Page 34 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 34

34A                         October 2021                                                                           COMMENTARY

     Withdrawal from Afghanistan and its impact

     on Israel and the Middle East

     By Harold M. Halpern
        n  this  column,  written  before  the   build it into a modern country. She was   ing after, we ask but have no answers.   greater hegemony in the Middle East,
        High Holidays, I had intended to   of  the  mind  of  those  Jewish  philoso-  Will the success of the Taliban in spit-  particularly  in  Lebanon  and  Iraq  as
     Ispeculate  how  those  present  at   phers  who  believed  that  God  was  in   ting  out  the  United  States  embolden   well as destabilizing other countries in
     Mount Sinai would react to the mod-  the process of withdrawing from direct   Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran to test Is-  the area by support of militant proxies.
     ern State of Israel if we transported   engagement  with  the  Jewish  people,   rael and the United States by increased   These  questions  have  no answers
     them there today. Surely, for them, Is-  placing upon them the responsibility of   attacks on Israel? Already we have seen   but only speculation. We are not near
     rael would be the indisputable proof of   Tikkun Olam, perfection of the world.  increased  activity  along  the  borders   “the morning after the morning after.”
                      God’s  existence  –     But  recent  events  in  Afghanistan   with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in   Let us hope that Afghanistan is not the
                      God’s modern mir-   take me away from sharing my views    the north. I think we can safely answer   prelude of American disengagement.
                      acle.  They  would   of our partnership with God in the mir-  that Israel will do whatever is required   Right now, Covid dominates pub-
                      not understand the   acle  of  the  reestablishment  of  Israel.   to defend itself.  However, does this   lic discourse in Israel, which is trying
                      skepticism  of  to-  Instead, I write about the implications   mean Israel will be compelled to use   to bring it under control, while it is at
                      day. They  would    to  Israel  of  the  American  departure   more force in protecting its security in   the same time enhancing relations with
                      look about in awe   from Afghanistan.                     the West Bank and Gaza as well as in   Egypt, Jordan and Abrahamic partners
                      at the human con-       As I wrote in an earlier column, we   the north of the country – and against   with  some  success  for  their  mutual
                      dition,  the  desert   have seen the pictures of Afghans des-  Iran, arousing the antipathy of its crit-  economic  and  security  benefit.  Israel
       Harold M. Halpern  in bloom, the ease   perately trying to escape. Tom Fried-  ics, but more importantly endangering   and the Palestinian Authority continue
     of travel, the plenty of food, the cures   man  of  The New York Times penned   civilian and military lives and damage   to work together to maintain security
     of illness, and say in unison, without   an opinion piece about the chaos at the   to an economy trying to recover from   keeping both Israel and the PA protect-
     a doubt, “We have again witnessed the   Kabul  airport.  He  wrote,  “When  big   Covid?                         ed from terrorists.
     power of God!”                       events happen (in the Middle East), al-   Iran  was  the  principal  item  on   The  Israeli  governing  coalition
        My  maternal  grandfather  was  a   ways distinguish between the morning   the  agenda  for  the  meetings  of  Isra-  of  eight  parties  with  different  policy
     Chasid.  In  his  time,  many  Orthodox   after and the morning after the morning   el  Prime  Minister  Naftali  Bennett  on   outlooks and a one-vote majority has
     Jews  believed  that  the  Jewish  peo-  after, when the full weight of history…  August  25-27  with  the American  ad-  succeeded in the art of compromise to
     ple would return home to Israel (then   asserts (itself).”                 ministration,  including  President  Joe   reconcile  their  differences  and  main-
     Palestine) only by an act of God. My     We are not in the after the morn-  Biden. The  Prime  Minister  expressed   tain the status quo in areas on which
     mother,  in  1923,  wanted  to  join  Ha-  ing  after.  Yet,  the  consensus  appears   his opposition to renewal of the nuclear   they can’t agree. This must continue in
     dassah  but  she  was  concerned  about   that  the  Taliban  succeeded  in  uniting   agreement with Iran and the release of   the adoption of a budget by November
     her father’s reaction. So, as she often   the  otherwise  many  disparate  tribes   sanctions, and supported development   4,  the  failure  of  which  automatically
     told me the story, he said to her, “Who   in Afghanistan against an invader, the   of an alternative Plan B to contain Iran   dissolves  the  Knesset,  forcing  anoth-
     said God can’t use a little help?” Giv-  United States. But now that they have   as  urged  by  Defense  Minister  Benny   er  election.  Significantly,  Ra’am,  the
     en this reaction, she became an ardent   succeeded, the unanswered question is   Gantz.  The  President  told  the  Prime   Israeli Arab  party  in  the  government
     Zionist  member  of  Hadassah,  writ-  whether they remain united to govern   Minister  that  there  are  “other  mea-  coalition,  is  well  integrated  into  this
     ing  and  speaking  throughout  western   by compromise and accommodation or   sures” if negotiations with Iran fails.  process, acting for the good of its con-
     New York until her last breath in 1992,   whether they will break up into quar-  We  still  must  ask  whether  Presi-  stituents and leaving to Prime Minister
     first to support the establishment of a   reling factions.                 dent Biden will support action by Isra-  Bennett and Alternate Prime Minister
     Jewish state and, after its creation, to   And in the morning after the morn-  el if its intelligence indicates that Iran   Yair Lapid, the decision making for the
                                                                                continues to develop a nuclear capabil-  protection of Israel.
                                                                                ity despite any renewed nuclear agree-    May the New Year be one of peace
                                                                                ment.                                 and stability.
                                                                                    And we must ask whether Israel’s   Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
                                                                                Arab partners in the Gulf will become   residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
                                                                                even closer to Israel for common sup-  board member of the American Asso-
                                                                                port against Iran and terrorism, or will   ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
                                                                                they hedge their bets and make accom-  and of the West Coast Chapter of the
                                                                                modation with Iran, enabling it to gain   American Jewish Committee.
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