Page 29 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 29
BRIEFS AS AMERICA RETRENCHES, Ranger vehicles, can make up to 20 li- ogy, materials science and advanced
genetic engineering.
ters of fresh drinking water a day.
INCREASINGLY VALUED Watergen said, “The ability to pro- A call for proposals was issued for:
continued from previous page PARTNER duce clean drinking water without re- Cultivated meat technologies for
lying on an external water source is a
mass-producing lab-grown meat
According to the Royal Swedish The sense that America is retrenching game-changer for those who seek off- at competitive prices with conven-
Academy of Sciences, “The framework is one of the factors that has fostered grid adventure.” (Ricky Ben-David, tional slaughtered meat. This ini-
they created has radically changed Israel’s ties with Sunni Arab leader- Times of Israel) tiative is being piloted by Tnuva’s
how researchers approach empirical ships. The more the U.S. has been seen innovation division in hope of es-
questions using data from natural ex- to be pulling back in the Middle East, THE FOUR FIELDS THAT tablishing a broad export-oriented
periments or randomized field experi- the more Sunni Arab leaders have seen ISRAEL IS INVESTING Israeli industry.
ments.” the security value of Israel as a bul- HEAVILY IN PROMOTING A circular economy of products
Angrist has a master’s and doc- wark against threats from Iran and its The Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) revolving around the black soldier
torate from Princeton University. He Shiite militias, ISIS, al-Qaeda and the is investing $70 million over three fly, an insect that can break down
lived in Israel for three years in the radical Sunni Islamists. As one senior years in establishing new consortiums organic waste, reduce landfills and
1980s and was a senior lecturer at the Gulf official said to me, the U.S. can to nurture startups in cultivated meat, provide a source of protein for an-
Hebrew University of Jerusalem from withdraw, but we know Israel is not go- insect farming, human-robot interface imal feed. This initiative is being
1991 to 1996. In 1994, Angrist served ing anyplace. and fluid sampling-focused medical di- piloted by Prism to create a new
on the Israeli Finance Ministry’s Work- As long as the U.S. realizes it has agnosis. value chain in insect agriculture.
ing Group on Israeli-Palestinian Labor stakes in the Middle East – whether be- The funding is being provided Technologies to improve hu-
Market Relations. He returned to He- cause of the need to fight terror or to through the IIA’s Generic Technology man-robot interaction to promote
brew University as a Lady Davis Fel- prevent the area from being character- Research Consortium program, which and streamline robotic tasks using
low in 2004-2005. ized by disorder and refugee flows – it offers grants for research and devel- natural and simple mutual commu-
Angrist’s colleague and friend, will depend on regional partners who opment cooperation within the frame- nication. This consortium, led by
Prof. Victor Lavy, at Hebrew Universi- can help. Israel’s status as the foremost work of an association of industrial Elbit, ICT and Cyber, will devel-
ty’s Bogen Family Department of Eco- military power in the region makes it an companies and research institutions. op a kit of generic capabilities that
nomics, shared, “Joshua Angrist is a increasingly valued partner for the U.S. Each consortium will include can be integrated into a variety of
loyal friend of the State of Israel and of (Dennis Ross, served in senior national about 10 companies and 10 academic robotic applications for the civilian
Hebrew University. For decades now, security positions for four presidents research groups. market (nursing homes, hospitals,
he has been my research partner and a and is counselor at the Washington In- Dror Bin, CEO of the Israel In- industry and logistics) and security
close personal friend. I’m so happy for stitute for Near East Policy) novation Authority, said the four new sector.
him and proud of his amazing achieve- consortiums represent areas “with the Fluid sampling technologies and
ment.” FORD TAPS ISRAEL’S potential for a significant econom- sensors to detect biological mark-
Angrist got his first Nobel Prize WATERGEN FOR ic impact, with a substantial need for ers for early diagnosis of diseases
nomination in 2019. Now he has be- IN-VEHICLE DRINKING government involvement.” – such as pancreatic cancer, fatty
come the 13 Israeli to win the coveted WATER The cultivated meat and medical liver, hepatitis and Alzheimer’s
award, and the third to win it in eco- U.S. carmaker Ford is partnering with diagnosis consortiums, he added, re- disease – noninvasively even be-
nomics. Behavioral economist Daniel Israeli water-from-air company Water- sult from the IIA’s extensive promo- fore symptoms occur. This consor-
Kahneman won it in 2002, while game gen to offer built-in drinking water in tion of bio-convergence – technologies tium is being piloted by startups
theoretician Robert Aumann won the its recreational vehicles. combining biology with engineering headed by Senseera. (Abigail
prize in 2005. (Abigail Klein Leich- The Watergen Mobile Box, which aspects such as electronics, AI, compu- Klein Leichman, ISRAEL21c)
man, buyers can have installed in new Ford tational biology, physics, nanotechnol- continued on next page
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