Page 26 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 26

26A                         August 2021                                                                    JEWISH INTEREST

     The Berlin Summer Olympics, 1936

     By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD
          traddling  July  and  August, we   now, one athlete with a Jewish back-  France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and   Owens the opportunity  to win his
          will be enjoying (hopefully) the   ground could compete  for Germany.   the Netherlands, discussion took place   fourth gold medal, the speculation has
     Sstaging of the delayed Games of     Helene  Mayer, who had a  Jewish fa-  over  whether  the  Games  should  per-  ever since been that in the aftermath of
     the XXXII Olympiad. The Games are    ther, was a world champion fencer who   haps be relocated,  while throughout   Owens’s earlier victories, Avery Brund-
     due  to  finish  on August  8,  providing   had already  won a gold medal at the   Europe, exiled  political  opponents of   age did not want to add to Hitler’s em-
                     enough of a link to   1928 Amsterdam Games. With an eye    the  Nazis kept  up the  pressure for a   barrassment  by having  two Jews win
                     permit  the marking   to the prospect of her winning another   boycott.                          gold medals.  Suggestions have been
                     of another Olympic   gold medal for Germany, she became        Individual  Jewish athletes  from  a   consistent that the omission of Stoller
                     Games 85 years ago.  the token Jew permitted to compete. As   few countries  elected  to  take  matters   and Glickman  was deliberately  anti-
                        On August  1,     it turned out, she won silver in the indi-  into  their  own hands and  refused  to   semitic, and an appeasing of Hitler.
                     1936, the Summer     vidual foil event.                    attend.  In this regard, brave athletes   An obvious act of appeasement
                     Olympics opened in       The prospect of other Jewish ath-  such as South  African Sid Kiel, and   was the tortured debate that took
                     Berlin. German dic-   letes competing for Germany was de-  Americans Milton Green and Norman     place within the hierarchy of Britain’s
      Dr. Paul Bartrop  tator  Adolf  Hitler   nied, however. Four-time world record   Cahners, should be mentioned.  BBC over whether to accredit its fore-
     used the Games to showcase the Third   holder  and  10-time  German  national   The position of the United States   most sporting commentator, the for-
     Reich and conceal his regime’s antise-  champion in shot put and discus throw,   was  crucial, and in September 1934   mer Olympic  gold medalist  from the
     mitic  and militaristic  intentions, at-  Lilli  Henoch,  was excluded;  she was   the U.S. Olympic  Committee  accept-  1924 Paris Games, Harold Abrahams
     tempting instead to portray a peaceful   later  deported and murdered in the   ed a German invitation  to visit on a   (his story at  these  Games was later
     and  tolerant  Germany  to  the  interna-  Riga ghetto in 1942. Gretel Bergmann,   fact-finding  mission.  U.S.  Olympic   told  in the  movie  Chariots of Fire).
     tional community.                    an internationally recognized champi-  Committee  president  Avery  Brund-  It was felt that the presence in Berlin
        The city  had been awarded the    on high jumper, was replaced on the   age concluded that  he had not found   of Abrahams, who was Jewish, could
     Games in 1931, prior to Hitler’s ascent   German team  by Dora Ratjen,  who   any discrimination against Germany’s   have been embarrassing to the British
     to power, but the event quickly became   was later  revealed  to be a male  who   Jews, becoming a major supporter of     government. The BBC’s Controller of
     associated with the Nazi regime. From   had been raised as a girl.         the Games being held in Berlin and    Programs, Cecil  Graves, wrote  to  his
     the start, it was controversial. The of-  To  reassure  foreign  opinion,  Ber-  arguing that “politics has no place in   colleagues, “We all regard the German
     ficial Nazi Party paper, the Völkischer   lin was purged of all traces of Nazi   sport.” By 1935 he had convinced the   action against the Jews as quite irratio-
     Beobachter, wrote  in the  strongest   antisemitism.  Local Party authorities   U.S.  Amateur  Athletic Union that an   nal and intolerable … but would it be
     terms that Jews and Blacks, regardless   removed street signs  bearing such   American team should be sent to Berlin.  discourteous to send a Jew commenta-
     of their country of origin, should not be   slogans  as  “Jews  not  wanted”  from   The  American Jewish Congress   tor to a country where Jews are taboo?”
     allowed to participate.              Berlin’s main  tourist  areas,  while  all   and the Jewish Labor Committee sup-  After much deliberation,  Abrahams
        The German Olympic Committee      vagrants and Roma (known as “Gyp-     ported a boycott, but they had no say   was sent to Berlin,  with Graves con-
     denied  Jews all opportunity  of repre-  sies”)  were  physically  removed  to  a   in what was effectively an institution-  cluding  that the BBC should inform
     senting Germany. When the possibility   specially  constructed  “holding  camp”   al  project  by the  American  Olympic   the Germans of the BBC decision and
     of an international boycott was threat-  outside the city.                 Committee.                            “leave them to raise any objections.”
     ened – robbing Germany not only of       In  view  of  such  developments,     Most African-American  news-          The Berlin Olympics torch relay
     the Games, but also of both the show-  there  was considerable  debate  out-  papers, on the other hand, supported   from Mount Olympus in Greece  was
     case the Nazis were looking for and of   side Germany prior to the Games over   participation, arguing that this was an   the first of its kind, and the Games were
     much-desired foreign currency – there   whether  a  boycott  should go ahead.   opportunity for Nazi racial theories to   the first to have live television cover-
     was  a  token  relaxing  of  the  racism:   In some countries,  notably  Britain,   be challenged and defeated. To some   age. Despite these advances, they were
                                                                                degree,  they  were  right.  The  iconic   also to be the final Olympic Games for
                                                                                Jesse Owens won four gold medals in   12 years owing to World War II. Ironi- “Golden Jews” by Yoni Glatt,
                                                                                the sprint and long jump events, and   cally, the next Games, slated for 1940,
                                                                                became the most successful athlete to   were to have been held in Tokyo.
                                                                                compete in Berlin.                    Paul R. Bartrop is Professor Emeritus
                     NEVER FORGET
                                                                                    On the day of the men’s 4×100     of History and the former Director of
                                                                                relay, Jewish American sprinters Sam   the Center for Holocaust and Geno-
         Holocaust, Genocide                 1,912 Sarasota-Manatee             Stoller and Marty Glickman were       cide Research at Florida Gulf Coast

      and Tolerance Education                 students learned about the        omitted from the team. While this gave     University.
                                                Holocaust from survivors
                                                                 last year
                                                                                          e i
                                                                                                    n t
                                                                                                                    e K

                                                      #NEVERFORGET                   Be in the Know!
            Ensuring we
                                               Your story of survival moved
                                                 me and I will remember you
                                                      for the rest of my life.
                                              – North Port High School Student
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