Page 22 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 22
Temple Beth Sholom looks forward
to the High Holy Days with its new rabbi
By Eric Faerber, President, Temple Beth Sholom
t is with great anticipation that he established himself as a leader in behalf of Israel, and against the rise of
the congregation of Temple Beth the wider London Jewish community, antisemitism and for increased Holo-
ISholom eagerly awaits the coming guiding a congregation with almost caust awareness. He led two services,
High Holy Days, the yamim norayim. 1,000 members. both for Kristallnacht, at Westminster
This year’s services will be led by our Rabbi Altshuler received both his Abbey, which was a first for the Jewish
new rabbi, Stuart Altshuler, accompa- rabbinic ordination and doctorate in community there. Fifteen hundred peo-
nied by Cantor Victor Geigner. Hebrew Literature from The Jewish ple came for each of those commemo-
We look forward to the synergy of Seminary of America in New York. rations.
Rabbi Altshuler and Cantor Geigner He has served as a professor of Cantor Victor Geigner, who is from
with their warm, engaging personal- Jewish Studies at Chapman University Buenos Aires, has a vast background of
ities, and the insightful and inspiring in California, and has been visiting pro- cantorial training by hazzanim and has
sermons delivered by Rabbi Altshuler. fessor at numerous universities across attended cantorial schools in Buenos
Rabbi Altshuler formally com- the country. Prior to his rabbinate in Aires. He has served congregations in
menced his rabbinic duties at Temple London, he served as rabbi in several Seattle, Fort Myers and Lakeland with
congregations in California, Illinois, acclaim, and has performed in concerts Cantor Victor Geigner
Virginia and Connecticut. in the U.S., Chile, Bolivia and Argen- education of Jewish youth, enabling
Throughout his career, Rabbi tina. children to become B’nai Mitzvah, and
Altshuler has initiated innovative pro- Cantor Geigner enjoys reaching teaching Jewish values to ensure the
grams for synagogues and commu- out to congregants with his liturgical continuity of Judaism through the tra-
nities in the promotion of Masorti/ and musical skills. He has devoted a ditions of our people.
Conservative Judaism, and has lent considerable portion of his career to the
his leadership and support for unifying
the different parts of the Jewish com-
munity, religious and political, and “These we honor”
in interfaith efforts. He developed a
unique bond with the late Chief Rab-
bi of the United Kingdom, Jonathan
Rabbi Stuart Altshuler Sacks, creating a bridge between the Your Tributes
Beth Sholom on July 1, following a Orthodox and non-Orthodox world. He
10-year period as senior rabbi at Bel- has lobbied through his many friends
size Park Synagogue in London, where and allies in the British Parliament on ANNUAL CAMPAIGN JEWISH BURIAL FUND
Rabbi Brenner Glickman IN HONOR OF IN MEMORY OF
Carole Kleinberg
Marv Wolf
returns to Aviva Mikki and Joel Pertofsky Jeremy Lisitza
Patti Wertheimer
efore the Covid-19 pandem- staff and participating Aviva residents Marilyn Naiditch JFED PROUD & STRONG
ic, Temple Emanu-El Senior fully vaccinated and able to meet safe- IN MEMORY OF - CAMP MARCI LYNN
BRabbi Brenner Glickman en- ly, Rabbi Glickman is delighted to re- Ruth Feinberg IN HONOR OF
joyed regular monthly visits with con- sume regular indoor gatherings. “It was Pam and Art Mahoney Karen and Thomas Bernstein
gregants at Aviva Senior Living. The Eleanor “Ellie” Zaslavsky Tila and Paul Cohen
group would meet indoors for lunch, Ashley and Todd Manack Gloria Feibus
learning, conversation and fellowship. Jacki and Steve Gelernter
In 2020, these gatherings stopped. BOB MALKIN YOUNG Judy Gelman and Garry Brooks
Although the early months of 2021 AMBASSADORS FUND Greenbarg and Albright Families
brought Rabbi Glickman and Avi- Linda and Steve Halpern
va residents back together for small, IN HONOR OF Carole Horowitz
outdoor, socially distanced meetings, Les Aberson Bonny and Robert Israeloff
these only set the stage for this summer Rebecca and Rich Bergman Richard Isroff
– when Rabbi Glickman again joined Connie and David Blue Donna and Bob Kaplan
a room brimming with Aviva residents Gisele Pintchuck Lisa and Paul Kaufman
for a full reunion. At their first gather- Event organizer Sylvia Gross and Louise Bick Bryna and Howard Tevlowitz Linda Klein
ing at the end of May, three of the at- so wonderful to be together again,” he Patti and David Wertheimer Marion Levine and Sam Samelson
tendees were over 101 years old! said, “although, I must admit that I Ronna and Wayne Ruben
was both surprised and impressed by HOLOCAUST Judy and Stanley Ruskin
how well they mastered Zoom and our PROGRAMS Phillip Schugar
livestream. Most of them attended ser- Ellen Schwartz
vices every Friday night through our IN HONOR OF Kathy and Stan Slutsky
livestream. David Becker JoAnn and Ron Spiegel
“They said it was wonderful seeing Clara Pedelford Joann and Steve Stein
me in person,” he concluded, “but they Helene Davis Rhoda and Charles Steiner
had seen me every week.” Lynn Friedman Nancy Wolk and Michael Ritter
For more information about Rabbi Alan Silverglat Janet and Bruce Udell
Glickman’s visits to Aviva, and other Debbie and Scott Friedman KEEP US SAFE FUND
joint programming between Aviva and IN MEMORY OF
Temple Emanu-El, call 941.371.2788. Fritzie Fritzshal IN MEMORY OF
Ashley and Todd Manack Nancy Rubin
Rabbi Brenner Glickman Francine and Steven Rod
with Fran Guberman, age 102 ISRAEL PROGRAMS
“It was the first time we met in- FUND
side in over a year,” Rabbi Glickman NOTE: To be publicly
exulted. “We were elated. The Talmud IN HONOR OF acknowledged in The Jewish News,
teaches that when you see an old friend Gisele Pintchuck Honor Cards require a minimum
after a long time apart, you should say Kim Adler $10 contribution per listing.
the Shehecheyanu blessing. We did, IN MEMORY OF You can send Honor Cards directly
with gusto and a lot of pent-up emo- Ruth Feinberg from For more
tion.” Rabbi Brenner Glickman with Bernice Lasberg Kim and Jon Adler information, call 941.371.4546.
With Temple Emanu-El’s rabbinic and event organizer Ellis Lasberg