Page 28 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 28

28A                         August 2021                                                                    JEWISH INTEREST

                                                                                K’zohar Ha-Ivrit                                                        Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

                                                                                Shemesh – Sun                                                           Reclaiming Shabbat

                                                                                By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin                                               By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
                  Friendship at Home                                                  ummer is here. When we think    redundancy of events in the universe
                   Financial Stability                                                of summer, we associate the sea-  and the futility of it all, he used shemesh
                   In-home Support                                              Sson with fun under the sun. After    to express these thoughts using the
                  Home Delivered Meals                                          the harsh year we all experienced due   well-known  adage  ein  cha-dash ta-
                  Educational Programs
                                                                                to  Covid,  it  is even  more  refreshing   chat ha-shemesh, there is nothing new
                   CAREGIVING                                                   to experience activities outside, never   under the sun. (Ecc1:9) Nevertheless,
                Caregiver Resource Centers                                      forgetting that the sun’s energy allows   being a pragmatist, he realized that this
                 Adult Day Care Programs                                        us to enjoy and to heal.              is the way of the world, ve-za-rach ha-
                    Support Groups
                  Educational Programs                                              In Hebrew, there are two words for   shemesh u-vah ha-shemesh, or, the sun
                                                                                                   sun: chamah and    rises and the sun sets. (Ecc 1:5) This is
              HEALTH & WELLNESS                                                                    shemesh. The bib-  the reality as time goes on.
                     Senior Centers                                                                lical  writers pre-    Another word for  shemesh in
                    Friendship Cafés                                                               ferred the word    Hebrew is  chamah. Although  men-
                     Senior Fitness
                   Balance Movement                                                                shemesh, which     tioned six times in the Bible, chamah
                    Lifelong Learning                                                              appears 135 times   is found mainly in the Mishnah. It is
                                                                                                   in the  Text. It is   derived from the verb ch.m.m meaning
                 |  941.955.2122                                    probably  derived   warm or hot. Chamah is at the center
                                                                                                   from the  verb     of expressions like yemot ha-chamah,
                     SARASOTA                    VENICE                                   meaning    days of sun, a poetic  name  for sum-
                     1888 Brother Geenen Way     2350 Scenic Drive                 Dr. Rachel Dulin  serve,  busy, in-  mer (Pe-ah 2:1); dim-du-may chamah,
                     Sarasota, FL 34236          Venice, FL 34293
                                                                                dustrious  and  quick.  Most likely  the   glimmers of sun, referring to the dim
                                                                                word points to the quick movement of   sunlight of early dawn or evening twi-
                                                                                the shemesh across the heavens and its   light (Yerushalmi P’sachim 31:3); and
                                                                                                                      sh’-ki-at ha-chamah, or sunset, the
                                                                                effect on the environment. In the Bible,
                                     REPORT                                     unlike its pagan surroundings, shemesh   time that marks the entrance of Shab-
                                                                                                                      bat. (Shabbat 34)
                                                                                is not a deity, but rather a celestial body
                                                                                                                          Examples  of other  expressions in
                                                                                created  by God on the  fourth day of
                                                  IT!                           creation.  In the story of creation,  the   Hebrew centered on the  shemesh are
                                                                                                                      ma-a-re-khet  ha-she-mesh,  referring
                                                                                shemesh was called Ha-ma-or Ha-ga-
                                                                                dol, the great luminary, and its function
                                                                                was “to shine upon the earth,” “to dom-  to the entire interplanetary system, all
                                                                                                                      the stars, moons, planets, etc., of the
                                                           s be
                                            u s
                                        I If you see suspicious behavior        inate the day … and to separate light   heavens (ma-a-re-khet means system);
                                         f y
                                                e s
                                            or activities, report it: :         from darkness.” (Gen 1:17-18)         leh-eh-nay ha-shemesh, literally, at the
                             COMMUNITY SECURITY INITIATIVE
                                                                                    It is interesting to look at the place   sun’s eyes, meaning in broad daylight
                                                   of shemesh in the wisdom literature of   (II Sam 12:11); and, last but not least,
                                                                                the Bible, particularly in the Book of   the expression  ba-rur ka-shemesh, or
                                                                                Ecclesiastes. Here, shemesh appears 31   clear  as the  sun, another  way to say
                                                                                times, 20 of which are used in the ex-  without a doubt. (Sanhedrin 72)
                                                                                pression  ta-chat ha-shemesh, namely,     I wish to  end our short survey
                                                                                under the sun, as the writer emphasized   around the shemesh with the poignant
                                                                                the reality of the world, the way he un-  observation  of the  Israeli  poetess
                                                                                derstood it. So, for example, ein yitron   Leah  Goldberg. For her, unlike  Ec-
                                                                                ta-chat ha-shemesh means that there is   clesiastes,  kol yom cha-dash ta-chat
                                                                                no real value under the sun, expressing   ha-shemesh, every day is a new day
                                                                                the futility of the pursuit of riches. (Ecc   under the sun, every day is fresh and
                                                                                2:11)                                 fulfilling. May we all be blessed with
                                                                                    Moreover, Ecclesiastes  observed   the ability to enjoy every day under the
                                                                                that the reality is that yesh ra-a asher   shemesh.
                                 A   N   A                                      ra-i-ti ta-chat ha-shemesh, there is an   Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
                            H                   T   O                           evil I observed under the sun, describ-  of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
                         S         may this              V                      ing the grievous ill of working hard and   lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
                    L                                       A                   succeeding, yet later being robbed by   professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
                        year be filled with                                     strangers. (Ecc 6:1-3) And even more   College in Sarasota.
                                                                                so when Ecclesiastes  bemoaned  the
                  love, peace, happiness and
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