Page 29 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 29

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                             July 2020                                     29

        Stars of David                                                                        Interested in Your

        By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
        Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish              Family’s History?
        for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
        ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
        with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
        also identified as Jewish.                                                    years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                      when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
        Diggs is Everywhere Now               filmed, and the “best parts” were com-  full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
        Recent events have led the Jewish me-  bined  to  make  the  film.  THOMAS    with a limited search of one family line.
        dia to report on the fairly large and   KAIL, 42, who directed the stage ver-
        growing number of American Jews “of   sion, also directed the film.                           So here’s the deal:
        color.” A 2019 report by Stanford and     Of course, Lin-Manuel  Miranda,
        the Univ. of San Francisco estimated   40, stars in the title role and he wrote   Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
        12-15% of American Jews are persons   the musical. Many articles have noted   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
        of color. Most are children of intermar-  that he really loves everything Jewish.
        riage, but a considerable  number are   Check out, or revisit, the “Lin Miranda   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
        converts to Judaism.  This past year,   wedding video”  on  YouTube. Called   The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
        two famous Jews “of color” have been   the best wedding video ever, it features
        very prominent. The first is comedian/  an amazing (spoiler!) version of “To   several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
        actress  TIFFANY HADDISH, 40,         Life” from Fiddler on the Roof. I am    friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
        who discovered  as an adult  that  her   enraptured and just plain happy every   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
        (now late) father was an Eritrean Jew.   time I see it. Those are feelings we all
        She embraced  her father’s faith and   need now.
        had a “real” bat mitzvah (reading from   Broadcast and Streaming Options       The  new Peacock  network  pre-    had the misfortune to star in three big-
        the Torah, etc.) last December.       Lenox Hill is a Netflix documentary se-  mieres  “for  everybody”  on  Wednes-  budget  films  that  flopped  (Beautiful
            The  other  is  DAVEED DIGGS,     ries about the famous Manhattan hos-  day, July 15. “Everybody” comes with   Creatures, Rules Don’t Apply and Han
        38. He is the son of an African-Ameri-  pital (released June 9 to great reviews).   qualifiers.  Certain  cable  company   Solo: A Star Wars Story).You can see
        can father and a (white) Jewish mother.   Filmed before the pandemic, the series   customers are already getting it with   him at his best, I think, in Hail, Caesar,
        He was raised, for lack of a better term,   follows four physicians as they balance   their subscription. “Everybody”  can   a COEN brothers film that did fine.
        “Jewish Light.”  As I reported in my   their personal lives with their profes-  see some of the shows if they have an   Finally, there’s Intelligence, a six-
        last column, he has a leading voice role   sional careers.  One is  DR. DAVID   internet connection. If you pay $5 per   episode British sitcom set in the U.K.
        in  Central Park, an  Apple  TV+ ani-  LANGER, 50ish, the hospital’s head   month, you can see them all.          DAVID SCHWIMMER, 53, co-stars
        mated series (started in May), and he   of neurosurgery. Dr. Langer has often   Peacock  series  starting  on  July   as Jerry Bernstein, a National Security
        co-stars in the big-budget TNT thriller   appeared as a medical expert on shows   15 include  The Capture,  Brave New   Agency agent who is a liaison to a Brit-
        series Snowpiercer, which also began   like  Good  Morning America. Sadly,   World and  Intelligence.  Capture is a   ish cybercrimes unit. The first season
        in May and concludes on July 19. Also,   just a couple of months ago, Lenox Hill   six-episode British series that aired in   aired in Britain last February and a sec-
        this coming August, Diggs has an im-  was a “ground zero” hospital in New   the U.K. last fall and got great reviews.   ond season has been ordered. Schwim-
        portant role in The Good Lord Bird, a   York City’s battle to stem our modern   It focuses on a British veteran of the   mer’s ex-wife, ZOE BUCKMAN, 35,
        major Showtime mini-series about the   plague.                              Afghan  War  who is the  suspect  in  a   is  a  Brit  and  they  have  a  9-year-old
        lead-up to the Civil War.                 The HBO documentary I’ll Be Gone   horrible domestic crime. RON PERL-   daughter.
            Diggs won a Tony for his perfor-  in the Dark premiered on June 28. It is   MAN, 70, has a supporting role.
        mance  as the Marquis de Lafayette    based  on  the  bestselling  book  of  the   Brave  New  World  stars  ALDEN   Need to reach the editor
        and  Thomas  Jefferson  in  the  mega-  same  name  written  by  Michelle  Mc-  EHRENREICH, 30. It’s based on the
        hit Broadway musical  Hamilton. The   Namara (1970-2016) and it chronicles   famous 1932 dystopian  novel  by Al-    of The Jewish News?
        film  version  of  Hamilton (co-starring   her hunt for the “Golden State Killer”   dous Huxley. Ehrenreich  was discov-
        Diggs) will premiere  on the Disney   (a suspect was arrested in April 2018).   ered by  STEVEN SPIELBERG, 73,         Send an email to
        Plus channel on Friday, July 3. Three   The director is Emmy winner and Os-  who chanced to see him in a funny bat
        stage  productions of  Hamilton were   car nominee LIZ GARBUS, 50.          mitzvah video. He is talented, but he’s

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