Page 38 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 38

38                             July 2020                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

        Temple Emanu-El Religious School

        concludes year with spirit and honor

        By Sabrina Silverberg, MARE
               OVID-19 did not prevent Tem-   a video, much to their  teachers’ de-  and madrichim/chot greeted them with
               ple Emanu-El Religious School   light.  TEERS  parents  also expressed   signs, cheers,  noisemakers  and  bal-
        C(TEERS) from holding two of          gratitude by collecting  donations for   loons! Students received  goodie bags
        the year’s most anticipated events. Af-  teachers’ gifts. Educators received gift   with  their  award  certificate,  a  letter
        ter two months of active virtual learn-  certificates, flowers and honey, repre-  from their teacher, trinkets, treats and   Temple Emanu-El Religious School student
        ing, it was clear that the annual Teacher   senting the sweetness of the learning   other surprises.               Alexandra Jefferson shares a beautiful sign
        Appreciation  program would have to   they impart.                             Despite a challenging  semester,        for her teachers at the car parade
        be  held virtually  as well.  On May 3,   TEERS  concludes  every  school   TEERS concluded another school year   a  compassionate  and  loving  staff.
        Temple  Emanu-El  joyfully  honored   year  with a  high-spirited  celebration   with honor, spirit and deep content-  Thank you for making my child’s first
        our dedicated teachers and madrichim/  that includes award presentations, cur-  ment. As one parent expressed, “What   year at TEERS a memorable one!”
        chot (student  guides).  We  celebrated   riculum exhibitions, games, giveaways
        with  music,  our annual  school  slide-  and delicious food. Instead of trying to
        show, and words of praise and bless-  duplicate  this event  virtually, we de-
        ings from Rabbis Brenner Glickman     cided to have a car parade! On May 17,
        and  Michael  Shefrin  and  Director  of   TEERS families caravanned through
        Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE.   our school parking lot with festively
        TEERS students recorded thank-you     decorated  vehicles, signs and noise-
        messages that were compiled  into     makers. Our rabbis, educator, teachers

             A commitment to educAtion,

                       A love of children                                                The Leopold family shows its Temple Emanu-El Religious School spirit at the car parade

          now enrolling!                                                            Temple Sinai Youth Group

                                                                                    activities keep teens engaged
          full and part-time programs
                                                                                    By Gail Glickman
          7:30 am–5:30 pm                                                                  eb  Bryan,  Youth  Group  Ad-  group teens. Way to go, Jack!
                                                                                           visor of  Temple Sinai,  an-      Temple  Sinai’s SAFETY board
          15 months to 5 years old                                                  Dnounced that the Youth Group         hosted  its  very  first  event,  a  game
                                                                                    held  elections.  She reported,  “Our   called JEWPARDY!, on Zoom on May
          vPK program                                                               SAFETY board is back and in place     9. The board planned and coordinated
                                                                                    for 2020-2021, and we could not be    this fun event based on the TV show
          Accredited                                                                more  delighted  to  announce  the  new     Jeopardy!.  There were six catego-
                                                                                    SAFETY board members.”                ries including  “Jewish Prayers” and
                                                                                    Executive Board:                      “Temple Sinai.” Fourteen teens partici-
                                                              151 mcintosh road     ‹   President – Maxwell Fletcher      pated in JEWPARDY! using technol-
                                                              Sarasota, fl 34232    ‹   Programming Vice President –      ogy to have a good time. The winning
                                                            Phone: 941-377-8074        Katherine Carnes                   team with leader Else Weinstein called
                                              ‹   Social Action Vice President –    themselves  Space  Unicorns. The  oth-
                                                           license # 580300-112
                                                                                       Lucy Thomas                        er two members of the winning team
                                                                                    ‹   Religious and Cultural Vice       were Jack Fletcher  and Phoebe  Win-
                                                                                       President – Lucy Thomas            ters. With mask and gloves, Deb Bryan
                                                                                    ‹   Membership Vice President –       drove around town to deliver prizes to
                                                                                       Noah Leinweber                     the winners at their doorsteps.
                                                                                    General Board:                           The SAFETY board meets weekly.
                                                                                    ‹   Historian – Gryffin Wilkens-      It  arranged  a  Kahoot  event  May  27
                                                                                       Plumley                            and planned the Mitzvah Project,  a
                                                                                       Jack Fletcher won the Community    monthly collection for All Faiths Food
                                                                                    Youth Group Program QuaranTEENs       Bank. The collection is greatly needed
                                                                                    Got  Talent  competition!  Jack played   by many food-insecure individuals  in
                                                                                    electric  guitar,  bass guitar  and  drums   the community. These events generate
                                                                                    for his rendition of The White Stripes’   lots of excitement for the Temple Sinai
                                                                                    “Seven Nation  Army” and it was       Youth Group.

                                                                                    amazing!  Jack  had  some  pretty  stiff   For more information, contact Deb
                                                                                    competition  from other area  youth   Bryan at


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