Page 35 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 35

COMMENTARY                                                                                  July 2020                                     35

        By the skin of our teeth

 On Shavuot we celebrate the rev- By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
 elation of the Torah at Sinai. On Sha-  arried  for  5,000  years,  a   rious, yet artful title? From the Book   he survives only by something that   ties testifies to our strength of character
 vuot we rejoice that the Torah teaches   New  Jersey husband and   of Job, whose protagonist’s unfaltering   doesn’t exist, what he is really articu-  and resilience.  We are history’s ulti-
 us proper behavior  and respect  and  Mwife along with their two   faith  is permitted  by God to be ruth-  lating is that it is his sheer will, self-  mate survivors.
 concern for all.  children and maid have, with virtually   lessly tested by an ironfisted prosecut-  faith and refusal to allow his spiritual   But though we appear to have time
        no margin for error, escaped a series   ing  attorney-like  figure  named  Satan   integrity to be defamed even in the face   and again escaped destruction by the
        of disasters from the Ice  Age to the   (“the accuser”).                    of terrible suffering that made the dif-  skin of our teeth,  it  was actually  our
                           modern  era. Af-       Like Wilder’s play itself, the idea   ference.                          teeth  themselves,  firmly  rooted  and
                           ter each one, they   of teeth possessing skin is fiction. This   Surviving by the skin of one’s teeth   forged through terrible  trial  that was
                           sought to rebuild   explains  that,  while  the  Hebrew  b’or   must have been keenly felt in ancient   the crucial  factor.  Therefore,  it mat-
                           their community    she-nai literally means by or with “the   times. Imagine how often a famine was   ters less today whether Jews believe in
                           from ruins.        skin of my teeth,”  many scholars as-  avoided only by late-arriving rains, or   God or not than whether they continue
                              In telling the   sert the term must either refer to Job’s   when a deadly plague that threatened   to believe in their figurative teeth, an
                           story of human-    enamel or gums, or that the true mean-  an entire society suddenly moved on,   evolved bulwark of defiance, resource-
                           kind through this   ing is beyond determination.         or times a huge swarm of insects de-  fulness and hunger for justice. We have
                           family’s everlast-     But if teeth skin isn’t real, why did   scended  on  fields  that  had  been  har-  cut them on more adversity than any
        Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  ing  experience  the Book of Job’s author choose such   vested only hours before.  Yes, God   other people, yet still achieved might-
        of it,  Thornton  Wilder’s absurd yet   an implausible dental attribute to con-  would be thanked for these outcomes,   ily. And the world is better for it.
        instructive allegory,  The Skin of Our   vey that life can often include extreme-  but so would a people’s own resolve in   Like  the  family  in  Wilder’s play,
        Teeth,  features  slapstick,  burlesque,  a   ly close calls? How many us of haven’t   continuing to sow and reap despite all   we remain  an eternal  people  because
        Bingo game that audience  members     had situations when we barely missed   the possible tribulations that could be-  we possess  the power of reinvention.
        can participate in and other zany ele-  being in a serious accident or made it   fall them.                       Our bite, in the best sense, retains its
 water, thought to be linked to Jewish  ments. Drawing fantastical connections   to a hospital with little time to spare,   Jews, especially, appreciate  how   power for good and the promise of a
 practices of ritual purity,” IAA archae- between a seemingly normal suburban   or could have suffered serious misfor-  near  they’ve  come  to  experiencing   more enlightened, caring humanity.
 ologists said. (Amanda Borschel-Dan,  existence  and momentous  biblical,   tune if something hadn’t changed at the   decimation. Think of the Roman con-  Rabbi  Jonathan  R.  Katz  serves  as  a
 Times of Israel)  mythological  and world events, the   last second? How many of us haven’t   quest of the Holy Land, the Crusades,   Community Chaplain and Director of
        play  won the 1943 Pulitzer  Prize for   uttered the words: “There but for the   Inquisition,  Holocaust, and wars the   JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
 NEW STUDY: 70 PERCENT   Best Drama and continues to be staged   grace of God go I?” How  do we ac-  modern State of Israel has fought just   position is underwritten by The Jewish
 OF CORONAVIRUS CASES   often today.          count for managing to beat the odds?   to exist.  That  we emerged again  and   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
 IN ISRAEL STARTED IN U.S.  But where did Wilder find his cu-  Perhaps, when Job expresses that   again to rebuild devastated communi-
 More than 70% of Coronavirus patients
 in Israel were infected by a strain that  Incorporating Jordan Valley and settlements
 originated in the U.S., according to a
 new study published by Dr. Adi Stern of  into Israel proper
 the School of Molecular Cell Biology
 and Biotechnology at Tel Aviv Univ.  By Harold M. Halpern
 The  remaining  30% of infections
               month  ago,  rivals  Benjamin
 in Israel were imported from Belgium  A      tached to the Plan is a conceptual map   as illegal and that it ends the possibil-  claims to the contrary. The PA and Jor-
 (8%), France (6%), England (5%),   Netanyahu and Benny Gantz   showing the areas, connecting  roads,   ity of a two-state solution. In this view,   dan will still act with us, as such action
 Spain (3%) and 2% each from Italy, the   agreed to a coalition  govern-  etc. More detailed maps are being pre-  Israel becomes one state absorbing all   also is their protection  from Hamas.
