Page 53 - Jewish News _August 2021_
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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                          August 2021                                    5B


 5 5782          BETH ISRAEL

               TEMPLE   TEMPLE   The Center of Jewish Living on Longboat Key!


               Whatever you are looking for, you will find it at Temple Beth Israel.

         We are excited to announce that TBI will be re-opening                           Find Your Home at TBI for the High Holy Days!
         to the public this fall, just in time for the High Holy Days!

         All Shabbat services and programs will return to in-person. Streaming              HIGH HOLY DAYS
         of services will be offered on Friday evenings, with some programs
         continuing online via Zoom.                                                       5782

         In season, each week will be packed with S.I.L.L. Music Mondays,
         followed by 92Y at TBI, our beloved Miniversity continuing-education             High Holy Day tickets
         courses, a Jewish discussion class, S.I.L.L. Global Issues III, club             are now available for
         luncheons, monthly Shabbat dinners, the well-attended BIW Fashion                purchase for non-TBI
         show, Westcoast Black Theatre…and more!                                          members.

         The Florence Katz Memorial Choir Concert, our annual fundraising
         Gala, Kallah Scholar & Scholar-in-Residence weekends are expected                We proudly accept
         to be the best yet!                                                              Reciprocal forms from
                                                                                          URJ Reform synagogues.
         With our current offerings and the addition of the new Education
         Center at Temple Beth Israel, we are certain that you will find an array         SEPT. 6 – SEPT. 16, 2021
         of stimulating and enriching additions for your everyday life!

                WHY JOIN TBI?                                     THE EDUCATION CENTER AT TBI

                   MEMBERSHIP PERKS
          •   Spiritual Expression – Within our sanctuary, you’ll find                   Like College… Only Better!
             beautiful music, inspirational sermons, and valuable   The Education Center at Temple Beth Israel is an educational organization
             readings. We maintain a responsible adherence to      which offers (non-denominational) enrichment programming and lifelong
             Jewish tradition within the context of reform Judaism.
          •   Community – The synagogue is so often the place      learning for all adults, regardless of residence or educational background.
             where we discover people who share in the same        Programs each season (October – May) include:
             interests and values. In truth, our best friends come   YOGA                   FILM FESTIVALS              WELLNESS & ANTI-AGING
             from the synagogue.
          •   Connection – There is great joy in being part of a large   QIGONG             WRITING WORKSHOPS           MORNING FORUMS
             Jewish community. TBI offers groups for women, men,   MEDITATION               WORLD POLITICS              BROADWAY BIOS
             empty nesters & single adults.  A beautiful aspect of   FUNCTIONAL FITNESS     THEOLOGY                    IPHONE & IPAD
             being part of these groups is that your presence not   BRIDGE (ALL LEVELS)     AMERICAN HISTORY            THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES
             only benefits you, but others as well.                MAH JONGG                MUSIC APPRECIATION          CONCERTS
          •   Education – As we grow older, continuing our own     CANASTA                  DANCE HISTORY               JAZZ NIGHTS
             education is still important. You will find ongoing   MOVIE DISCUSSIONS        SUPREME COURT               DAY TRIPS
             courses, special programs, & lectures that feature a   PAINTING                LECTURE SERIES              BIRDING & NATURE WALKS
             blend of thought-provoking topics, all taught on a    LITERATURE & POETRY      PHOTOGRAPHY                 SPECIAL ONE-TIME EVENTS
             stimulating level and challenge those who attend with
             new thoughts & ideas. (FREE TO TEMPLE MEMBERS)        BOOK GROUPS              MAGIC                       …AND SO MUCH MORE!

               ASK ABOUT OUR INTRODUCTORY                                       FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE EDUCATION CENTER
                      & SEASONAL RATES!                                                      PLEASE CALL: (941) 383-8222

                                                                                                                          TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL
          We Look Forward to Seeing You!                                                          567 BAY ISLES ROAD - LONGBOAT KEY, FL 34228

                                                                                                               (941) 383-3428  |
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