Page 32 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 32

32A                         January 2022                                                                           COMMENTARY

     Rocky Mountain righteous                                                                                                                           Israel and the changing Middle East

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain                                                                                                      By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
              hen  the  Inquisition’s  long   ethos. The Talmudic dictum “Kol Yis-  of  doctors  to  those  afflicted  with  the   Report has ranked it the leading U.S.     or years, the reality in the Mid-
              tentacles  arrived  in  Recife,   rael arevim zeh bazeh – All of Israel   disease to spend extended  periods of   respiratory hospital for many years.   dle East was  no relationship
     WBrazil,  in  1654,  23  Jewish      are responsible for one another” echoes   time there. Distressed by the sight of   Jacobs developed pneumonia after  Fwith the State of Israel until
     men,  women  and  children  fled  and   through the generations.           so many sickly Jews living in squalor   delivering medicine to a sick child on  the  Israeli-Palestinian  problems were
     eventually  made  their  way  to  New    JFCS  of  the  Suncoast  and  The   in  tents  and  shacks,  Jacobs  prevailed   a  rainy  night  in  1892  and  died  three  solved and both Israelis and Palestin-
     Amsterdam.  The  Dutch  colony’s  Di-  Jewish Federation of Sarasota-      on members of the Society to provide   months  later.  Three  thousand  people  ians  found  a  way  to  live  together  in
     rector-General,  Peter  Stuyvesant,  did   Manatee are, in many respects, a prod-  them with healthy food, clothing, soap   attended her funeral. One eulogizer re- peace.
     not  welcome  them.  Though  hardly   uct of Stuyvesant’s ill will and the im-  and medical resources.           marked that “her great fund of humor   The  thought  of Israel
                       fond of Lutherans   perative to assist fellow Jews.          In  1874,  she  helped  found  the   made her see the bright side of every- having  positive  relations
                       and Catholics, he      Due to our remarkable history and   nonsectarian  Denver  Ladies’  Relief   thing,  enabling  her  to  devote  her  life  with Arab countries was a
                       held a particular   the  safeguarding  of  Jewish  culture,   Society to aid all of Denver’s ill and   to the work of saving and uplifting hu- dream  that  many  believed
                       animus    toward   convictions  and  community,  even  in   impoverished. An influential advocate   manity… This love of humor was the  would never become a re-
                       Jews.              the face of profound tribulation, Jews   on behalf of improving unfair working   safety  valve  that  kept  her  heart  from  ality.  More  recently,  such
                           Relieved  of   rightfully possess a special concern for   conditions for women, she also orga-  bursting at the sorrows  and miseries  thinking  has  changed  dra-
                       their valuables by   the welfare of their brothers and sisters.   nized the first free kindergarten in Den-  she beheld.”        matically  for  one  very
                       privateers  at  sea   At the same time, they especially iden-  ver in the belief that “God never made   Known  across  the  country  as  the  important  reason,  Iran.  It
                       weeks before, the   tify with all who are vulnerable, mar-  a pauper in the world, children come   “Mother of Charities”  for her trail- has become clear that Iran
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  group could not   ginalized and in need. In fact, many of   into the world, and conditions and sur-  blazing philanthropic efforts, Jacobs is  wishes to extend its tenta-
     meet the debt of passage they owed   our nation’s leading  social  reformers   roundings make them either princes or   the only woman among 16 celebrated  cles into the Middle  East
     when  their  boat  landed  at  a  dock  lo-  have  been  disproportionately  mem-  paupers.”                     Colorado pioneers featured in a stained  and looks to boost this desire by con-
     cated close to current-day Wall Street.   bers of the Jewish community. Frances   In  1887,  she  joined  with  four   glass window in the  rotunda  of the  tinuing to support and back two of Is-
     Stuyvesant  quickly  seized  what  was   Wisebart Jacobs certainly qualifies as   non-Jewish  clergy  to  establish  the   Colorado state capitol. A large bronze  rael’s most serious adversaries, Hamas
     left of their possessions and auctioned   one of them.                     Charity  Organization  Society,  a  first-  statue in the lobby of National Jewish  and Hezbollah. Iran wishes to expand
     them off to pay the unsympathetic cap-   After  Jacobs  (1843-1892)  arrived   of-its-kind  initiative  to  coordinate   Health  portrays  her  holding  a  bag  of  its role in all facets of the Middle East
     tain.                                in  Colorado  from  Ohio  in  a  covered   fundraising and share the proceeds   medicines and soaps.          while, at the same time, continuing its
        When  Stuyvesant  subsequently    wagon, she immediately set about ad-  with a federation of 23 local charitable   Jacobs’  labors  to  raise  the  fallen  threats and attacks against Israel with
     sought to expel them, the Jews penned   dressing a range of communal needs.   organizations. The Society evolved in   epitomized words spoken at the 1892  the goal of eradicating the Jewish state
     a letter to their co-religionists in Hol-  First, she spearheaded the establish-  1922 to become the national Commu-  groundbreaking for the hospital she so  from existence.
     land  requesting  assistance.  Thanks  to   ment  and  served  as  president  of  the   nity Chest and later the United Way.  unswervingly fought to realize: “Pain   Middle  Eastern  countries  such as
     their efforts, Stuyvesant’s superiors at   Denver  Hebrew  Ladies’  Benevolent   Together, with a prominent  local   knows  no  creed.  This  building  is  the  the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Ara-
     the Dutch East India Company were    Society  in  order  to  take  care  of  hun-  rabbi, Jacobs undertook to build a hos-  prototype  of  the  grand  idea  of  Juda- bia  and  Bahrain  recognize  the  threat
     persuaded to allow the group to remain   dreds of Jewish pioneers from Europe   pital to formally treat tuberculosis pa-  ism, which casts aside no stranger no  that Iran represents to their countries
     in the colony “so long as they do not   who had come to Colorado to pursue   tients.  “Most  of  the  community,”  she   matter of what race or blood. We con- and their way of life. A second reali-
     become a burden to the company or the   opportunities in mining and other ven-  emphasized, “ignores those who roam   secrate  this structure  to humanity, to  zation  was  that  the  strongest  military
     community.”                          tures  or,  as  sufferers  of  tuberculosis,   the  city  coughing  or  hemorrhaging.”   our suffering fellowman, regardless of    power in the region that could counter
        This  episode  marked  the  begin-  to experience the benefit of the state’s   Though requiring several years to fund   creed.”                 Iran’s wishes was the State of Israel.
     ning of Jewish communal self-reliance   clean  air  and  sunshine.  Denver  had   and complete, when the National Jew-  Her extraordinary life and achieve-  This  realization  has  led  a  variety
     in America, a responsibility for one’s   earned  the  nickname  “World’s  Sani-  ish Hospital for Consumptives opened   ments exemplify how a great Jew and  of Arab countries to open their doors
     brethren  long  enshrined  in  Jewish   torium”  due to the recommendation   in 1899, it became the first institution   a great American can be two sides of  to  Israel.  It  all  began  with  the Abra-
        Make It                                                                 today  as  National  Jewish  Health,  the   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
                                                                                to  accept  only  destitute  TB  patients
                                                                                                                      the  same  coin.  Take  that  Peter  Stuy-
                                                                                from anywhere in the country. Known
                                                                                                                      Community Chaplain and Director of
                                                                                hospital has drawn worldwide acclaim
                                                                                as  a  premier  research  center  in  the
                                                                                                                      the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His
                                                                                field of pulmonary-related diseases in-
                                                                                                                      position is underwritten by The Jewish
                                                                                                                      Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                                                                cluding asthma. U.S. News and World

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