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2                         October 2020                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                Celebrating legacy

                                                                                donors, virtually

         NATIONAL                                              MONTH            By Gisele Pintchuck, LIFE & LEGACY™ Director

                                                                                          hat  would have  been  an-  Sholom, the largest Modern Orthodox
                                                                                          other beautiful evening in a   synagogue in New England.
                                                                                                                          In a world in flux, Rabbi Cohen’s
         FIRST TIME EVER EVENT                                                  Wballroom filled with legacy          engaging and captivating  style draws
                                                                                donors and  community  partners,  will
              25% Off ALL                         18-Month                      now be virtual. Our LIFE & LEGA-
                                                                                CY™ Community Celebration  2020,
         Karastan Carpet                          Financing                     expressing deep gratitude for the com-
                                                                                mitment  and  generosity  of our local
                                                                                LIFE & LEGACY donors, will take
                 LIFETIME INSTALLATION GUARANTEE!                               place  on  Thursday, November 12 at
                                                                                7:00  p.m. We  will  come  together  via
                                                                                Zoom  to  celebrate  the  accomplish-
                                                                                ments of all LIFE & LEGACY partners
                                                                                during a time when our lives changed
                                                                                dramatically. Even so, philanthropy re-
                                                                                mained a priority to many individuals.
                                                                                    This past May, the LIFE & LEGA-
                                                                                CY program reached $1 billion in esti-
                                                                                mated gifts promised by 17,000 donors
                                                                                nationwide.  Locally, our 10 partners           Rabbi Daniel Cohen
         G. Fried Sarasota  |  941-584-8158                                     have secured $19 million in estimated   on timeless  stories and strategies  en-
            5990 South Tamiami Trail  |  Sarasota, FL 34231                     gifts through over 600 Letters of Intent   abling  each  individual  to  maximize
          M-F 9:30am-6pm  |  Sat 9:30am-5pm  |  Sun Closed                      since the program’s launch in 2017. It is   every moment while leading a life of
                                                                                truly a testament that the LIFE & LEG-  impact and legacy.
           G. Fried Tampa  |  813-642-7100                 OF THE YEAR          ACY program has successfully grown        “His personal experience as a rab-
                                                                                endowments to help fund
                                                                                                                                 bi,  sharing  life-affirming
                                                 OF THE YEAR
                                                AWARD 2018
           231 Brandon Town Center Dr.  |  Brandon, FL 33511   AWARD 2018       the future of Jewish com-                        moments, combined with
                                                          LONGBOAT KEY
                                                 LONGBOAT KEY
          M-F 9:30am-7pm  |  Sat 9:30am-5pm  |  Sun 12-4pm                      munities  throughout the                         his humor and humanity,
                                                                                U.S. and Canada.                                 provide him with a unique
                                                                                    Our virtual  celebra-                        narrative.  We look for-
                                                                                tion event will feature                          ward to sharing this eve-
           Your Source For Fine Flooring Since 1930                             Rabbi  Daniel  Cohen,  au-                       ning  with  Rabbi  Cohen,
                                                                                                                                 our LIFE & LEGACY
                                                                                thor of  What Will They
                                                          Say About You When You                           donors and our commu-
                                                                                Are Gone? Creating a Life                        nity partners,” said Nelle
                                                                                of Legacy. He is co-host of                      Miller, LIFE & LEGACY
                                                                                the  nationally  syndicated                      Community Chair.
                                                                                radio show, The Rabbi and                        mation about LIFE &
        IT’S SO                                                                 erend Greg Doll. Rabbi Cohen writes   LEGACY and to register for the Com-
                   ’S S
                                                                                the Reverend, with Rev-
                                                                                for the Huffington Post blog, and is a
                                                                                                                      munity Celebration, please contact me
                                                                                                                      at  941.706.0029  or  gpintchuck@jfed
                                                                                Bottom Line, Inc. expert. He serves as
                                                                                Senior Rabbi of Congregation Agudath
        EASY!                                                                   Federation’s Keep Us Safe Fund...continued from page 1
                                                                                ed Fund. These funds will be used to
                                                                                                                      munity institutions to train on a variety
                                                                                assist area Jewish institutions with in-
                                                                                                                      of topics from first aid to hurricane pre-
                                                                                creasing their security presence, to pro-
                                                                                                                      security needs, maintain collaborative
                                                                                vide training for staff and volunteers,   paredness,  assess  each  organization’s
                                                                                and to support the hiring of a Jewish   relationships  with local  law enforce-
                                                                                Community Security Director.          ment and oversee the hiring of addi-
             You can now become a monthly donor to your                             Through our Federation’s part-    tional  security guards where needed.
             favorite organization, The Jewish Federation                       nership with the  Secure  Community   Jeff will work collaboratively with two
             of Sarasota-Manatee!                                               Network (SCN), we have created  a     committees – one that addresses Fed-
                                                                                community-wide  organizational  secu-
                                                                                                                      eration’s security and safety needs, and
                                                                                                                                   another  that  oversees   ADULTS
                                                                                                                                   those needs for our Jew-
            IN LESS THAN 60 SECONDS, you can easily set up                                                                         ish community  institu-                    CHARITY        CULTURE
            a recurring gift of $18, $25, $50 — any amount —                                            KeepUsSafe                 tions.
                                                                                                                                      Our Federation will
            per month and it will automatically be processed                                            FUND                       continue to do every- KIDS      JEWISH
            and credited to you.  With less administrative                                                                         thing in its power to         CALENDAR
            processing, that means more of your money goes                                         provide a safe and se-        OF EVENTS           Your Hub
                                                                                                                                   cure future for our area
            to where it’s needed most — to the Federation’s                     rity structure  designed to protect  its   Jewish institutions. Thank you to those   IN SARASOTA     for Jewish Events
            work at the forefront of Jewish life here in                        synagogues and Jewish agencies in     who have joined us in this effort and       AND MANATEE
                                                                                                                      have generously given their time, tal-
                                                                                which the new security director plays
            Sarasota-Manatee.                                                   a critical role. Our Jewish Community   ents and tzedakah to support this im-
                                                                                Security Director, Jeff Solomon, comes   portant initiative.
                                                                                                                          To make a contribution to the Keep
                  Visit and select                           to our community  with an extensive   Us Safe Fund, please visit            LEARN
                                                                                background in policing and terrorism.
        “Make my Donation Monthly Recurring.”                                   Jeff will work together with our com-  KeepUsSafe or call 941.371.4546.  FAMILY
                                                                                  PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS

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