Page 36 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 36

36                             July 2020                                                                           COMMENTARY

        Never bet against Bibi

        By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
              he Israeli  population  was pre-  election. It was thought that Netanyahu   and worldwide, was Benjamin Netan-
              paring  for a fourth election  in   would be replaced and would have to   yahu’s leadership of Israel was over
        Tjust over a year’s time when         answer to the charges brought against   and he would be removed from office.   the land is over. The “wizard” has done
        Benny Gantz, leader of the Blue and   him. “Bibi’s career is over,” thought   Then  came  the  virus. Sickness rose.   it again. The lesson to be learned from
        White  Party, said  that  because of the   many Israelis. How wrong they were.   Death  counts grew in number. Fear   all  of this  is never, never  bet  against
        continued threat of COVID-19 it was   The  political  “wizard,”  as Netanyahu   increased and the belief rose again,   Bibi.
        necessary to form a “na-                         is often  called,  pulled   “Bibi can lead us out of this pandem-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
        tional emergency” govern-                        the  proverbial  rabbit  out   ic.” Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu   ing chair of the Robert and Esther
        ment  that  would  steer  the                    of the  hat  thanks  to  the   remains in office. The political entan-  Heller Community Relations Commit-
        country through the laby-                        Coronavirus and the very   glement that brought three elections to     tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
        rinth of the Coronavirus                         clear needs of the nations.
        outbreak.                                            Viewing this reality,                   Letter to the Editor
            Mr. Gantz’s  plan was                        Jerusalem Post columnist
        to form a government that                        Lahore  Harkov wrote,      The Boycott, Divestment and Sanction   of condemning her!
        included  Prime Minister                         “The virus has put Bibi’s   (BDS) movement  professes to  object    The BDS movement charges Israel
        Benjamin Netanyahu’s Li-                         political  career on a res-  to certain alleged policies of the State   with “occupation” of the  West Bank.
        kud Party. The plan called                       pirator that could keep it   of Israel. While we respect the right of   Yet, BDS supporters are silent about
        for Mr. Netanyahu to serve   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  alive  for years  to  come,   people to freely express their political   countries  such as Kurdistan,  Crimea,
        as prime minister for the first 18 months   even when the crisis passes.” This uni-  views, we believe that the underlying   Algeria and Tibet, where real occupa-
        of the coalition, and Mr. Gantz to take   ty government means Netanyahu will   motivation  of the BDS movement  is   tions by foreign powers  exist. More-
        over the next 18 months, followed by   remain in office for the duration of his   the delegitimization and destruction of   over, if BDS  supporters were sincere
        both men serving six-month terms as   trial that began at the end of May.   Israel, not the modification of specific   about helping resolve territorial  dis-
        prime minister on a rotating basis.       Benjamin  Netanyahu  has always   Israeli policies.                     putes  in  the  West  Bank,  they would
            On May 6, Israel’s Supreme Court   won elections when, regardless of the   BDS supporters claim  that  they   urge the Palestinians  to negotiate  a
        ruled  that  Prime  Minister  Netanyahu   economic  situation in the land, the   target Israel, the sole democracy  in   settlement of those issues with Israel.
        could form a new government while     populace voted for the continued secu-  the Middle East, because Israel alleg-  Unfortunately, most supporters of the
        under indictment for corruption charg-  rity of Israel. The belief was “Bibi can   edly violates human rights. Yet, BDS   BDS movement  do not really  seek a
        es, thus clearing the way for the Gantz-  lead. Bibi knows what to do. Bibi will   blatantly  ignores countries where hu-  change  in  specific  Israeli  policies  in
        Netanyahu agreement. Netanyahu then   keep us safe.”                        man rights are trampled,  women are   disputed areas of the West Bank; they
        announced  to the  Israeli  public,  “I   With the advent of COVID-19, Is-  denigrated, honor killings are permit-  seek the elimination of Israel.
        promise the State of Israel a national   rael has more than14,000 cases of the   ted, gays are attacked, terrorism is en-  Many BDS supporters in America
        emerging government that will work to   virus and more than 200 deaths. In ad-  couraged, journalists are imprisoned,   have a long history of anti-Israel and
        save the lives and the livelihood of the   dition,  there  are now more  than 26%   and freedom of speech and religion are   anti-Semitic  activity. Others come
        citizens of Israel.”                  of Israelis unemployed. The public has   prohibited.                        from the political far left or from the
            He  is now able  to  make  the  at-  again responded to the maxim, “Bibi   In contrast to such inhumane coun-  network that supports problematic Is-
        tempt to deliver on that promise, as he   knows what to do. Bibi can lead us out   tries, Israel affords all her citizens civil   lamic groups. Still others may support
        remains Israel’s longest-serving prime   of this dilemma.” He will now have the   and human rights and equal protection   BDS for what appear to be admirable
        minister since David Ben-Gurion.      opportunity to deal with the virus and   under law, whether they are Arab, Mus-  reasons, but lack factual information,
            Prior to this agreement, the belief   to further his goal of annexing 30% of   lim, Christian, Jewish or Druze, men or   and fail to understand the primary goal
        was that either Gantz could form a gov-  Area C in the West Bank that includes   women, gay or straight. Arab and Dru-  of the movement’s leadership: the de-
        ernment and become the prime minis-   Samaria and Judea.                    ze citizens serve in Israel’s parliament,   struction of Israel.
        ter or there would be a fourth Israeli    Months ago,  the  belief  in  Israel,   military  and Supreme Court. Since   The BDS movement is unfair, un-
         Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee                    few countries  in the  Middle  East  ex-  just and fosters anti-Semitism, and we
          do not necessarily reflect those of The Jewish Federation                 tend these essential rights to their citi-  adamantly oppose it.
                                                                                    zens, if BDS really cares about human
                                                                                                                          – Jerry Fleischer, President, Sarasota
             of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.                  rights, why not applaud Israel instead     County Jewish Democratic Caucus
             build.                                       advocate.

                               remember. support.


                 We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic
                   groups to make presentations about Israel, anti-Semitism and the Boycott,
                      Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). In addition, we send clergy
                        and community members on missions to Israel to experience and learn
                          about the land while forging friendships that deepen and continue
                             back home in Sarasota-Manatee.

                                                                                                                             ^  Builds Bridges
                                                                Robert and Esther Heller                           ^  Advocates through
                                                                     CRC                                            Government Affairs

                                                                COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE       ^  Remembers the Holocaust
                                                                                                                  ^  Supports Hillel


                                                    Hillel is the “Jewish Home Away from Home” for Jewish
                                                      students in college. Your CRC and Federation support
                                                       Gulf Coast Hillel in its pursuit to create meaningful
                                                         and engaging holiday and educational programs

                                                           on local college campuses.

                          HELLER CRC’S MISSION

                         To build relationships within
                      the Jewish and non-Jewish

                    communities and to advance
                  common interests through                                                                     QUESTIONS? Contact Jessi Sheslow
                                                                                                               941.343.2109 or
                education and advocacy.                                                              

                          Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.                                                              STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 40.
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