Page 29 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 29

COMMENTARY                                                                           November 2021                                      29A

 Immaculate reaction  Reflections on the 20  anniversary
     of 9/11

 Ammiano’s  still  living  track  coach
 who  recalled  how,  during  the  awards  By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
 ceremony,  he  was  asked  to  leave  the   wenty years have gone by since   and division, they did not succeed.”  respect for the lives lost on that horrif-  our children and to our grandchildren –
 school auditorium at one point to speak   that terrible September day that   His name is Gordon Felt. He has   ic day and as an expression of unified   the land of the free and the home of the
 to an administrator in a hallway. Du-Tsaw  jet  planes  crash  into  the   visited the memorial called the “Wall   thought honoring all who gave their   brave, America, the greatest democra-
 ring this time, he assumed Ammiano  twin towers in New York, the Pentagon   of Names” in Somerset County, Penn-  lives to safeguard these cities and this     cy in all the world.

 had received the letter he had rightfully  in Virginia and the field in Shanksville,   sylvania, time and time again. It is   country.  Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
 earned.   Pennsylvania.  Our  country  and  the   there that he reclaims his loving rela-  What was exemplified on Septem-  ing chair of the Robert and Esther
 Acknowledging the school’s mal-world have gone through moments of   tionship with his brother Edward, who   ber 11, 2021, was that our country can,   Heller Community Relations Commit-
 feasance,  the  alumni  affairs  director  continued  strife  and  occa-  was one of the 40 heroes   when properly motivated, draw togeth-  tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
 wrote  Ammiano:  “We  most  certainly  sions of the utmost bravery.   on Flight 93 that crashed   er and reach out to one another finding
 would like to right this wrong and we,  As we reflect on the reality   in the Somerset field. On   strength in sharing our love and respect   Crossword Puzzle
 too, are more than dismayed by this  of  9/11,  we  need  to  think   this,  the  20  anniversary   for all that happened 20 years ago.   Solution to puzzle on page 19A
 situation.”  Referring  to  the  school’s  about some special people   of 9/11, Gordon spoke at   Today, too many people speak of
 mascot,  she  indicated  that  Ammiano  who made this 20  anni-  the Pennsylvania memo-  divisiveness  in  our  country,  lack  of
 possessed the heart of a lion and that  versary so special.  rial. He said the follow-  respect for one another, and failure to
 his  character  and  conviction  serve  as   His  name  is  Michael   ing: “Our country and the   listen to and understand the words of
 “an inspiration.”  Arad,  an  Israeli  citizen,      world  needs  places  like   those who may  disagree  with  us, but
 Since  a  representative  would  not  the son of a former foreign   the Flight 93 National   still have a right to be heard. We are
 be able to visit  Ammiano in person,  ambassador  from  Israel.   Memorial  because  it  re-  the  UNITED  States  of  America.  On
 the school requested Saxon personally  He was born in London,   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  minds us of who we are,   that  day  of  remembrance,  we  opened
 deliver the custom-made letter embla-attended  high  school  in  Mexico  City   who we became and, perhaps, who we   our hearts to one another.  We held
 zoned  on a  resplendent  white  sweat-where his father Moshe was then post-  could once again become.”  hands,  spoke  words  of  comfort,  em-
 er.  When  an  appreciative  Ammiano  ed. He went to Dartmouth College and   Former President George Bush   braced, shed tears, heard the names of
 greeted Saxon at his door, he warmly  returned to Israel to fulfill his required   also spoke at the Pennsylvania Memo-  all who perished on that day, and we
 announced the arrival of the “mitzvah  service  in  the  Israel  Defense  Forces.   rial. He reminded the audience of the   realized what America means to us, to
 man.”   He  then  attended  graduate  school  in   important fact that “On America’s Day
 The pursuit of justice, such as the  Atlanta,  married  Melanie  Fitzpatrick   of trial and grief I saw millions of peo-  What do you think?
 fight for equal rights, is frequently per-and moved to Manhattan.   ple instinctively grab for a neighbor’s
 ceived  in  broad  terms.  But  opportu-  Michael,  an  architect,  prepared   hand, and rally for the cause of one an-
 nities to right wrongs are often found  and submitted his design for the 9/11   other. That is the America I know.”  The Jewish News wants to know!
 within our purview on a much small-memorial.  More than 5,200 designs   That is the America that was rep-
 er  scale. The  question  is  why  certain  were  submitted  and  his  was  chosen.   resented  in  New  York,  Virginia  and   Send an email to
 people pursue them while others either  He envisioned a street-level memorial   Pennsylvania. That is the America that
 don’t seem to care, don’t want to take  that could attract and hold the attention   brought Presidents Joe Biden, Barack   Letters Policy
 the time required, or assume that any  of  all  visitors.  He  called  it  “Reflec-  Obama and Bill Clinton to the site   Letters  to  the  editor  should  not  exceed  300 words,  must be  typed,  and  include  the
 salient indignity or injustice will surely  tive  Absence.”  With  the  completion   where  the  World  Trade  Center  tow-  writer’s name, mailing address and phone number. Letters can be submitted via USPS
 be addressed by someone else. Though  of this memorial, Arad stated, “If the    ers fell. Each man wore a blue ribbon   or email ( Not all letters will be published. Letters may be

 nether  gay  nor  Catholic,  Stephen  terrorists thought they would sow fear   and held his hand over his heart  in     edited for length and content.
 Saxon’s heightened sense of responsi-
 bility motivated him to initiate a cause   build.   advocate.
 on  behalf  of  someone  he  didn’t  even
 The revered Rabbi Leo Baeck not-  remember. support.
 ed, “A minority is compelled to think;
 that is the blessing of its fate.” Saxon’s
 “thinking”  reflects  recognition  of  the   Government Affairs
 potential role all of us can play in rec-  Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see support for Israel
 tifying unfairness. In Hebrew, the term   eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish interests starts locally and often goes
 sim lev, translated as “pay attention,”
 literally means “to put to one’s heart.”   to Washington D.C. You can count on the Heller CRC when it matters most, from
 Acting  on  sim lev is how we defend   advocating in our local school systems to championing national bills.
 against cynicism and indifference. It is
 the manifestation of our blessing as a
 Sim lev, of course, is not only re-                                                                                    ^ Builds Bridges
 served for the detection of and response            Robert and Esther Heller
 to  moral  offense.  This  virtue  should                                         ^ Advocates through Government Affairs
 also be expressed when we are moved                     CRC
 by the thoughtfulness of others, like the           COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE               ^ Remembers the Holocaust
 nursing home attendant who takes par-
 ticularly sensitive care of a loved one
 or someone who strongly defends con-
 victions we hold dear. As Mark Twain   Holocaust
 famously remarked, “I can live for two
 months on a good compliment.”           Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues, churches and libraries to “Never
 It’s said that a thousand sighs are      Forget.” The Holocaust Speakers Bureau brings survivors’ personal stories to school
 not worth one good deed. Sighing is        children and adults alike. Classrooms Without Borders takes elite teachers
 easy. Good deeds are in a wholly dif-
 ferent category because they partake of     each year to Poland with a survivor. These experiences change how they
 the sacred.                                   teach the Holocaust, helping them create upstanders in their schools.
 Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
 Community Chaplain and Director of
 the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His   HELLER CRC’S MISSION
 position is underwritten by The Jewish   To build relationships within the
 Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                 Jewish and non-Jewish communities
              and to advance common interests
            through education and advocacy.                                                           
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