Page 30 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 30

30A                         November 2021                                                                          COMMENTARY

     Sukkot and the new government of change

     By Harold M. Halpern
        am writing during Sukkot, a holi-     The  holidays  provided  a time  for   beginning put together after much re-  and has created hope, particularly after
        day of joy. Irving (Yitz) Greenberg,   the new government of Israel to pause.   flection.                     the internal clashes between Jews and
     I rabbi, Jewish scholar, philosopher   It is a coalition of numerous parties –   So far, so good. Israel has not had a   Arabs in Israel during the Gaza rocket
     and teacher, has said that while “Pass-  right, left, center, secular, religious, Is-  budget for four years. Its failure caused   attacks, for a greater integration of Is-
     over is the story of the freedom of the   raeli Jewish and Israeli Arab – which   the preceding government to collapse.   raeli Arabs into Israeli society.
     Jewish  people,  Sukkot  celebrates  the   have significant differences in policies.   The new government, self-described as   A  word  of  warning  is  necessary.
     way the liberation continues.” We live   They were united in opposition to Ben-  a government of change, has approved   Issues have bubbled up within the coa-
     in  the  sukkah  as  much  as  is  possible   jamin Netanyahu continuing as Prime   a proposed budget at a first reading in   lition both from the parties of the right
                      “to  recapture  the   Minister after 12 years while on trial   the Knesset. A budget is critically im-  and from Ra’am, which need to be re-
                      spirit  of the  Exo-  for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.   portant to enable the government agen-  solved before there can be a successful
                      dus to remind us    The coalition selected Naftali Bennett,   cies to fulfill their mission which was   final vote in the Knesset.
                      that the Jewish     leader of Yamina, a small right party,   curtailed in the preceding three years.   For now, the new government of
                      people  were  will-  as Prime Minister for two years. Yair   If the budget is not finally approved by   change  may  justly  celebrate  during
                      ing  to  take  risks,   Lapid, leader of Yesh Atid, a center and   November  4,  new  elections  are  man-  Sukkot for its accomplishments in its
                      which is the price   largest coalition party, as the Alternate   dated.                         first  100  days.  In  Yitz  Greenberg’s
                      of striving  to be   Prime  Minister  and  Foreign  Minister.   At the outset the coalition, mem-  words, the government has begun “to
                      free to perfect the   He will succeed Bennett as Prime Min-  bers  differed  on  budget  allocations.   take risks… to strive” for betterment,
       Harold M. Halpern  world.”         ister for the remainder of the four-year   Instead of walking away, they debated   a  message  of  Sukkot  and  the  High
        Shlomo  Riskin,  Chief  Rabbi  of   term if the coalition doesn’t break up   the  issues,  without  hatred,  and  com-  Holidays. However, given the narrow
     Efrat, Israel, teaches us that Sukkot has   forcing an earlier election.   promised on their differences. The pro-  majority  and  conflicting  priorities,  its
     two identities. One identity  is that  it   The first 100 days in office of the   posed  budget  provides  for  additional   durability is fragile and uncertain.
     “is a desert festival... which celebrates   new  coalition  came  during  the  holi-  funds for badly needed new hospitals   A  final  word.  Discussion  of  the
     our desert wanderings (for 40 years)…   days.                              and medical staffing; additional funds   threats to Israel from Hezbollah from
     living  in  flimsy  booths.”  Sukkot  is  a   New voices of leadership are now   for social services and crime protection   the  north, Gaza from the  south, Iran
     “reminder of all of the exiles of Israel   heard in the Knesset and in the  halls   for  Israeli  Arab  communities;  reduc-  and issues of the West Bank, as well as
     throughout our 4,000-year history, and   of governments around the world. The   tion in food costs by decreasing import   issues of exemption from military ser-
     thanksgiving  to  God…  that  we  have   coalition has but a one-vote majority in   taxes and increasing competition in the   vice  for  the  ultra-Orthodox,  and  con-
     survived”  persecutions,  pogroms  and   the  Knesset.  This  slim  margin  leaves   supply of kosher products; funds to join   trol  by  the  Orthodox  Rabbinate  over
     the Shoah.                           little room for error.                much of the world in climate control;   marriage,  divorce,  conversion,  Shab-
        The second identity is centered on    Recognizing their fragility, all the   funds for a security blanket for farmers   bat restrictions on public transportation
     the Four Species that we wave in the   parties have agreed to focus on matters   to ease the transition to increased im-  and prayer at the Western Wall are be-
     sukkah, which “represent our conquest   on which they can have a civil discus-  ports; and funds for the financial loss   yond the scope of this column but will
     and  inhabitance  of  our  homeland….   sion without demonizing  those who   to workers whose retirement age will   be written in a follow-up article.
     Sukkot  represents  God’s  kingship…   differ. They have restored the essential   be increased from age 62 to 65.   Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
     which turns the sukkah into rays of di-  art of compromise to politics. On vital   It must be noted that an Israe-  residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
     vine  splendor….”  This  sukkah  is  the   policy  matters  where  compromise  is   li  Arab  political  party,  Ra’am,  is  for   board member of the American Asso-
     “joyful transition from the desert to the   not possible, they have agreed to main-  the first time a part of a new govern-  ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
     land of the plenty, symbolized by the   tain the status quo to avoid blowing up   ing  coalition.  It  has  fully  engaged  in   and of the West Coast Chapter of the
                                                                                                                           % %
     Four Species.”                       the  coalition.  So,  truly,  this  is  a  new   the political process of give and take,   American Jewish Committee.

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