Page 31 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 31

COMMENTARY                                                                               January 2022                                   31A

     Feel the miracles that surround you

                                          though we know how our bodies work,   for the wondrous miraculous works of   Don’t wait too long to live, but also
                                          we are still filled with wonder that they   creation  which  abound.  I  will  let  the   remember
                           From           were  created  in  the  miraculous  way   spirit and energy of the month of She-  That the seasons are here to remind
                                          that  allows  it  to  happen.”  The  teach-
                                                                                vat  awaken  my  senses  to  the  infinite
                                                                                                                      us that rest and rebirth are necessary
                           the            er thanked me and said it was time to   potential of rebirth and renewal. This   for life.
                                                                                                                      Let the sap rise up in you.
                                                                                is truly a miracle.
                                          sign off. I wondered, was it something
                           Bimah          I said? After thinking it over for some   from Kohenet Naomi Azreil, who ap-  Taste it.
                                                                                    I end with an excerpt of a Poem
                                          time, I strongly stand by my addition.
                                                                                                                      Move with it.
                                              I write this now as we enter Janu-  plies the wisdom of Shevat to our lives.   Allow it to fill you as you become
                                          ary because just as Chanukah, with its   She writes:                        more sweet
     Rabbi Samantha Kahn                  story of long-burning oil, celebrates a   There is strength in the faith of the   And more alive now.
                                                                                                                          Blessings  for  Tu  B’shvat  and  the
                                          miracle as something that goes against
     Temple Sinai                         nature,  so  does  Tu  B’shvat  celebrate   The magic of the new cell growth,   miraculous trees that hold so much
           ast month, in early December,   that nature itself is miraculous. In Ju-  seeds unfurl;                    life and power. May the magic of this
           through  a  partnership  with  PJ   daism today, the truly miraculous is not   Angels singing them into being,  month inspire you to feel the miracles
     LLibrary and The Jewish Feder-       something  that  violates  our  lives,  but   And you, you are always sheltering   that surround you.
     ation of Sarasota-Manatee, members   rather it is something that penetrates   me…
     and staff of Temple Sinai helped bring   our  souls.  Miracles  aren’t  simply  the
     the Hanukkits program to life by virtu-  unnatural world surprising us, but rath-                                    Personalized Care for Your Specialty Needs
     ally joining classrooms around Saraso-  er they are the times nature takes our   FLORIDA  UROLOGY                       from Board-Certified Physicians.
     ta to read stories and answer questions   breath away.                                       SPE CIALISTS  
     about Chanukah and Judaism.              In  the  month  of  Shevat,  we  take                                      Appointments: (941) 309 – 7000
        As  part of this program, I was   time  to  acknowledge  and  appreciate
     speaking with a class of second grad-  trees and how they may inspire awe,
     ers when one student asked, “What is a   feelings  of  tranquility,  an  awareness                                       EIHAB AKARY – M.D.
     miracle?” Rabbis live for moments like   of beauty and the recognition of their                                       WINSTON E. BARZELL – M.D.
     this!  The  teacher  jumped  in  though,   life-sustaining  power.  Trees  them-                                        JEREMY BERGAMO – M.D.
     and responded right away, saying, “It’s   selves  are  miraculous  and  Shevat  re-                                      A. JOSEPH BILIK – M.D.
     when God intervenes in an extraordi-  minds us of their beauty and power.                                               JOSHUA T. GREEN – M.D.
     nary way to do something that other-     I  remember  when  I  lived  in  Isra-                                        MATTHEW J. PERRY – M.D.
     wise can’t be done.” I smiled and said,   el  and  the  land  lived  in  rhythm  with                                   WILLIAM J. TINGLE – M.D.
     “Yes, that is a beautiful way to under-  our holy days. As Tu B’shvat arrived,
     stand the big miracles of the Bible and   the  almond  trees  outside  my  window                                     THOMAS H. WILLIAMS – M.D.
     our lives, but…” I continued explain-  began  to  flower,  and  the  hills  of  Je-
     ing,  as  rabbis  are  known  to  do,  “In   rusalem  were  suddenly  bursting  with   1 S. School Avenue #200  997 US 41 Bypass N. #202  6310 Health Pkwy. #210
     Judaism, some of our miracles fit that   flowers of pink and white. Though not   Sarasota, FL 34237  Venice, FL 34285  Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
     description, and we also believe in lit-  one  of  our  traditional  seven  species   2345 Bobcat Village Ctr. Rd. #201  4120 Woodmere Park Blvd. #8A  4351 Cortez Rd. W. #201
                                                                                     North Port, FL 34288
                                                                                                                        Bradenton, FL 34210
                                                                                                       Venice, FL 34239
     tle and daily miracles, in nissim b’chol   from the land of Israel, the almond tree
     yom.  We  believe  a  miracle  is  some-  blossoming will always be my mem-
     thing that brings awe. Waking up each   ory of Tu B’shvat in Jerusalem. So as
     morning  is  a  miracle.  Getting  out  of   the full moon arrives, I will picture this
     bed and standing up is a miracle. Even   beautiful scene and give thanks to God   Learn about our growing
     Just do it!                                                                     Jewish community in this comprehensive

