Page 43 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                           October 2021                                     7B

                                                                                  A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ
                                                                                  Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with
                                                                                  books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,
                                                                                  families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
                                                                                  socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –
                                                                                  affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely
                                                                                  free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-
                                                                                  tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.

     PJ Library welcomes new chair

     and a new calendar of events

     By Alicia Casals, Incoming Chair, PJ Library
          halom! I am honored to be the   gram for our daughter. Personally, PJ   daily due to the pandemic, that is okay   daily  prayers:  “Every  day  creation  is
          Incoming  Chair  of  PJ  Library   is now a part of our daily lives, from   because if there is anything we have   renewed.”
     SSarasota-Manatee. To be part of     reading our amazing PJ books to plan-  learned in this past year and a half, it   For more information about PJ
     such an amazing, engaging  and wel-  ning and executing  fun crafts and    is resilience. After all, as Rabbi Deb-  Library, please contact Jessi Sheslow
     coming program for families raising   get-togethers.                       orah Waxman says, “The capacity for   at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@jfedsrq.
     Jewish children in our kehillah (com-    The  years 2020 and  2021 have    resilience  has been woven into the   org.
     munity)  is extremely  important  to   been extremely hard and confusing for   fabric  of Judaism  over  thousands of
                       me.  I  have  been   everyone,  especially  for our children.   years.”                                  STAY
                       a  PJ volunteer    Thankfully, we have  had  an amazing      Our PJ community will be here for
                       and then a board   group of volunteers led by Teen & Fam-  safe in-person get-togethers as well as
                       member     since   ily Programs Manager Jessi Sheslow    engaging and exciting virtual kinship.   CONNECTED
                       2019, as well as   and  Community  Connector  MG  Ber-   Programs and activities  such as our
                       the go-to craft    man, who  have made being involved    outdoor Picnic and Play, Science Sun-
                       mom!               within the PJ community during shut-  day and Afikoman Hunt will bring our
                           My    family   downs fun and engaging. We all made   community  together  for those  times
                       and  I  have  been   sure to participate virtually as often as   when we can meet in person. We will
                       a part of Saraso-  we could with fun crafts, amazing ed-  also have our fun crafts along with our
         Alicia Casals  ta  since  1992.  I   ucational packets, videos and delicious   educational,  creative  and  enjoyable
     even had my Bat Mitzvah and Confir-  recipes, in which everything revolves   packets that you can do as a family at
     mation here! I moved to Tampa for a   around Jewish customs and values.    home.
     short period of time but missed Sara-    Even  though  we  were  apart,  we    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee  is
     sota far too much. My husband Henry   always  had  our PJ community  a  sin-  here  for our children  their  parents,
     and I moved back in 2016 and had our   gle click away! Our little program has   their grandparents and our community.
     daughter Lola in 2018.               since turned into a force to be reckoned   Because of this, our future is bright. I
        I  learned  about  PJ  Library  while   with.                           encourage you to follow our Facebook
     I was pregnant and was thrilled to be-   What will our 2022 PJ communi-    page to join the vibrant online commu-        .com/jfedsrq
     come a part of such an amazing pro-  ty look like? While things can change   nity. I will leave you with this from our

                                                     A          p     p      l  e    s

                        & &                                                                                         PJ SRQ was so happy to usher in the
                          H                      o          n           ey                                          new year with our families, in a COVID

                                                                                                                    safe way. We loved seeing your faces
                                                                                                                    and hope you loved our gift bag. Very
                                                                                                                     special thanks to Lauren Hofing for
                                             D   r i ve  - U  p   E ve   n  t                                      donating her local honey, Sandy Klein at
                                             Drive-Up Event
                                                                                                                    AVIVA for making the teddy bears, and
                                                                                                                     Detweiler’s for providing the apples!

                                 June Weiner                                  Lola Casals
                               can’t wait to taste                            is so happy
                                  the honey!                                 with her new

                                                                                                                                         MG Berman
                                                                                                                                          gives a
                                                                                                                                        happy family
                                                                                                                                          gift bag.

            Asher Weber                                                                              Maddox
             loves his                                Logan Goparian                                 Redavid
           Apples & Honey                                with his                                   has a new
             gift bag.                                  Teddy Bear.                                  buddy!

         For more information on PJ Library, including a listing of upcoming PJ events, go to
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