Page 33 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 33

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                   July 2020                                     33

               BRIEFS                         encyclical,  but for the most part its   has prevented  ground pollination  in   pharmaceuticals,  food and  bever-
                                                                                    many areas.
                                              bishops enthusiastically  endorsed the
                                                                                                                             ages, defense  industries,  cyber-
                                                                                                                             security, aviation,  desalination,
                                              dictator’s foreign policy and headlong
                                                                                       Israeli  unmanned  system opera-
 dialogue about our homeland on Amer- continued from previous page  path into war. The document notes that   tor Blue White Robotics uses multiple   recycling,  conservation,  manage-
 ica’s college  campuses,  a  landscape       hundreds of priests were dispatched to   drones flying simultaneously, equipped   ment and irrigation.
 once fraught with negativity and deri- Medical Simulation located at Sheba.   accompany the Wehrmacht on the front   with innovative  pods developed  by   ‹   U.S.  firms  established  2/3  of  the
 sion, but now are evolving into spaces  The HoloLens headset uses optical   lines, thousands of church and monas-  U.S.-based drone pollinator Dropcop-  300 foreign-invested research and
 of optimism and open mindedness.   projection  to  create  digital  hologram-  tic properties were converted into mili-  ter to dispense pollen.  development  centers in Israel. Is-
 These advocates for our homeland  like objects that users can see and in-  tary hospitals, and tens of thousands of   The  solution  replaces  the  ineffi-  raeli  firms  represent  the  second-
 are really some of the unsung heroes  teract with.  nuns fulfilled their “duty to the father-  cient technique of using fans attached   largest source of foreign listings
 within JNF-USA’s lay leadership  as   Medical workers wearing the head-  land” by acting as nurses. The Church   to  tractors.  (Eytan  Halon,  Jerusalem   on the NASDAQ after China, and
 they build  and strengthen  relation- set can see a hologram-like rendering   denounced the 1946 Nuremberg trials   Post)   more  than  Indian,  Japanese  and
 ships with others on different ends of  of a ventilator  superimposed on their   of senior Nazis as an un-Christian act   U.S. AID TO ISRAEL IS A   South Korean firms combined.
 the political and sociological spectrum,  real-world view. The headset includes   of revenge. (Oliver Moody, The Times   HIGH-YIELD INVESTMENT  ‹   Strategically, Israel is an American
 all  while  spreading  a  message  that’s  built-in  instructions  that  guide the   - UK)                                  beachhead in the Middle East and
 Positively Israel. Ultimately, this gives  worker through the process of operat-  MILLIONS OF DOCUMENTS   ‹   The U.S. and Israel have a mutu-  the only stable,  reliable,  capable,
 me hope that one day soon, Israel will  ing the ventilator in front of them. The      ally  beneficial  relationship  that   democratic  and  unconditional  re-
 truly be seen by all as a light unto the  headset can also be used as a way for   ON NAZI VICTIMS,   provides America with a high re-  gional  ally  of  the  U.S., and it  is
 nations.   doctors in other parts of the hospital to   SURVIVORS NOW ONLINE           turn on its annual $3.8 billion in-   willing to flex its muscles.
 For more information about JNF- give remote assistance without needing   The  Arolsen  Archives  (arolsen-ar-  vestment. More than $150 billion   ‹   Both nations gain from a strong
 USA’s Faculty Fellowship Program or  to be physically present but still being, formerly known as the   was invested by Israeli companies   strategic partnership, which draws
 the Caravan for Democracy, visit jnf. able to see what is happening in a pa-  International Tracing Service, has add-  in the U.S. between 2010 and 2015   in part  upon Israel’s capabilities
 org/college.  tient’s room. (Sara Castellanos,  Wall   ed 13 million documents to its online   ($25.1 billion in 2015 alone).  in designing advanced military,
 Matt Franzblau is the President of the  Street Journal)  database  of documents  and informa-  ‹   Critical  components of leading   homeland  security,  counterterror-
 JNFuture Board in Broward County,  CATHOLIC CHURCH IN   tion on the victims of Nazi persecution.   American  high-tech  products are   ism and cyber-protection technolo-
 Florida. He also serves on the JNFu- GERMANY SAYS: “WE   This follows the upload of 13 million   invented  and  designed  in  Israel,   gies  that  help  the  U.S. meet  its
 ture National Board along with the           documents with the launch of the on-     making the  American  companies       growing security challenges.
 Marketing  and Faculty  Fellowship  WERE COMPLICIT IN    line database in May 2019.   that manufacture  those products   ‹   Israel  is  a  cost-effective,  battle-
 Committees.  NAZI CRIMES”                        The  documents contain  informa-     more  competitive  and  profitable.   tested laboratory for U.S. defense
        A new report from the council of Cath-  tion  on 21 million  people  displaced,   Cisco, Intel, Motorola,  Applied   industries, and it provides the U.S.
        olic bishops in the German branch of   persecuted and murdered by the Nazi     Materials and HP are just a few ex-   with more intelligence than all the
        the Catholic  Church makes what one   regime. The International Tracing Ser-   amples.                               NATO countries put together. (Dr.
        prelate  described  as a  “confession of   vice was established by the  Western   ‹   The  U.S.-Israeli  economic  and   Frank Musmar, BESA Center for
        guilt.”  The document  states:  “Inas-  Allies in 1944. (Jacob Judah,  Jewish   commercial  relationship  now en-    Strategic  Studies - Bar-Ilan Uni-
        much  as the  bishops did  not oppose   Chronicle - UK)                        compasses IT, biotech, life scienc-   versity)
        the war with a clear ‘no,’ and most of                                         es, health  care solutions, energy,             continued on next page
        them bolstered the [German nation’s]   ISRAELI FARMERS
        will to endure, they made themselves   DEPLOY POLLINATING
        complicit in the war. The bishops may   DRONES AFTER COVID-19
        not have shared the Nazis’ justification   LABOR SHORTAGE
        for the  war on the  grounds of racial   Date plantation growers in the Jordan
        ideology, but their words and their im-  Valley and Arava have turned to using
        ages gave succor both to soldiers and   drones  for  aerial  pollination  to  over-
        the regime prosecuting the war, as they   come labor shortages caused by the
        lent the war an additional sense of pur-  Coronavirus outbreak.
        pose.”                                    Aerial pollination has become in-
            Weeks after the Nazi party seized   creasingly important due to the declin-
        power in 1933, it signed a “Reich con-  ing bee population, as well as recent
        cordat” with the bishops. The Vatican   flooding  in  the  Jordan  Valley,  which
        condemned Hitler’s race laws in a 1937

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