                                          us that the Jewish people in Egypt were    population study of Sarasota-Manatee
                                          actually  not  very  different  spiritually
                           From           from their Egyptian neighbors. As the
                                          Midrash  writes,  “both  (the  Jews  and
                           the            Egyptians) were serving idols.”
                                              Despite  this,  as  the  10   and  final
                           Bimah          plague comes along, G-d tells Moses to
                                          instruct the Jewish people to perform
                                          two  mitzvot:  to  slaughter  the  pascal
                                          lamb and smear the blood on their door-
                                          posts,  and  to  circumcise  themselves.
     Rabbi Zev Steinmetz                  But why? The Jewish people were at
     Chabad of West Bradenton             such a low point spiritually at the time,
            s a Jew, I am always looking   why should they bother to perform just
            for an opportunity to help    two mitzvot? Why not wait for them to
     Aa  fellow  Jew  do  a  mitzvah.     leave Egypt before giving them com-
     Oftentimes,  I hear  people  tell  me,   mandments?
     “Rabbi, I am not religious. Why should   The truth of the matter  is that  if
     I bother putting on tefillin today?” or   the Jewish people ever wanted to get        ST
                                          out of the physical and spiritual exile
     “Why should I bother looking for a ko-  at  that  very  moment.  When  G-d  saw  1    population study
     sher symbol when buying food at the   of  Egypt,  they  needed  to  take  action       in 20 years!
     store if I won’t be able resist the temp-
     tation of a cheeseburger when I pass by   the commitment of the Jewish people                                                   Sponsored in part by
     McDonald’s?”                         to  perform  these  two  mitzvot  despite                               2019                a grant from:
        To  answer  this,  we  don’t  have  to   their lowly spiritual state, that is when                Jewish Community Study
     look any further than our weekly Torah   He  deemed  them  worthy  to  be  taken           Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish
                                                                                                 Matthew Boxer
     portion.                             out of Egypt and brought to the Land                  Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                                 Eliana Chapman
        The story of the Exodus in the To-  of Israel.                                          Janet Krasner Aronson
     rah  is  a  fascinating  one.  There  is  so   In our own lives, we must realize
     much that we can take from the history   how important the here and the now is.             
     of our ancestors and see how applica-  Despite what our background and up-
     ble and relevant it is today.        bringing might have been and regard-      For more information,
        While  recently  studying  this  sec-  less of our current spiritual state, there   contact Kim Adler
     tion of the Torah, I came across some-  is no better time to do a mitzvah than   941.552.6300
     thing rather peculiar. The Midrash tells   now.                      
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