Page 27 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 27

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                            August 2021                                  27A

     Jewish-themed Crossword Puzzle

                  PROUDLY SPONSORED BY
 Owens the opportunity  to win his
 fourth gold medal, the speculation has
 ever since been that in the aftermath of
 Owens’s earlier victories, Avery Brund-                                           Find Your Wilde
 age did not want to add to Hitler’s em-
 barrassment  by having  two Jews win
 gold medals.  Suggestions have been
 consistent that the omission of Stoller
 and  Glickman  was deliberately  anti-
 semitic, and an appeasing of Hitler.
 An obvious act of appeasement
 was the tortured debate that took
 place within the hierarchy of Britain’s
 BBC over whether to accredit its fore-
 most sporting commentator, the for-
 mer Olympic  gold medalist  from the
 1924 Paris Games, Harold Abrahams
 (his story at  these  Games was later
 told  in the  movie  Chariots of Fire).
 It was felt that the presence in Berlin
 of Abrahams, who was Jewish, could
 have been embarrassing to the British
 government. The BBC’s Controller of
 Programs, Cecil  Graves, wrote  to  his
 colleagues, “We all regard the German
 action against the Jews as quite irratio-
 nal and intolerable … but would it be
 discourteous to send a Jew commenta-
 tor to a country where Jews are taboo?”
 After much deliberation,  Abrahams
 was sent to Berlin,  with Graves con-
 cluding  that the BBC should inform
 the Germans of the BBC decision and
 “leave them to raise any objections.”
 The Berlin Olympics torch relay
 from Mount Olympus in Greece  was
 the first of its kind, and the Games were
 the first to have live television cover-
 age. Despite these advances, they were
 also to be the final Olympic Games for
 12 years owing to World War II. Ironi- “Golden Jews” by Yoni Glatt,
 cally, the next Games, slated for 1940,  Across  4. Forest father
 were to have been held in Tokyo.  1. Powerful bugs  5. Calendar abbr.
 Paul R. Bartrop is Professor Emeritus  5. “Honey”  6. “___ got it!”
 of History and the former Director of  11. + meaning  7. Pluto or Goofy
 the Center for Holocaust and Geno- 14. “Nae” sayer?  8. Early anesthetic
 cide Research at Florida Gulf Coast  15. Fiddle around on a flute  9. She can tell you the weather or sports
 University.  16. “There is zero evidence of there ever  scores
     being a Jewish kingdom in ancient Israel,”  10. What Shabbat observers do
     e.g.                                 11. London 2012 and Rio 2016, gymnastics
     17. Salt Lake City 2002, figure skating
                                          12. Tries to slim down
 e i
 n t
 e K
 Be in the Know!  19. Japanese cheddar    13. Not so sharp
     20. Kind of dance
                                          18. Act selfishly like a treif animal
     21. Coerces
                                          22. Egg (Pref.)
     23. A Guardian of the Galaxy
                                          24. Cavern or cave, poetically
     27. It may have a nice bouquet
     28. Sauce brand                      25. Cat call: Var.
                                          26. Source of acorns
     32. “Boiler Room” actress Long       28. Paul who doesn’t seem to age
     33. “___ am your father” (“Empire” shocker)  29. Place
     34. 1,500-mile Russian chain         30. Athens 2014, windsurfing
     35. Accept, as a responsibility      31. Highest: Abbr.
     38. One of its letters stands for “optimization”  33. 112.5 degrees from W
 Receive alerts  41. Benicio of note      36. Bronte’s Jane and family
 via text about  43. Hockey great Steve   37. Layer with holes in it
                                          39. “Downton Abbey” noble
     45. Bit of Bavli
 important Jewish  46. Jonah Hill can grow one  40. Just
                                          42. Breakfast glassfuls, briefly
     48. Stylish Lagerfeld
 community news,  49. Neighbor of Fin.    44. “Bringing Up Baby” studio
 event updates and  51. Feldman of “Mad Men” and “Superstore”  47. RICO case maker
     52. Merely
                                          50. Potato chip brand
 more by texting  53. Shabbat wear, for many men  53. Britches stitches
                                          54. Cause a knot not to be
     55. Gets up
 “JFED” to 332-22.  58. NFL target        55. Added to the pot
     60. Bridge hands                     56. Christopher of “Superman”
     65. Green machine?                   57. Watch
     66. Vancouver 2010, bobsled          59. Norway seaport
     70. War stat.                        61. Forest Hills V.I.P.
     71. Eastern Mediterranean lands, with “the”  62. Run-down neighborhood
     72. He learned with Rav Assi         63. Dwelling for Abraham                             Wilde Lexus Sarasota       Wilde Jaguar Land Rover
     73. Title for Ted Cruz: Abbr.        64. Barcelona Mmes.                             4883 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34233  4821 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34233
     74. City in Texas or Ukraine         67. Some govt. hospitals
     75. Life-saving team                 68. “The Nanny” has three of them                                  Wilde Honda Sarasota
                                          69. N.Y.C. subway or Yeshiva letters                        7333 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231
     1. No. 2 in the lab                   See the Crossword Puzzle
     2. “Bracketology” org.                   solution on page 42A
     3. Caught between two emotions
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