Page 4 - Jewish News_January 2022
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4A                         January 2022                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     Jewish Film Festival...continued from page 1A
        Tiger Within:  This story features   the concentration camp in Auschwitz.                   author Schlomo    in  1939. When World War  II  erupted
     an unlikely friendship between a home-   Code  Name Ayalon:  This docu-                        Wisniewski.       and  the  Nazis  occupied  Denmark  on
                         less teen and a   mentary film is a story about a secret                   When Anne and     April  9,  1940,  Kauffmann  declared
                         Holocaust  sur-  bullet factory built during World War                     Daniel become a   himself to be the only true represen-
                         vivor,  sparking   II that played a critical role in the state-            couple,  Daniel’s   tative  of  the  free  Danish  people  who
                         larger questions   hood of Israel.                                         small con turns   stood in opposition to the Nazis.
                         of fear, for-        Here We Are: Aharon has devot-                        into an unman-        Thou Shall Not Hate: The son of
                         giveness,  heal-  ed his life to raising his son Uri. Uri is               ageable  web of   a Holocaust survivor, a surgeon, who
                         ing  and  world   autistic, and as a young adult is facing                 white  lies.  Will   lives in Trieste, Italy, begins to doubt
                         peace,  starring   moving to a specialized home for care.                  Anne  love  Dan-  his actions in refusing to help a victim
                         multiple Emmy    While on their way to the institution,   iel when she learns his secret?    of a traffic accident that he encountered
                         Award-winning    Aharon decides to run away with his       Neighbors:  With  a  fine  sense  of   on his way home from work.
                         actor Ed Asner.  son, knowing that Uri is not ready for   humor  and  satire,  this  poignant  film   Upheaval:  Menachem Begin was
        Greener Pastures: When a man is   the separation. Or is it Aharon who is   relays the story of a childhood, which,   a  proud  pillar  in  the  State  of  Israel.
                      admitted to a nurs-  not ready?                           between dictatorship and dark drama,   Jailed  in  a  Soviet  gulag  for  pre-war
                      ing  home  against      Into  the Darkness:  In  Denmark,   is sprinkled with wonderful, light mo-                Zionist  activities
                      his will, he must   on  April  9,  1940,  a  Danish  industri-  ments. How much friendship, love and              and scarred by loss
                      find a way to return   alist, portrayed by Jesper Christensen   solidarity are possible in times of re-           in  the  Holocaust,
                      to  his  old  house.   of  James  Bond  fame,  cooperates  and   pression and despotism?                          he founded the
                      When love, canna-   profits  from  the  German  occupation    Persian Lesson: In 1942, Giles, a                   right-wing  Likud
                      bis and crime enter   of Denmark. Family members, mean-   young Belgian man, is arrested by the                   party.  Today,  Be-
                      the picture, will he   while,  find  themselves  on  opposite   SS along with other Jews and is sent              gin is remembered
                      be willing to risk it   sides of the conflict.            to  a  concentration  camp  in  Germany.                as among Israel’s
                      all?                    Love  &  Mazel  Tov:  At  a  party,   Having  narrowly  escaped  death  by                most  democratic
        Betrayed:  This  film  follows  the   Daniel  pretends  to  be  Jewish  to  im-  claiming to be half-Persian, this young   prime  ministers  for  defending  Jewish
     Jewish Braude family’s experiences in   press Anne, a pretty bookstore owner   Jewish  man,  who  does  not  speak  a   immigration  and signing the histor-
     Norway when the Jews are arrested and   who  specializes  in  Jewish  literature,   word of Persian,  is spared so he can   ic peace accord with Egypt. This film
     deported from the camp Berg, on the   volunteers at a Jewish home for the el-  teach  Persian  to  the  officer  in  charge   offers nuanced insights into this man,
     ship Donau, and on to extermination at   derly, and is a close friend of Jewish   of the camp’s kitchen. He must fabri-  born into war, but who never ceded the
                                                                                cate  an entire  language  without  rais-  hope for peace.
                                                                                ing suspicion. Will he make a mistake     Wet Dog: This film is the story of
                                                            REWARDS             survive?                              makes  friends  with  Husseyn  and  be-
                                                                                that  will  blow  his  cover,  or  will  he
                                                        Point your cell camera at this QR code
                                          Point your cell camera at this QR code  REWARDS                             a 16-year-old Iranian boy, Soheil, who
                                                                                  UP TO
                                                              UP TO
           STOPPERS                                        $  3000            $ Holocaust survivors planned to poison   comes involved with his gang, engag-
                                                                                    Plan A: In 1945, a group of Jewish
                                                                                                                      ing  in  petty  crimes.  Soheil  keeps  the
                      of Sarasota County
        Pd by CSTF  of Sarasota County    sarasota  sarasota  the  water  system  in  Germany.  This   fact that he is Jewish secret from his
         Pd by CSTF Pd by CSTF
                                                             FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
                                                                                 FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
                                                                                film recounts the bold, dangerous and
          941-366-TIPS                                      THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST  THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST            new Arab friends. Soheil falls in love
                                                                                secretive  operation  which  was  called
                                                                                                                      with  Selma,  who  one  day  picks  up  a
     SEE SOMETHING?  SAY SOMETHING!                                             Plan A.                               dress at his parents’ tailor shop, where
                                                                                    The  Good Traitor:  This  period
                                                                                                                      she  meets  the  family’s  relatives  from
                                                                                drama centers on the life of diplomat   Tel Aviv. Soheil then openly embraces
                                                                                Henrik  Kauffmann,  the  Danish  am-   his  Judaism,  moves  to  Israel  and  be-
                                                                                bassador posted to Washington, D.C.,   comes a member of the army.
                        LUXURY & EXOTIC
                         Custom Prescription Eyewear
                                                                                                          PRESENT S
                                                                                                    JUST re ere el
                                                              EDUCATION                                EDUCATION
                                                                                               JUST REEL EDUCATION
                                                                                               JUST      REEL      EDUC       A TION
                                                                                             brings you film documentaries and
                                                                                      biographies of Jewish-themed topics, paired

                                                                                        with scholars and the director or producer
                                                                                          of the film. This program is a division of
                                                                                         the popular JUST REEL FILMSJUST REEL FILMS and

                                                                                           is brought to you in partnership with
                                                                                                  Classrooms Without Borders.

                                                                                     T o see each month’    s film off erings and regist  er , visit
                                                                                     To see each month’s film offerings and register, visit

                                                                                                         BR OUGHT   T O  Y OU   B Y
                             — Made in ISRAEL —
             Call Us Today for a Free Consultation!

                                                            T: 941-260-8523           QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113
                                              E:             IN PARTNERSHIP WITH
                                          105 S Lemon AVE | Sarasota, Fl 34236
                                                                            362301-1  362301-1
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