Page 42 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 42
6B October 2021 FOCUS ON YOUTH
cus on Y
Focus on Youth
Now more than ever is a time to find your community
10 repetitive themes: what builds valuable relationships and and sometimes we’re vulnerable, and
Support and Safety gives us a deeper sense of belonging. It that we need the support of others to
During the uncertainty and stress of helps us to reach our goals and brings avoid unnecessary emotional struggles
this pandemic, there has never been a sense of security. Togetherness is so and pain.
a more important time to help others central to our experience as humans. Passion
struggling with their mental and phys- Feeling we are part of something big- Having an outlet for their feelings and
ical well-being. It is more important ger can help give meaning to our lives. passions, gives people the opportunity
now than ever to have a strong support Finding others with the same values, to share them.
network in place. Community helps interests and world views makes us Success
fight feelings of hopelessness and gives realize that we’re not alone and that we The importance of community goes be-
us the certainty that we are safe when are valued. Belonging highlights why yond the personal sphere and extends
surrounded by people. community is necessary: being ac- to professional development. Since the
Education Corner Influence cepted into a group gives us a stronger pandemic began, we’ve seen a stronger
By Bethany Leinweber Community participation becomes sense of self and can help us cope with focus on supporting local businesses,
empowerment. Experiencing the posi-
negative experiences and feelings.
a good place to start networking and
even years ago, my children tive influence of like-minded people is Learning/Resources building strong relationships.
came home from their summer another reason behind the importance Communities are rich in resources. Being Inspired
Sexperience at URJ Camp Cole- of community. Studies confirm that Having knowledge is a unique re- Get involved, attend events and pro-
man and had learned the term Kehillah our overall health is partly determined source and, through its use, increas- grams, listen to your inner voice, and
Kedoshah – holy community. They by our ability to look after ourselves, es in value. Communities are usually you will feel loved.
learned what it meant, what it felt like and sometimes we simply don’t feel built around common interests, but that Choose a community that meets
to be a part of one, and the importance capable of it. Communities can influ- doesn’t mean they’re homogeneous. your family’s needs and Jewish values.
of having one in their lives. ence and motivate us to invest in our We can still find people within them Be intentional and think of everything,
At a simcha (joyous occasion) or well-being and bring positive change who have different views, experiences not just your kids, not just yourself,
hard times, your Kehillah Kedoshah is to our lives. or beliefs, and learning from them can but the entire package. Go where you Alicia Casals
crucial: toast L’Chaim when your fam- Sharing help us reach insights we may not have feel good, welcomed, comfortable, and
ily is joyous or bring meals when your Sharing stimulates innovation and reached on our own. where you know it will benefit you and
family is in need. growth. Ideas breed new ideas. Sharing Acceptance your family for a lifetime. This year,
A community unites us and makes activities, ideas and feelings reinforc- Developing community bonds with find your Kehillah Kedoshah in our
us feel we are part of something great- es not only our sense of self, but also others who have different views may Jewish community.
er than ourselves, connecting, reaching adds worth and value to the commu- be challenging, offering an opportuni- Bethany Leinweber is the Director of
goals, feeling safe and secure. It can nity. Huge beneficial effects that shar- ty to practice acceptance. This helps Youth Education, Outreach and En-
be a physical place or virtual space. A ing can have on mental health include us accept that sometimes we’re strong gagement for Temple Sinai.
sense of community embraces spirit, higher engagement, positive emotions
character, image and pride – vital el- and empowerment. Sharing is caring.
ements of a healthy community. It is Reinforcement
a feeling that people within the com- Reinforcement can be an effective
munity matter to one another with a learning tool to encourage desirable
shared faith that their needs will be met behaviors and provide motivation. A
through commitment and togetherness. strong community will go beyond the
The positive aspects to being part of a immediate basic needs and ensure that
community are the opportunities for fulfillment is a positive experience.
people to learn, support and encourage This builds positive rewards and re-
each other, an invaluable part of joining inforcement for an enjoyable sense of
forces with our peers or our children’s togetherness.
peers. In every article I read about the Connection and Belonging
importance of community, there were An open bond with new connections is
For more information about STEP,
go to or contact
Jessi Sheslow at
or 941.343.2109.