Page 26 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 26

26                             July 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

        Today’s Jewish diaspora communities

        at once threatened and resilient

        Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News

            Exile: Portraits of the Jewish    ters within Muslim countries, these   “truly free” under the USSR                        leaders  are  the  “head
           Diaspora, by Annika Hernroth-      people operate discretely and without   shadow that still darkens to-                    and heart”  of the Ir-
         Rothstein. Edited by Tiffany Gabbay.   calling attention  to themselves.  The   day’s Russia.                                 kutsk Jewish  commu-
            Bombardier Books. 208 pages.      town has a full range of Jewish institu-  A favorite  chapter  for                       nity, which  is home  to
                 Hardcover $27.00.            tions and outlets. They have struggled   many readers is likely to be                   at least 5,000 Jews. The
                                              against  persecution  and  assimilation,   the one on Morocco.  Ar-                     synagogue  is jammed,
              ometimes  a relatively  compact   and found a way to survive and flour-  riving in fabled Marrakesh                     assimilation  seems  un-
              book  has  a  lot  to  offer.  It’s  so   ish. The island is home to 1,500 Jews   the day before Passover,              der  control,  and  Jewish
        Sunusual  to  find  a  book  whose    whose commitment assures, to the ex-  Annika  enjoys the  syna-                         institutions – educational
        author has a fascinating and necessary   tent possible, a future sprung from an   gogue service  at  Lazama                  and otherwise – are ac-
        idea about Jewish culture, digs into the   impenetrable core. These people know   Synagogue, built in 1492 “and now          tive. Strangely, Putin is an
        topic and comes up with a result that   that they must “plant their feet firmly   housed inside of a sixteenth century   ally of Russian Jews, who are deeply
        is dazzling in its factual base, its inter-  in the past.”                  Riad Mellah (ghetto).” She toys with   patriotic  and also open about their
        pretation of gathered evidence and its    Modern day Uzbekistan is a place   the commonplace, that in Morocco the   Zionism.
        engaging voice.                       where people have lived since the “Old   lives of Muslims and Jews have been   This is only one of the many chap-
            Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, a Jew-  Stone  Age.”  Annika  outlines its  re-  intertwined, but she also notes that this   ters filled with surprises.
                          ish journalist from   markable  history through the shifting   is true only in certain restricted areas.   Aside from the four chapters
                          Sweden, set her-    of empires. She reminds us that  Uz-  Annika moves gracefully from the old,   skimmed to give a taste of this valu-
                          self a challenging   beks fought in the Red Army against   historic  places  of  Jewish community   able  study, there are  additional  chap-
                          mission and the     Nazi Germany and “500,000 of the sol-  to the more modern ones, noting that   ters detailing  the  past and  present
                          results  are  illumi-  diers were Jewish.” This nation gained   Jews  had served in important diplo-  communities of Jews in the following
                          nating. The  sto-   independence  in 1991.  A humorous    matic positions. Jewish life in Moroc-  places:  Cuba, Iran,  Finland,  Sweden,
                          ries she tells are   scene involves what  Annika calls an   co can seem and, perhaps, be one of   Palermo,  Turkey  and Venezuela.  An-
                          at  once  consoling   “Uzbek  Orthodox                             subservience to the Muslim   nika’s adventurous nature, her passion
                          and a bit frighten-  flirtation.”  She  de-                        community. It is a life adap-  for Jewish culture and history, and her
                          ing as well. Where   scribes  the  conflict                        tation that is not uncommon   openness regarding her personal expe-
             Phil Jason   is the Jewish dias-  between the Ashke-                            in the diaspora.             riences exploring these varied commu-
        pora today? It’s in places you might not   nazi  and  Bukharian                          She reminds us that tens   nities is a treasure and a joy.
        expect.                               Sephardi  communi-                             of thousands of Jews arrived   About the author
            Come with Annika on her magi-     ties. Throughout  its                          in Israel between 1948 and   Annika Hernroth-Rothstein is a former
        cal mystery tour – a tour that took two   history,  the  Jewish                      1956, shrinking Morocco’s    political  advisor for the conservative
        years.                                Uzbeks have fought                             Jewish community.            coalition  of Sweden, and now a full-
            After an introduction in which she   against assimilation,                           Can  you  imagine  that   time journalist and author. She contrib-
        describes the sources of motivation for   and  the  community                        such a book would contain a   utes to such publications as The Wall
        her project, the author launches her di-  has often “teetered                        healthy section on Siberia?   Street Journal, Israel Hayom, National
        aspora guide with a study and reminisce   on the  brink of ex-                       Well it does.                Review, The Washington Examiner and
        about  the  Djerba  community. Djerba,   tinction.”  Accusa-  Annika Hernroth-Rothstein  Annika relates  the fact   The Jerusalem Post. When she is not
        an island in Tunisia, is a good starting   tions of dual loyalties  posed serious   that,  perhaps not ironically, Siberia   writing, she travels the world and is a
        point. She introduces us to guides and   problems.  Through all of these, Uz-  means “The End” in the regional dia-  sought-after  public  speaker on issues
        community leaders who shape her in-   bekistan’s Jews have  survived.  The   lect of Ostyak. Siberia is immense. But   of religious freedom, European politics
        troduction to this unfamiliar place. She   community  continues  to maintain  its   for many Jewish immigrants it offered   and the Middle East. For even more
        learns about the town of Hara Kbira,   strong presence in “a peaceful, multi-  a new beginning. It is a place rich in   about the author, go to annikahernroth.
        almost  exclusively  Jewish. It has 12   religious  melting  pot.”  These Jewish   natural resources that demand a labor   com.
        synagogues.  As in  other  Jewish cen-  citizens are at once “equal,” and yet not   force to take advantage of them. Mil-  Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus
                                                                                    lions  of  people  have  benefited  from   of English from the United States Na-
                                                                                    the Trans-Siberian Railway, including   val Academy. He reviews regularly for
                                                                                    those who helped build this marvel.   Florida Weekly, Washington Indepen-
                                                                                       Annika finds the towns she visits   dent Review of Books, Southern Lit-
                                                                                    somehow familiar. It’s like a home-   erary Review, other publications  and
                                                                                    coming  to this Jew of partial  Rus-  the Jewish Book Council. Please visit
                                                                                    sian ancestry. It is no surprise to find   Phil’s  website  at  www.philjason.word
                                                                                    a Chabad-Lubavitch presence whose

                                                                                      Big                           moments

                                                                                                                DESERVE BIG MAZELS

                         Thursday, July 16 • 4:30pm

                       In this virtual stand-up comedy show, Joel will share his favorite
                       Jewish jokes and the role of Jewish humor, from Genesis to
                       Seinfeld and beyond. Joel has performed in 10 countries,
                       including Montreal’s Just-For-Laughs, the Melbourne (Australia)    Commemorate life’s big moments
                       Comedy Festival, and Israeli late-night TV. Q&A session following.    with a Federation Tribute!

                       To RSVP, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/EVENTS

                       Contact Trudi Krames at
              or 941.706.0037           $ 10.00
                                                                      PER HOUSEHOLD
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                                                                                                      Call Paula at
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