Page 39 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                          October 2021                                     3B

     Local student fundraises her way
 Pam Baron: Community leader and JFCS Director of Aging
 Services retires after 17 years of dedicated service  into study-abroad scholarship

     By JD Krebs
          or Sitar Ben-Herut, a rising    and people of Israel, and in return re-  help – not just me, but other children   proaches, Ben-Herut, who has family
          sophomore  at  Riverview  High   ceive financial support.             in Israel.”                           in Israel, said that while she has been to
     FSchool in Sarasota, a semester          “It’s an incredible program,” Ben-    As Alexander  Muss High School    Israel before, she’s enthusiastic to have
     abroad was always part of the plan. All   Herut  said.  “It’s  not  just  me  getting   in  Israel’s  fall  semester  rapidly  ap-  a new perspective on her homeland.
     she had to figure out was the where and   money for a trip, but I’m actually get-                                    “I’m  excited  to  be  in  Israel  sur-
     the how.                             ting to do something with it and give                                       rounded by culture for a longer period,
        After deciding to go to Jewish Na-  back.”                                                                    and  I  think  it’s  going  to  completely
     tional  Fund-USA’s  (JNF-USA)  Alex-     Ben-Herut raised $5,000 through                                         change how I perceive Israel,” she said.
     ander Muss High School in Israel, she   Dream  Israel  in  support  of  children                                 “Now it’s a place I visit from time to
     started looking for scholarship oppor-  with  disabilities  in  Israel.  “It’s  the                              time, but staying there will truly make
     tunities to pay for it.              cause that I connected to the most on a                                     it feel like a home.”
        That’s when she discovered JNF-   personal level, and it’s something that                                         And she owes it all to JNF-USA’s
     USA’s Dream Israel Teen Travel Initia-  I’m passionate about.”                                                   Dream Israel for making this possible.
     tive.                                    Once she settled on a cause, Ben-                                           “There’s something  really  special
        Supported by JNF-USA’s Boruchin   Herut, who had never fundraised be-                                         about raising money to go to Israel by
     Center, Dream Israel makes it possible   fore, started educating her community                                   supporting Israel,” she said. “Having a
     for all  Jewish students,  regardless of   about why she was raising money.                                      scholarship that rewards me for doing
     religious  background  or  school  affil-  “I  reached  out  to  family,  friends                                something that’s already  rewarding –
     iation, to receive up to $7,500 in tui-  and  people  from  Temple  Sinai,”  she                                 it’s incredible!”
     tion  toward a  study-abroad  program.   said. “I told them why I wanted them                                        To learn more about Dream Israel,
     Through this program, students fund-  to donate  and what it was going                                           please contact Josh Mellits at jmellits
     raise  for  causes  that  support  the  land   toward, and what their donation would   Sitar Ben-Herut 

     Aviva Senior Living

 Please stay engaged with The FHM  installs new board
 online  through the Museum’s virtual
 tour, virtual  resources, online curric-  viva Senior Living recent-  tary;  Norm  Cohen,  Immediate  Past
 ulum, collections, Holocaust survivor   ly installed its new Board of   Chairman; along with Kenneth Stock,
 testimonies,  and on its social media  ATrustees for 2021-2022. Marc   Trustee  Emeritus.  Returning  trustees   Simple. Delicious. Done.
 pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  Kanoff,  Financial  Advisor  with  Ray-  include  Isabel  Becker,  Sheila  Birn-  Morton’s makes holiday shopping
 and LinkedIn.   mond James, has joined the board along   baum, Deborah Breslof, Bob Israeloff,   simple with a wonderful array of gift
 About The Florida   with  recent  additions,  Judye  Gold-  Jerry Lazar, Henry Mason, Hal Munter   baskets that can be tailored to suit
 Holocaust Museum  blatt  and Mel  Taub (Vice  President,   and Ron Paler.                anyone on your gift list.

 One of the largest Holocaust museums  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-   Aviva President and CEO Jay Sol-  Choose from champagne and caviar,
 in the country, and one of three nation- Manatee Board of Directors). Kanoff   omon  remarked,  “We  are  grateful  to   prime steaks, seasonal fruits, decadent
 ally  accredited  Holocaust  museums,  brings years of experience  working   have the strong support of this team of   chocolates, gourmet goodies and
 The Florida Holocaust Museum honors  with organizations in Sarasota as a   trustees to guide Aviva Senior Living   much more. Morton’s gift cards are
 the memory of millions of men, wom- board member for JFCS  of the Sun-  during this difficult time for the senior   always in good taste too.

 en and children who suffered or died in  coast and Bird Key Yacht Club.   healthcare industry. The pandemic has   Online ordering and
 the Holocaust. The FHM is dedicated                                                     delivery services available.
 to teaching members of all races and
 cultures the inherent worth and dignity
 of human life in order to prevent future
 genocides. For additional information,
 please visit                                                                                                     Serving the Sarasota
                                                                                                                              area for over 50 years

                                                                                      Historic Southside Village ∙ 1924 South Osprey Ave. ∙ Sarasota
                                                                                                  (941) 955-9856 ∙
               Aviva Board of Trustees: Judy Fox, Mel Taub, Jerry Lazar, Marc Lazarus,
               Sheila Birnbaum, Jay Solomon, Gordon Metsky, Ken Stock, Debbi Breslof
        Officers  for  the  coming  year  are   challenged  all  of  us, and  this  group
     Marc Lazarus, Chairman; Seth Rosen-  of trustees has provided guidance                                                SERVING THE JEWISH
     berg,  MD,  Vice  Chairman;  Gordon   throughout. I look forward to working       L’Dor                               COMMUNITY SINCE 1978
                                                                                                                           Charter Members of Temple Sinai
     Metsky,  Treasurer; Judy Fox, Secre-  with them during the coming year.                  V’Dor                        Selling Real Estate

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