Page 25 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 25

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                      November 2021                                      25A

     K’zohar Ha-Ivrit

     Tza-va – Army

     By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
           he holiday of Chanukah is at our   was not only an earthly force. Rather,
           door. On this Holiday of Lights,   the luminaries in heaven, the sun, the
     Tthe  Jewish  world  celebrates      moon and the stars were all referred to as
     the great military victory of the Mac-  the tzava of heaven (Gen 2:2; Dt. 4:19)
     cabean army over the Greek imperial   and were called tz’va ha-marom, liter-
     might. It was Judah the Maccabee who   ally the host of the above. (Isa 24:21)    Prayer  Spirituality  Learning  Community
                       declared  Chanu-   Moreover, God Himself was perceived
                       kah a holiday to   as Adonai Tz’vaot, the Lord of Hosts           Rabbi Jennifer Singer’s Uplifting Services:
                       be celebrated for   (1 Sam1:3; Amos 6:14; et al), the One
                       eight  days after   who controls the hosts of heaven and
                       he led the small   Earth, the creator and protector of all.         •  Friday evenings filled with music and song
                       Judean army to     It is not surprising that when the State         •  Saturday mornings shaped by Torah,
                       overcome the re-   of Israel was re-established, the mili-             contemplation, discussion
                       ligious oppression   tary  force  was  called  Tz’va Haganah
                       of  the  Greek  re-  le-Israel, literally the defense army of       •  Traditional and contemporary liturgy
                       gime. In honor of   Israel, or as the Hebrew acronym refers
       Dr. Rachel Dulin  this victory, let us   to it: Tza-HaL.                          Wide Range of Activities & Programs:
     explore the Hebrew word tzava, which     The Israeli tzava is the backbone of
     means army or military.              the country and the pride of every citi-
        The noun  tzava,  which  appears   zen of Israel. Since the tzava is a major        Books & Bagels           Holiday celebrations
     484 times in  the  Bible,  has several   force in Israeli life, it is not surprising   Shabbat-at Home          Jewish meditation
     meanings depending on context. Tzava   that there are many phrases in Hebrew           Social action            Chesed
     means gathering, host, warfare, force,   where the word tzava is at the center.

     troops, public service, Temple duty and   For example, Gil tzava means military                        Extensive adult education
     fixed time. It is derived from the verb   age, referring to the age of 18 when an
     tza-va, which appears 14 times in the   Israeli  joins  the  military  service.  Ish
     Text and means gather, assemble, serve   tzava means a soldier and yotze tzava
     (especially  at  the  Temple)  and  wage   is a person of military age. Tz’va mit-
     war. Interestingly, in the Bible,  tza-  nad-vim is a volunteer army, whereas                                     Introducing a new
     va implies both military action (Zech.   tz’va  avo-dah  means  enlistment  for
     14:12) as well as civilian service in the   compulsory work.                                                      membership category
     cultic center. (Num 4:23; 8:24)          In short, tzava is a powerful word       For more information
        Moreover, in the Book of Job, tza-  in the Hebrew language, encompassing                                       for under 55 years-old
     va is used to imply a task every human   a military force and a civilian responsi-  941.244.2042
     being should fulfill while on earth, as   bility, an earthly force and a heavenly
     it is written: “truly man has a tzava, a   realm. It was with the help of Adonai
     term of service, on the earth.” (Job 7:1)   tz’va-ot,  The Lord of Hosts, that the
     However,  in  most  biblical  citations,   Maccabees  of  old  won  their  battle,
     tzava is used in reference to a military   and  the  modern  Maccabees  of  Israel
     force whose mission was to go to battle   won the independence of the State of
     for the protection of the land and the   Israel.                                                                                   Since 2017,

     people. (Josh. 4:13; 2 Sam 10:7; I Kgs   Chag Chanukah Same-ach to all.
     4:4; et al) And the person who led the   Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor                                                5,874
     tzava at war was known as sar ha-tza-  of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
     va, namely the commander of the army.   lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct   Holocaust, Genocide                area students
     (1 Kgs 1:19; 1Sam 17:55)             professor of Hebrew and Bible at New    and Tolerance Education
        It is interesting to note that tzava   College in Sarasota.                                                         have heard testimony
          For a continuously updated community                                                                          from Holocaust survivors
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