Page 6 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 6

6A                         January 2022                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     People of the Book author/lecture series continues

     with focus on humor and media

     By Gayle Guynup
           he  People  of  the  Book  series   rewarded  by seeing  their  collections   later, his daughter Béatrice  was de-  was actually a genuine convert, which
           of in-person and virtual events,   plundered and their families deported   ported to Auschwitz with her husband   I  discovered  in  reading  a  remark-
     Tsponsored by The Jewish Fed-        to  concentration  camps.  In  this  evoc-  and children. They were all murdered.   able letter  she wrote to a childhood
     eration of Sarasota-Manatee, starts   ative  account,  McAuley  shows  how   Reading more and more about the Ca-  friend  three  months before  her  arrest
     the new year with four renowned au-                                        mondos,  I  discovered  that  they  were   in  1942.  These  are  the  moments  that
     thors. The first event will be held via                                    part  of  a  network  of  Jewish  families   make  writing  history  so  fascinating.
     Zoom  on  Wednesday,  January  5  at                                       that had each left a major art collection   You think you know someone’s story,
     7:00  p.m.  with  James  McAuley  and                                      to France between the Dreyfus Affair   and then you realize you know nothing
     his book, The House of Fragile Things.                                     and  the  arrival  of  the  Nazis  in  1940.   at all.
     This will be followed by an in-person                                      Those collections struck me as part of    What do you hope readers take
     event on Thursday, January 6 at Tem-                                       a deeper, more profound story.        away from reading  The House of
     ple Beth Sholom at 7:00 p.m. with Ira                                          What was the most surprising      Fragile Things?
     Rosen  and  his  book,  Ticking Clock:                                     thing you learned during your re-         I hope readers come away with a
     Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes. The                                       search for the book?                  sense of empathy for the characters in
     final  event  of  January,  An  Evening                                        One of the most important things   the book. These were men and women
     with  Dave  Barry  and  Alan  Zweibel,                                     was just how vitriolic and mainstream   who tried – against all odds – to create
     will  feature  Zweibel  and  his  book,                                    antisemitism was during this period in   something beautiful in an increasingly
     Laugh Lines: My Life Helping Funny                                         France. As I delved deeper into the pe-  hostile  environment.  In  the  aftermath
     People be Funnier, and will be held at                                     riod, I was amazed by how hostile the   of the Holocaust, the collections they
     Temple Emanu-El on Tuesday, January              James McAuley             climate was toward the families and the   left behind are inescapably tragic. But
     11 at 7:00 p.m.                      Jewish art collectors contended with a   characters I was writing about. I came   the question these treasure troves pose
     James McAuley:                       powerful strain of antisemitism.                         to see that for at   is nevertheless a haunting one, which
     The House of Fragile Things              What led you to write this book?                     least a number of   is  whether  it’s  ever  possible  to  ful-
     James McAuley is a European Affairs      I  first  had  the  idea  for  the  book             them, their col-   ly grasp our times, or whether we’re
     columnist for The Washington Post and   when I happened to visit the Camon-                   lections were pri-  doomed  to  misread,  misinterpret  and
     a contributor to The New York Review   do Museum in Paris. It’s an absolutely                 vate refuges from   misunderstand.
     of Books. He recently received his doc-  beguiling place – a stunning beautiful               a cruel outside    Ira Rosen:
     torate in French history at the Universi-  collection  of  18 -century  art,  not to          world. I was also   Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes
     ty of Oxford, where he was a Marshall   mention  a  flawlessly  designed  house.              reminded of how    at 60 Minutes
     Scholar. The House of Fragile Things   But it was the stories of the people who               inscrutable  peo-  Ira Rosen, a two-time Peabody Award
     recounts the history of Jewish art col-  once lived there that stayed with me.                ple always are, in   winner,  worked  with  CBS  for  more
     lectors  in  France  from  1870  through   Moïse de Camondo, the founder of the   the past and present alike. Béatrice de   than four decades. In June 1980, he be-
     the end of World War II. During this   museum, donated  it to France on his   Camondo, for example, had converted   came producer and writer for the pop-
     time,  a number of prominent  French   death in the mid-1930s in honor of his   to Catholicism  during  World  War II,   ular news-magazine show 60 Minutes.
     Jews invested their fortunes in France’s   fallen  son  Nissim,  who  died  fighting   as did a number of Jews to avoid Nazi   He also worked for Primetime and CBS
     cultural artifacts and were ultimately   for  France  in World War  I. A  decade   persecution. But I had no idea that she    continued on next page

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