 Philippines, Australia and Russia.  ment.  Their agreement  provides that   pared.  the Palestinians and no longer able to   Terrorists are our common enemy.
 Stern  and  his  team  of  research- dealing with the Coronavirus is its   The PA and Israel are to negotiate   be both a democracy and a Jewish state.  “The remaining 70% of the West
 ers mapped the spread of the virus by  priority for six months. Gantz agreed   the details of implementation  during   Polls indicate that a majority of Is-  Bank will be under PA day-to-day con-
 decoding the genomic sequence of the  with one exception.  The government   the next four years. In the meantime,   raelis support annexation. In their mind   trol. Peace will come when the Pales-
 Coronavirus strain in Israel and compar- could consider from July 1 on, whether   Israel may proceed with annexation. It   is the PA rejection of past offers of al-  tinians recognize our right to be in the
 ing it to 4,700 genomic sequences taken  to incorporate the Jordan  Valley and   is not subject to negotiation with the   most the entire West Bank followed by   Middle East as a Jewish country and
 from patients around the world. (Maay- all  West  Bank  settlements  into  Israel   PA, but  it  may  not  enlarge  or  create   the 2  intifada and terror within Israel.   develop their land into a viable entity.
                                                                                    They have little hope of a peace agree-
                                                                                                                          Annexation does not mean the end of
                                              new settlements for four years.
        proper (annexation).
 an Jaffe-Hoffman, Jerusalem Post)
            During the three elections of the     Netanyahu immediately applauded   ment  in  their  lifetime.  Their  primary   two states.”
        past year, Netanyahu  promised  he    the U.S. for its support for annexation   interest is security. Control of the Jor-  I believe that as of today there are
        would annex the properties, removing   without mention explicitly of a Pales-  dan Valley is essential to prevent ter-  sufficient votes in the Knesset for ap-
        them from any claim of the Palestinian   tinian State. Gantz, with a bit of equiv-  rorism.                       proval of annexation.  It will not be
                           Authority  (PA)    ocation, approved the Plan subject to    Some in Israel, including the mili-  unanimous. Some may fear heightened
                           for inclusion in a   consultation with Jordan and European   tary, oppose annexation. They urge it   terrorism, even the collapse of the PA
                           Palestinian State.  nations.                             isn’t necessary. Israel is in control now   and Jordan, replaced by Hamas or oth-
                              Practically         Netanyahu  is eager  to  move  as   of the Jordan Valley, enabling it to be   er extreme groups. Others may fear it
 FUNERAL SERVICES          speaking,  annex-  quickly as possible while the window   as secure  as it would be  if  annexed.   ends a two-state  solution  and, on the
                                                                                    Why rock the boat? Annexation may
                                                                                                                          other end, some may fear the creation
                                              of opportunity  is open. He wants to
                           ation could never
                           take  place  with-  prevent the danger that time and chang-  make security more difficult.     of a Palestinian State if annexation is
                           out U.S. explicit   ing international politics may close the   Netanyahu answers, “The action is   approved.
                                                                                                                             Only history will inform us wheth-
 The Area’s ONLY Jewish Owned & Operated Funeral Home  Harold M. Halpern  or tacit approval.   window.  lawful. It is our historical heritage. No   er a decision to annex or not was a cor-
                                                  The PA declared the Plan as dead-
                           Historically, ev-
                                                                                    other country has a claim to the land.
        ery U.S.  administration  opposed uni-  on-arrival, affording no basis to negoti-  We acquired possession in defending   rect judgment.
        lateral action by Israel until President   ate. It and Jordan strongly denounced   ourselves against the attack of the PA,   Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
 Specializing in local burial, out-of-state transfers,    Trump presented his Peace Plan.   annexation  as illegal,  taking land  be-  Jordan and others. Under International   in  Lakewood  Ranch.  He  is  a  board
                                                                                    Law, those fighting an aggressive war
                                                                                                                          member  of  the  American  Association
                                              longing to the Palestinians. They termi-
            The Plan proposes that the Jordan
 and burial in Israel  Valley and all Israeli settlements in the   nated security cooperation with Israel,   lose all  claims  to  land  gained by the   of Lawyers and Judges and of the West
        West Bank be annexed by Israel and    which helped  quell  terrorism  coming   country attacked. Now it is time to   Coast Chapter of the American Jewish
        that  the  remaining  70% of the  West   from the West Bank and Jordan.     make it clear that the Jordan Valley and   Committee. He also is a columnist with
 •  REFORM  •  CONSERVATIVE  •  ORTHODOX  •  Bank become a Palestinian State. At-  Much of the world sees annexation   settlements are ours forever and end all   the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.
        Sarasota County Democrats issue joint resolution
 • Chevra Kadisha
 • Pre-need Trusts  condemning local crimes of anti-Semitism

