Page 50 - Jewish News_January-2021
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2B                         January 2021                                                            JEWISH HAPPENINGS

            WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6
            WEDNESD          A Y ,   JANU   AR   Y  6                                    THURSD        A Y ,   JANU   AR   Y  7
                                                                                         THURSDAY, JANUARY 7

                         People of the Book Event                                                    People of the Book Event
                             With Ben Sheehan                                                           With Myla Goldberg
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                      Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        OMG WTF Does the  Constitution  Actually  Say? is a witty  and highly       Feast Your Eyes, framed as the catalogue  notes from a photography
        relevant annotation of our founding document. It’s the go-to guide to how   show at the Museum of Modern Art, tells the life story of Lillian Preston:
        our government really works (or is supposed to work). Written by political   “America’s Worst Mother, America’s Bravest  Mother, America’s Worst
        savant and entertainment veteran Ben Sheehan, and vetted for accuracy       Photographer or America’s Greatest Photographer, depending on who was
        by experts in the field of constitutional law, the book is an entertaining   talking.” After discovering photography and moving to New York City,
        and accessible guide that explains what the Constitution actually  lays     Lillian is arrested and thrust into the national spotlight when a small gallery
        out.  Tickets  to  this  7:00  p.m.  event  on  Zoom  are  $10  per  household.   exhibits partially nude photographs of Lillian and her daughter Samantha,
        For admission to this and all other People of the Book events, please       changing the course of both of their lives. Tickets to this 10:30 a.m. event
        visit For more information, contact Jeremy Lisitza at    on Zoom are $10 per household. For admission to this and all other People or 941.343.2113.                                       of the Book events, please visit For more information,
                                                                                    contact Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113.
                       Bereavement Support Group
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                 Siblings 2 – Archaeology Program                                         PJ Library Community Havdalah
        A new Bereavement Support Group via Zoom begins from 1:30 to 2:45                           With Steven Stark-Riemer                                       With Temple Emanu-El and Temple Sinai
        p.m.  Facilitated  by Community  Chaplain  Rabbi  Jonathan  R. Katz,  the   In discussing his course, Steven Stark-Riemer states, “The religions we
        group offers the opportunity to learn how others are dealing with grief,    know today as Judaism and Christianity  were born at the same time,
        examine ways loss can impact us, gain coping insights, cultivate resilience   nurtured in the same environment, and their parent was Second Temple
        and discover renewed hope. Especially during the social isolation associ-   Judaism. In this course, we will examine the Dead Sea Scrolls and Jewish
        ated with Covid-19, it is important for those who have suffered the loss    apocalyptic  eschatology  as a prelude  to exploring  the  roots and early
        of a loved one to have time to share and find support. Sponsored by The     development  of the ‘Siblings,’ their responses to the First and Second
        Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and JFCS of the Suncoast, the         Revolts against Rome and, finally, their ‘Parting of the Ways.’” The cost
        group will meet on six successive Wednesdays through February 10. The       for the entire series is $36 for Temple Beth Sholom members and $50
        cost is $36. Pre-registration is required. For more information or to regis-  for non-members. Join us at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. You must register at
        ter, contact Rabbi Katz at or 941.366.2224 x166. For more information, call 941.955.8121
               Temple Emanu-El “Lunch with the Rabbis”                              or email

        Are you looking for a great lunch date? Grab a bite to eat, log into Zoom,        Jewish Music With Chazzan Cliff Abramson
        and join Temple  Emanu-El  Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman, Associate         Every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Temple Sinai’s Chazzan Abramson will give
        Rabbi Michael Shefrin and friendly, interesting companions for socializ-    a free class on Jewish Music Education focusing on what we sing and
        ing and discussion of current events and subjects of Jewish interest. This   why we sing it. For more information, call 941.924.1802 or email office@
        popular monthly program has become a hit online as new and old friends For the Zoom link, visit
        enjoy the opportunity to gather virtually. All are invited to this free event
        at noon. Please register at to receive the Zoom link, or        Cooking With the Chabad Women’s Circle
        call 941.371.2788 for more information.
                                                                                    Join us at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom when, three home cooks will present dishes
               Concierge Adult Hebrew Reading Course                                that are aesthetically pleasing, tasty and easy to replicate. All are welcome
                                                                                    to this free event. For the Zoom link, RSVP to Sara Steinmetz at sara@
        Chabad of Sarasota is pleased to offer concierge adult Hebrew reading
        for anyone interested in learning to read or improve on Hebrew reading
        accuracy and pace. The 10-week course will allow participants to have an
        individualized Hebrew reading mentor to meet with weekly for 15 minutes
        via Zoom. Participants will be given steady time slots between 7:00 and
        8:30 p.m. The suggested donation is $75. To register, call the Chabad office
                                                                                              Make someone
        at 941.925.0770 or email

              AFTER THE                                                                       feel special
              AFTER THE

                                                                                              by making a donation in
                  CURT                      AIN                                               their name.

          HAS CL
          HAS CLOSED

                            You can still watch

                       many of our programs at


                                                                                          Call Bonnie at      Or visit

                                                                                          941.343.2115        to donate
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