Page 24 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 24

24                             July 2020                                                               COMMUNITY FOCUS

        Temple Sinai: Providing meals

        to food-insecure in the community

        By Gail Glickman | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

                s David  Wilbur states, “God   lowed the Shabbat in a Box to thrive.   people in the Jewish community. The   JFCS clients  who received  the  Shab-
                did not intend the Sabbath to   Temple  Sinai  has donated  100 Shab-  feedback  from JFCS of the Suncoast   bos meal was both an expression of
        Abe a burden, but rather a time       bat meals each month to food-insecure   has been glowing: “Feedback from the   gratitude to the temple and kudos to the
        of joy.” Yet for some in these uncertain                                                                          chef for the delicious meal!”
        times, celebrating  Shabbat while so-                                                                                JFCS expects  to  continue  to  par-
        cially distancing is difficult. Shabbat is                                                                        ticipate weekly. The ability to offer this
        meant to be a time of connection and                                                                              important  service  to the  community
        celebration.  Therefore,  Temple  Sinai                                                                           is based on the continued  success of
        has launched Shabbat in a Box, which                                                                              Shabbat in a Box.
        offers  delicious  meals  prepared  by                                                                               Friday night  meals  may  be or-
        Temple Sinai’s Chef Adam Woldman.                                                                                 dered  through  Temple  Sinai’s web-
        Every Friday night there is a selection                                                                           site  at
        of  chicken,  fish  or  vegetarian  meals                                                                         Click on the Shabbat in a Box link by
        plus vegetables,  dessert, two Shab-                                                                              Wednesday of each week and pick up
        bat candles, challah rolls and Shabbat                                                                            curbside  between  2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
        prayers included in the festive Shabbat                                                                           on Friday.
        dinner that you can enjoy at home.                                                                                   Temple Sinai is delighted and hon-
            Recently, The Jewish Federation                                                                               ored to be able to give back to the com-
        of Sarasota-Manatee  awarded  Tem-                                                                                munity during these very strange times.
        ple Sinai a grant from the Coronavirus              Shabbat in a Box Crew: Temple Sinai President Ellyn Bender,    Remember, we are  only  separated  by
        Emergency Fund.  This grant has al-              Caterer Assistant Travis Dunn, Liz & Chef Adam Woldman, Alan Chalfin  distance, not faith and celebration.

          Stay connected @                                          Chabad of Venice

                                                                                    under COVID-19                                                          A three-continent wedding

                                 PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                       By Linda Wolfe
                   Giving a Democratic Voice to                                     This program is sponsored by
                                                                                    The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                        ust  weeks  after  the  first  coro-  seniors, healthcare workers, people
                                                                                        navirus case was detected, this   who are ill or just wonderful members
                                                                                    Jpandemic  changed  almost  every     of our community who can use a vir-
            JEWS                                                 DEMS               aspect of life throughout our commu-  tual  hug.  One  woman  battling  cancer

                                      ISRAEL                                        nity…except  for one: the obligation   was unable to leave her home due to
                                                                                    and responsibility that is central to our
                                                                                                                          her compromised immunity. She called
                                    CHARITY                                         Jewish beliefs and Torah, to be there   and told us, “You were a very bright
                                                                                    for one another.                      light  in a time  of great  darkness.”
                                      TRUTH                                         the Chabad of Venice and North Port,
                                                                                       In the 14 years since the opening of
          PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT  COMPASSION                            PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT  for support than during these isolating
                                                                                    there  has never been  a greater  need
                                                                                       As  the Coronavirus continues to
                                                                                    restrict daily life in this unprecedented
                                                                                    period, we grappled with how to help
                                                                                    community and continued connective-
                             PUBLIC SCHOOLS                                         those  in  need  and  create  a  sense  of
                                                                                    ness. With our physical Center closed,
                             WOMEN’S RIGHTS                                         we sprang into action  because we
                                                                                    needed to adapt to a new norm. This
                       UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE                                         new reality would challenge us to cre-
                                                                                    ate ways of engaging our community           “Shabbat Love Packages”
                    Jewish Caucus                                                   in education, prayer and social events   There are no charges for these meals.

                                                                                    in an unconventional yet inspiring way.  Thank you to The Jewish Federation
                                                                                       During Pesach, we lost the tradi-  of  Sarasota-Manatee  and  to  all  our
                                                                                    tional sense of this joyous time of shar-  donors for your assistance with this vi-
                                                                                    ing the Seder meal with each other, but   tal project.
                                                         the spirit of the holiday was not dimin-  Our  slew  of  volunteers  and  staff
                                                                                                                          formed a network to deliver not only
                                 PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
                                                                                                                          Shabbat meals, but also supplies to
                                                                                                                          people who were fearful to enter stores
                                                                                                                          because they may be sick or more vul-
                                                                                                                          nerable to the effects of the virus.
                                                                                                                             Our staff and volunteers continue
                                                                                                                          to make wellness calls to community
                                                                                                                          members daily, checking on needs or
                                                                                                                          just to offer a simple “Shalom and we
                                                                                                                          are thinking of you” message.
                                                                                                                             The virtual programs have attract-
                             Your Local                                                                                   ed hundreds of people in our area as

                   Mortgage Lender                                                                                        well as snowbirds throughout the coun-
                                                                                                                          try. The virtual Minyan has been well
                                                                                                                          attended.  Additionally, Chaya Rivka,
                                                                                                                          Clay Shafton and Aura Marks-Shafton
                              ■   Conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA                                                         continue  to engage with our children
                              ■   Construction/Renovation Loans                                                           through our Virtual Hebrew School.
                                      ■   Jumbo Loans                                 Samantha Miller with a “Seder to go” box  The  Tuesday  morning  women’s
                                 ■   Physician Loan Program                         ished.  Our  amazing  staff,  Sasha  and   study  book  club  via  Zoom  is  in  full
                                                                                    Maria, the Schmerlings and a slew of   swing, offering women not only a way
                                  ■   Custom Portfolio Loans
                                                                                    volunteers  created  “Seder  Plates  in  a   to study together but to socialize and
                                ■   Manufactured Home Loans                         Box.” We delivered over 200 delicious   share laughter and ideas.
                                                                                    full Seder meals to our community.       And although  our Lag  B’Omer
                                                                                       We created  and continue  to pro-  beach party wasn’t a go this year, we
                                      Penny Hill Group                              vide “Pre-Shabbat  Services &  After   had over 170 people attend our free on-
                                      Scott Kolbe, Penny Hill,                      Shabbat Havdalah,” brought to you     line event: the Jewish comedy of Joel
                                      and Paul Eidel                                on  Zoom  with  the  entire  Schmerling   Chasnoff, featuring live entertainment
                                      (941) 545-1275                                family as a “Yiddishkeit” reality show.   from Israel.
                                        Mordechai  davens, the girls and the     So you can see, although we are
                                      Scott NMLS# 450453                            Rebbetzin  light  the  candles,  Rabbi   separated by space, we are connected
                                      Penny NMLS# 365464                            Sholom teaches, and we feel at peace   through the teachings of the Torah and
                                      Paul NMLS# 1041466                            connecting  to  our  Chabad  family  by   the tireless work of Chabad of Venice.
                                                                                    continuing our Shabbat traditions.       Visit to
                   Subject to credit approval.                                         We  launched  the  “Shabbat  Love   view all of the available programs, vir-
                   CenterState Bank, N.A. Corp NMLS# 403455.
                                                                                    Packages” and over 50 meals a week    tual events and classes.
                                                                                    are  being delivered  to homebound

                   Check out our programs for all ages at
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