the internet is a real challenge. It has
at some of the most heated and most
totally changed the way we get our in-
is a tremendous amount of misinfor-
ating our list. It should be a lot of fun.”
Engaging Jewish Lives formation and communicate. But there fun controversies that came up in cre-
mation and outright false information
For more information on these
out there, and it can be difficult to sift two events, contact Jeremy Lisitza at
through it all.” 941.343.2113 or
The problem, she says, is that all To register, and for information on
of this misinformation has created an all 25 events in the 2020-21 People
“implicit mistrust” of media outlets. of the Book series, go to
“At Tablet, we do our very best to books. Complete information can also
change that by adhering to the rules be found in the special People of the
of traditional journalism that we were Book insert in this issue of The Jewish
all taught. We have created a product News.
e take great pride in engaging Jewish lives in our community.
WFrom embracing Jewish cinema through our Jewish Film Festival
and Just Reel Films, to celebrating Jewish thought leaders at Women’s Day
and the Community Lecture, to viewing the latest exhibits during our
Club Fed bus trips, your Federation is dedicated to bringing the best in Jewish
programming to our Sarasota-Manatee community.