 • Cremations  By Jayne Wallace for Sarasota County Democratic Party

 • Free Burial Plots   2426 Bee Ridge Road  alling  the  horrific  defacement   white supremacists.”  denounce and condemn anti-Semitism   for government agencies to “designate
                                                  Led by SCDP Chair JoAnne
               at  Sarasota’s  Temple  Emanu-
    for Veterans/Spouse   Sarasota, FL 34239  CEl last month as a part of the   DeVries and SCDJC President Jerry   in any form.  This includes denounc-  funding for the special security needs
                                                                                                                          of Jewish institutions,  schools and
                                                                                    ing anti-Semitism politically wherever
        “long history of anti-Semitism that ex-  Fleischer, the resolution – adopted on   it  arises…consistent  with Democratic   service  organizations  caused by the
        tends beyond physical acts of violence,   May 13 at SCDP’s monthly member-  Party values and principles condemn-  increasing number of threats since the
 24 Hour Information at  (941) 955-1075  Michael, David, Pati and Steven Gross  discrimination  and even genocide,”   ship meeting – was created in reaction   ing intolerance, bigotry and racism.”  2016 election,” and “strongly encour-
        the Sarasota County Democratic Party   to the painting of Nazi swastikas on the   The resolution calls for several ac-  age social media companies like Face-  (SCDP) and the Sarasota County Dem-  building. Fleischer said, “We must re-  tions to be taken by others including:  book and Twitter to allocate resources
                                                                                        law enforcement to “hold the in-
        ocratic  Jewish Caucus (SCDJC) have
                                                                                                                          for the monitoring  and removal  of
                                              spond to denounce and condemn in the
        jointly issued a resolution, connecting   strongest possible terms any form of   dividual  that  carried  out this act     posts that  advocate,  promote or sup-
        the vandalism to “the reckless rheto-  racism and bigotry based on religion,   accountable”                       port hate crimes, violence and discrim-
        ric of…Trump and those in power that   race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sex-  ‹   public and private schools in Sara-  inatory actions against Jews and other
        have fanned the flames of bigots and   ual identity  or orientation,  as well as   sota County to “implement diver-  minorities.”
                                                                                                                             The  Sarasota  County  Democratic
                        What do you think?                                             sity…(and)  mandatory  Holocaust   Jewish Caucus was established in Feb-
           The Jewish News wants to know!                                           ‹   “the  Sarasota  County  Board  of   ruary of this year. It is one of several
                                                                                       County  Commissioners,  Florida
                                                                                                                          caucuses and clubs devoted to special
              Send an email to                                 Legislature and U.S. Congress (to)   interests of the Sarasota County Demo-
                                                                                       draft, pass and enact further hate
                                                                                                                          cratic Party.
                                      Letters Policy                                   crime  legislation  and  funding  for   For more information, please con-
          Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed, and include the writer’s name, mailing   educational and training programs”  tact Jerry Fleischer at jafleischer730@
          address and phone number. Letters can be submitted via USPS or email (   The two organizations also asked
          Not all letters will be published. Letters may be edited for length and content.

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