Page 41 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 41
Growing it forward
By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
standing programs: a nine-part Israel fter returning from a hiking Miami before establishing a landscape
Education Series, taking a journey trip in Tennessee last fall and design and construction firm in Jamai-
through history and a tour of Israel Anoticing he’d been bitten by ca. Business projects took him to Eu-
with presenter and guide Uri Feinberg; a tick, Kevin Rosen removed and pre- rope, South America, and Israel once
a fascinating HERstory about women served it in alcohol. Through online again. Eventually, he came back to
in the Bible, presented by Rabbi Kahn; research, he discovered the tick could Florida, but instead of Miami, he chose Meaningful Judaism: Prayer,
and Torah Trails, informative and in-transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted Fe- the less fast-paced lifestyle of Sarasota
teresting talks about Torah while walk-ver. Sure enough, a few days later he to reside in. After purchasing a modest Spirituality, Learning, Community
ing with Rabbi Kahn on Siesta Key woke up in terrible pain and was rushed house, he dug a well in his yard and
Beach. to the emergency room.
Temple Sinai believes that Rabbi While Kevin made the attending At Kol HaNeshama, Rabbi Jennifer Singer offers
Kahn will continue to nurture our con-ER doctor aware of his tick bite and uplifting participatory services. We sing prayers
gregants emotionally, spiritually and investigation of it, the physician dis-
intellectually – always mindful of our missed the association with his symp- in both Hebrew and English. We combine
respective qualities and strengths. toms and diagnosed him with stage 4 traditional and contemporary liturgy.
terminal cancer. During a subsequent
oncology treatment, he collapsed and
was taken to another hospital. While Friday evening services are filled with music.
there, the attending physician conclud-
ed that Kevin did not have cancer but Saturday mornings are more contemplative and
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. include Torah reading and discussion.
Though proper treatment followed
immediately, its initial delay caused Kevin Rosen oversees an extensive and
pancreatic swelling that led to diabetes. sophisticated home vegetable garden
As a result, severe wounds that devel- built a hydroponic urban farm featur- We celebrate holidays together, and we share
oped on his feet brought Kevin back ing organic drip irrigation. activities: Books & Bagels, classes, social
to the hospital where he fought to save Today, he continues to grow a vari- action, Shabbat-at-Home, Jewish
them from amputation. A six-week ety of vegetables and gives them away
regimen of intravenous antibiotics and to those in need. Boxes of his fresh meditation and more.
an extended stay in the hospital’s ICU produce are delivered weekly to the For more
saved his feet. Church of the Palms to be distributed information
Faced with significant expenses by All Faiths Food Bank. Rosen also
from this ordeal, Kevin requested help leaves bags of what he grows at the 941.244.2042
from JFCS of the Suncoast’s Jewish front doors of neighbors.
Financial Assistance (JFA) Depart- For everyone’s safety during Covid/Delta,
ment, which is sponsored by The Jew- all our services and activities are currently on-line
ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
“I’d never asked for financial help from
anyone before,” he explained. “But I
needed $500 for a utility bill as my wa-
ter was close to being shut off. Work-
ing with JFA’s Susan Schoengold was JEWISH
amazing. She effectively shepherded
me through the process with concern EASTERN EUROPEAN TOUR
and care. I am so appreciative that JFA
got the bill got paid quickly.” MAY 10–22
Rosen grew up in Miami, where
he caught the bug for growing things 2022
when he worked in a nursery during Some of the exquisite vegetables
high school. “I actually thought I’d Kevin Rosen produces in his garden
become a farmer,” he said. “But my Kevin, who just recently complet- BUDAPEST
parents didn’t own one, which is how ed extensive wound care for one of his
the next generation gets into farm- feet, is grateful he can pay it forward PRAGUE
ing. There was no way I could have and insists he’ll soon be returning the BERLIN
acquired the required land on my $500 that JFA made possible to resolve HIGHLIGHTS
own.” his water bill. INCLUDE
So, Rosen studied landscape ar- When told he was under no obli-
chitecture in college. Unfortunately, he gation to pay the money back, Kevin ^ Private tour guides
had to leave after his third year due to replied, “Well, I’m still going to do it. ^ 5-star hotels
economic reasons. He then began an JFCS wasn’t obligated to make this ^ Deluxe bus travel
agricultural odyssey that would take money available either. But it did. I
him all over the world. In Israel he want to make sure others get the kind ^ $3,600 PP plus air
worked on a kibbutz in the Negev, man- of help I got. Thank you JFCS of the (double occupancy)
aged a nursery, helped create gardens, Suncoast’s Jewish Financial Assistance
and learned all about drip irrigation Department and Susan Schoengold. LIMITED AVAILABILITY
and other state-of-the-art technologies You are my angels.” Reserve your space today!
utilized in Israel. Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
After moving to Australia, he Community Chaplain and Director of
worked for 10 years as the horticul- the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His
tural supervisor of the largest district position is underwritten by The Jewish
in Sydney. Kevin briefly returned to Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
Read the current and previous
editions of The Jewish News For questions or a complete
itinerary, contact Jeremy at
online at or 941.400.9009