Page 29 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 29

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                            August 2021                                  29A

     Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

     Reclaiming Shabbat

     By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
          or Harvey, it was the sweet smell   congregations are closing and merging.   week has a day of rest.”       most thinkers, Rabbi Abraham Joshua
          of the challah. “I’d come in the   The Reform movement has downsized      Carl chimed in. “What we’ve been   Heschel, who cautioned Jews to recall
     Fdoor and, oh, that smell! When      by 180, and the Conservative by over   through lately, with Covid and all, I   that “Shabbat guarantees  our ‘inner
     I think of Shabbat, it’s my mother’s   350. In addition, the study found that   needed something to hang on to. So I   liberty,’ and that a society  without  a
     challah that always comes to mind.”  just 14% of U.S. Jews are members of   started lighting candles on Friday night   Sabbath could easily descend into tyr-
        “It  might  sound silly, but  it was   Reform congregations while a scant   and saying the blessings. My candle-  anny and barbarism.”
     the  newspaper  on  the  floor.  It  meant   11% maintain  membership  in a Con-  sticks were mismatched.  They came   Heschel  went  on  to  characterize
     that  Mama  had  washed  the  floor  for   servative shul.                 from  the  dollar store.  I didn’t  have   Shabbat  with  these  words:  “It  is  one
     Shabbat,”  said  Clare,  while  Carl  re-  Couple  these  statistics  with  the   challah but I had my rice crackers, so   of life’s  highest rewards, a source of
     membered,  “The  white shirts. Ironed   words of cultural Zionist Ahad Ha’am,   I said HaMotzi with the crackers. I or-  strength and inspiration to endure trib-
                       and hanging on     who said, “More than Jews have kept   dered pizza and watched a Jewish film.   ulation,  to live nobly...  The Sabbath
                       the  door. For     Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jews,”   I shut off the computer and all the cra-  is  the  inspirer,  the  other  days  the  in-
                       my brothers and    and we wonder, could this be true?    ziness on the news and took a walk. At   spired.”  (A.J.  Heschel,  The Sabbath,
                       me those fresh         Incredibly, following the  destruc-  first  it  felt  awkward  and  strange.  But   22)
                       pressed    white   tion of the second Temple, when ani-  now I look forward to  Friday nights.     Could it be that Carl is on to
                       shirts said, “Gut   mal sacrifices ended, it took some time   Sometimes I invite my kids or ask a   something? As a wise rabbi once said,
                       Shabbos!”          but we Jews brought the “light of the   friend over. I turn off the world and get   “When it comes to Shabbat, it is better
                           The    sweet   fire” into our homes. At the family ta-  back to basics. It makes me feel good.”   to do something rather than nothing.”
                       memory of Shab-    ble we continued to renew and refresh     In a recent article by Iranian-Amer-  Notwithstanding mismatched can-
                       bat has become,    ourselves as we observed an at-home   ican columnist Sohrab Ahmari (“What   dlesticks,  rice  crackers  and pizza,
      Rabbi Barbara Aiello  for many Jews,   family Shabbat.                    We’ve Lost in Rejecting the Sabbath,”   Shabbat is God’s gift just waiting for
     their only connection to what our tradi-  That was then.  Today, when it   The Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2021),   us to embrace it, enjoy it and grow.
     tion tells us is the most important of all   comes to Shabbat, where do we Jews   he writes that “Setting aside one day a   Rabbi  Barbara Aiello  served Aviva
     the Jewish holidays and celebrations.   stand? Harvey, Clare  and Carl, who   week for rest and prayer used to be an   Senior Living in Sarasota as resident
     And a recent  Pew report documents   shared Shabbat memories,  described   American tradition. In an age of con-  rabbi for 10 years. She  now lives and
     what most of us already  know.  The   their connections to Shabbat today.   stant  activity,  we need  it  more  than   works in Italy where she is rabbi of
     Pew study found that U.S. Jews are       Harvey said, “I don’t know. Shab-  ever.”                               Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
     less likely than the overall  U.S. pub-  bat got away from me. My wife passed   Mr.  Ahmari  also  reminds  us of   gogue. You may reach her at Rabbi@
     lic to say religion is “very important”   on and I put the candlesticks away. And   the words  of one of Judaism’s fore-
     to them (21% vs. 41%), while slightly   nowadays there’s always something
     more than half of Jews say religion is   else to do on Friday night.”             Rabbi Barbara Aiello’s most popular
     “not too important” or “not at all im-   Clare  agreed.  “There  was a  time    columns are now published in her new
     portant” in their lives.”            when we had the Blue Laws. Stores
        In the intervening  20 years since   were closed on Sundays for the Chris-      book, Aging Jewishly, available on
     the last U.S. Synagogue Survey, re-  tian  Sabbath. Sunday wasn’t our day              Amazon. It makes a great gift!
     searchers  found that  “non-Orthodox   but we Jews were reminded that every


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