Page 37 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 37
The Jewish Federation
50 Years October 2021 - Tishrei/Cheshvan 5782 Volume 51, Number 9
Community Focus
y F
The Florida Holocaust Museum
announces three new exhibitions
he Florida Holocaust Museum winning curatorial and educational saw Ghetto Uprising and survived the recreation of Hedy’s dresses from her
(The FHM) is pleased to an- staff of The FHM, Interim Executive Majdanek death camp. sketches. It serves as an example of
Tnounce three new exciting and Director Erin Blankenship and Direc- Stitching History from the Holocaust what happens when human suffering is
innovative exhibitions coming soon. tor of Education and Research Ursula In the winter of 1939, Paul Strnad ignored, and is a testament to the incal-
Dimensions in Testimony Szczepinska, researched, captured and wrote his cousin Alvin in Milwaukee, culable loss of the Holocaust.
A cutting-edge new interactive exhibit, preserved the testimonies of local Flor- Wisconsin. Desperate to obtain an af- Stitching History from the Holo-
Dimensions in Testimony (DiT) from ida survivors Mary Wygodski, Helen fidavit to escape the onslaught of Nazi caust is on loan from the Jewish Mu-
USC Shoah Foundation, will become Kahan, Ed Herman and Betty Greben- Germany, Paul sent Alvin sketches of seum Milwaukee and is sponsored
part of The FHM’s permanent collec- schikoff. Grebenschikoff recently gar- his wife Hedwig’s designs. Paul and locally by the Jewish Federation of
tion and on display as a permanent ex- nered national attention when she was Hedy hoped that these examples of Florida’s Gulf Coast. This project is
hibition this fall, in large part thanks reunited with her childhood best friend her work would provide evidence of also sponsored in part by the State of
to a $100,000 commitment from Bank and fellow Holocaust survivor after 80 their financial independence. Despite Florida, Department of State, Division
of America as a Founding Corporate years. Alvin’s best efforts, both Hedwig and of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida
Sponsor. Dimensions in Testimony is Filming took place at the Univer- her husband Paul were murdered in the Council on Arts and Culture, and the
an initiative by USC Shoah Foundation sity of South Florida’s St. Petersburg Holocaust. All that remains of the story National Endowment for the Arts (Sec-
to record and display testimony in a campus with local talent operating the are this letter and Hedwig’s sketches. tion 286.25, Florida Statutes). It will
way that will preserve the dialogue be- cameras. Wygodski, Kahan, Herman Stitching History from the Ho- be on view through January 2, 2022, in
tween Holocaust survivors and learn- and Grebenschikoff each spent a full locaust explores the life and work of the Janet Kohn Gallery on the Second
ers far into the future. week in the studio answering thou- Hedy Strnad before her murder. The Floor.
Developed in 2010, Dimensions in sands of questions about their unique main feature of this exhibit is the continued on next page
Testimony combines ultra-high-defi- experiences. Since most living Holo-
nition filming and voice activation to caust survivors are in their 80s or 90s,
allow a conversational and interactive the participating survivors recognized
experience between Holocaust sur- the opportunity that Dimensions in
vivors and audiences. At its core, the Testimony offered, and adapted to the
Dimensions in Testimony program is technology needed to participate and
another way to access and learn from share their stories.
survivor testimony. Dimension in Testimony will be
The Florida Holocaust Museum is permanently on display beginning in
among only a dozen Holocaust muse- October. Pinchus Gutter, whose tes-
ums in the world to house Dimensions timony was the first one recorded by
in Testimony. The FHM exhibition will USC Shoah for this project, will be the
feature four local survivors. During first interactive survivor biography
April and May 2021, the award- featured. Pincus lived through the War-
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