Page 30 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 30

30A                         August 2021                                                                    JEWISH INTEREST

     Stars of David                                                                       Interested in Your

     By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
     Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish             Family’s History?
     for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
     ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
     with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
     also identified as Jewish.                                                   years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                  when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
     July Catch-Up                        a New York stage actor. He grew up in   full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
     and August Premieres                 a heavily Jewish NYC suburb. He has     with a limited search of one family line.
     A reboot of The TV series Gossip Girl   starred in several Broadway shows, in-
     premiered on HBO Max on July 8 and   cluding a musical, and he’s had several                 So here’s the deal:                                         Author Lecture Series
     runs until August 12 (after that date,   TV guest roles.
     you can binge the whole first season).   The complete 3  season of the Net-  Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
     It was developed for TV by JOSHUA    flix original series Virgin River began   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
     SAFRAN, 30ish. He’s best known for   streaming on July 9. It consistently    goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
     creating and often writing the ABC se-  ranks as one of the most popular series
     ries  Quantico. As  in the original, the   on  Netflix.  The  title  refers  to  a  (fic-  The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
     main  characters  are  all  affluent  old-  tional) Northern California rural town   several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
     er teens who attend a private school.   where the series is set. The 1  season   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
     However, there are some changes. The   deftly  juggled  humor  with  dramatic   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
     cast/characters are more diverse ethni-  scenes. The acting was very good.
     cally and racially and there are LGBT    Like many series, the 2  and 3
     characters. Also, the impact  of social   season faltered as the plot lines got   Haart, the mother of four, left her life   character. It  follows Josh Corman,
     media is a big new theme.            more soap opera-ish.                  in a Hasidic sect to become the head   a  former  musician  who  teaches  fifth
        The main cast includes  ADAM          The 3  season saw the arrival of   of a major modeling empire. In dress   grade in Los  Angeles.  As  the series
     CHANLER-BERAT, 34  and  TAVI         the show’s first Jewish cast member –   and conduct, she is no longer a typi-  starts,  his  fiancée  has  just  moved  out
     GEVINSON, 25. Gevinson, who grew     STACEY FARBER, 33. She has a re-      cal Hasidic woman. Much of the series   and she’s replaced by his high school
     up near Chicago, was just 11 when she   curring role as Tara, the granddaughter   focuses on the contrast between the   buddy.  The advance publicity says,
     created (2008) a very popular fashion   of Connie, an important character who   former Hasidic lifestyle of her and her   “He knows he has a lot to be thankful
     blog and became  the darling  of the   runs the  town’s general  store. Farber   children and their current lifestyles.  for, but finds himself struggling never-
     New York fashion world. In 2011, she   grew up in Toronto. Like many young     The eight-part original CNN series   theless through anxiety, loneliness and
     launched  and personally  ran  Rookie,   Canadians,  she got her start  (2002-  History of the Sitcom began on July 11   a sinking suspicion that he sucks as a
     an online magazine for teens that had   2009) with  a big  role  on the  popular   and new episodes premiere on Sundays   person. Darkly funny, oddly beauti-
     a few good years but folded in 2016.   Canadian series  DeGrassi  High: The   at 9:00 p.m. It features 180 interviews   ful and deeply heartfelt, this relatable
     Meanwhile, she became an actress and   Next Generation.                    with famous sitcom figures, including   dramedy speaks for our contemporary
     has  appeared  in  a  few  films,  on  TV   My Unorthodox Life, an original   the late CARL REINER, NORMAN       generation  of 30-somethings – rich
     (guest shots), and in Broadway and   Netflix reality show, began streaming   LEAR,  LISA  KUDROW,  JASON         with  good  intentions,  poor with  stu-
     off-Broadway  shows.  Her  parents  are   on July 14. The series centers around   ALEXANDER,  MEL  BROOKS,       dent loans and yearning to become real
     religious Jews.                      the  personal and professional  life  of   JUDD  APATOW,  DAN  LEVY  and    grown-ups sometime before they die.”
        Chanler-Berat is mostly known as   fashion mogul JULIA HAART, 50ish.    CHUCK  LORRE. Another  CNN                Free City opens (exclusively) in
                                                                                original series,  Jerusalem: City of   theaters  on Friday,  August 13. Guy
                                                                                Faith  and Fury, started  on July 18   (Ryan Reynolds) discovers he is not
                                                                                (10:00 p.m.). This six-part series cov-  really a “living” bank teller, but a mi-
                                                                                ers the city’s history from biblical   nor character in a video game. He takes
                                                                                times until the present. It is narrated by   steps to make himself the hero of the
                                                                                actor Ewan McGregor, whose ex-wife    game,  which  will  have  the  effect  of
                                                                                is Jewish.  The couple’s four children   preventing the game’s developers from
                                                                                were raised Jewish. You can catch up   shutting  the  game  down.  The  film  is
                                                                                with both series via on-demand.       directed  by  SHAWN  LEVY,  52,  an-
                                                                                    Mr. Corman is a 10-episode series   other Canadian “landsman.” He’s most
                                                                                that premieres on Apple TV+ on Fri-   famous for helming the  Night at the
                                                                                day, August  6.  JOSEPH  GORDON-      Museum  flicks.  ZAK  PENN, 53, co-
                                                                                LEVITT, 40, created  the series, di-  wrote the film.
       SHAUNTELL SOLOMON, DO  SAMANTHA BONO, PA-C  JAMIE RAISOR, APRN-BC  ALEXIS BALLARD, LE, CME  rects it, writes it and stars as the title
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