Page 7 - Jewish News_January 2022
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2022                                     7A

 People of the Book author/lecture series continues   People of the Book...continued from previous page  Dave. If you ask him, he will tell you   In two weeks, my wife Robin and I will
     News Sunday Morning.  At  60 Min-
                                          the Ticking Clock in our relationship.
 with focus on humor and media  utes, he was catapulted to the heights   He was the Picasso of interviewers, a   I approached him and begged him to   have been married 42 years. Robin and
                                                                                                                      I met when I was a writer on Saturday
                                                                                be friends. If you ask me, I’ll tell you
     of  TV  journalism,  helping  to  break
                                          television genius. But he was also very
     some of the most important stories in   abusive  to  me  and  other  producers,   that Dave was sitting by himself and I   Night Live, and she was a production
     TV  news.  In  his  fascinating  memoir,   something at the end of his tenure he   took pity on him. We made each other   assistant. We now have three children
     Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60   readily admitted to and regretted.  laugh, and we liked each other’s work.   and five grandchildren. Carl was an ex-
     Minutes,  Rosen  reveals  the  intimate,   What is it that sets  60 Minutes                     As we  became    ample for me that you could have both
                                          apart from other news-magazine                             friends, I told   family and a career. I have been very
                                          shows?                                                     him we should    lucky that I have become friends with
                                              Don Hewitt said that the secret of                     write  a  novel   most of my idols. My best friends are
                                          60  Minutes  is  “tell  me  a  story.”  The                together, so we   Larry David, Billy Crystal and Martin
                                          segments that are on the show that                         wrote  a  book   Short.  We  were  all  friends  first,  be-
                                          work the best do exactly that. The oth-                    called Lunatics,   fore working together. Personally, my
                                          er trick of the show is to present a story                 which did quite   mom and dad went to Lake Tahoe in
                                          with two distinct points and have the                      well. We wrote   1972 and saw a show with Engelbert
                                          viewers at home argue which view is                        more books to-   Humperdinck  and  there  was  a  stand-
                                          correct. I will speak more about the se-                   gether, all of   up comedian, Morty Gunty, who was
                                          crets to 60 Minutes’ success and take   which  did  very  well.  At  some  point   the  opening  act.  My  mother  ran  into
                                          a  look  back  at  some  of  those  stories   Dave asked me if I would want to join   him at a coffee shop the next morning
                                          when I speak in Florida.              the  Rock  Bottom  Remainders.  I  told   and she told him her son wanted to be
                                          An Evening with Dave Barry            him I couldn’t sing or play an instru-  a writer. He gave her his phone num-
                                          & Alan Zweibel                        ment,  and  he  said  I  would  fit  in  just   ber and I started writing for him, and
                                          Alan Zweibel:                         fine, which I did.                    it snowballed from there. So my mom
                                          Laugh Lines: My Life Helping Funny        Do you believe humor is a trait   also gets a big assist when it comes to
                                          People Be Funnier                     you are born with or something that   my career.
                  Ira Rosen               Alan  Zweibel  is  an  Emmy  and  Tony   can be taught?                     Tickets
     untold stories of his decades at Ameri-  award-winning  television  writer,  au-  I don’t think humor can be taught. I   Tickets  for  the  Ira  Rosen  event  are
     ca’s most iconic news show, including   thor, playwright and screenwriter,   think it’s a mindset or a way of looking   $18 per person in advance, $25 at the
     an authoritative account of the people                                     at the world. Now I do think it can be   door and $10 per household on Zoom.
     who battled  for  the  prestige,  credit                                   honed, but if somebody doesn’t have a   Tickets for the Alan Zweibel and Dave
     and desire to scoop everybody else in                                      sense of humor, or a sense of irony, I   Barry event are $25 per person in ad-
     the game. A former Nieman Fellow at                                        don’t think you can be taught to look at   vance,  $30  at  the  door  and  $10  per
     Harvard University, Rosen has won 24                                       life that way.                        household on Zoom. Tickets for James
     national Emmy Awards for his work. A                                           What person (or people) had the   McAuley’s  Zoom  event  are  $10  per
     master class in how TV news is made,                                       most influence on you and your ca-    household.  For  reservations  to  these
     Rosen’s book is a 60 Minutes story on                                      reer and why?                         and all remaining People of the Book
     60 Minutes itself.                                                             Carl  Reiner.  Carl  became  a  good   events, please visit
        You must have innumerable                                               friend.  I  grew  up  watching  The Dick   For more information on the Peo-
     memorable moments from your                                                Van Dyke Show, plus all of the plays   ple of the Book series of events, please
     years with  60 Minutes. Can you             Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel    and movies he directed, plus he had a   contact Jeremy Lisitza at jlisitza@jfed
 continued on next page share one of your favorite behind-  whom  The New York Times says has   family. That was what I wanted to do. or at 941.343.2113.
     the-scenes moments?                  “earned a place in the pantheon of
        I was profiling then New England   American  pop  culture.”  An  original
     Patriots  quarterback  Tom  Brady.  He   Saturday Night Live  writer,  Zweibel              
     had just lost a game to the San Diego   has won five Emmys for his work in
     Chargers and we met afterwards on the   television,  which  includes  It’s Gar-   Sarasota Fine Art Show                                    ™
     field.  I  brought  my  oldest  son  to  the   ry Shandling’s Show and  Curb Your
                         game. And even   Enthusiasm.  In  all,  he  has  written  11     January 15 & 16, 2022
                         though his fam-  books,  including  his  2020  cultural
                         ily was waiting   memoir, Laugh Lines: My Life Helping              At Phillippi Estate Park, Sarasota
                         for him and we   Funny People be Funnier, and the nov-
                         were preparing   el  Lunatics, which he co-wrote with
                         to shoot a short   Dave  Barry.  Barry  is  a  professional
                         interview,  Tom   humorist, who, for many years, wrote
                         went   directly  a newspaper column that appeared in
                         to  my  son and   more than 500 newspapers. Barry won
                         spoke  to  him   the Pulitzer Prize for commentary and
                         for a few min-   has written more than 30 books.
     utes about how special I was and how     When and on what did you and
     much he could learn from me.… He is   Dave  Barry  first  collaborate?  How
     a real mensch.                       have you helped this incredibly fun-
        How was the intro with the stop-  ny man become even funnier?
     watch and the ticking  clock  devel-     Many  years  ago,  Steve  Martin,
     oped?                                who is a mutual  friend,  was honored
        It  was  developed  by  60 Minutes   with the Mark Twain Award (a come-
     creator Don Hewitt and Artie Bloom,   dy lifetime achievement award). Steve
     the show’s director, who realized that   asked Dave Barry to be one of the peo-
     they  needed  to do something before   ple who spoke about him at the Kenne-
     introducing  each  week’s  segments.   dy Center. The reason I was there was
     It literally  has stood the  test  of time,   that  my  friend  Larry  David  was  also
     opening the show for 53 years.       asked to speak. I helped Larry with his
        Describe your experience work-    speech, and he asked if I would accom-   Instagram @HotWorksArtShows     Su Griggs Allen, Mixed Media
     ing with Mike Wallace.               pany him, which I did. After the cere-    COVID safety guidelines in place: Social distancing, all booths spread apart, face coverings recommended and more
        Mike  Wallace  was  the  spine  of   mony, there was a party where I met               Professionally Juried Fine Art & Fine Craft Show
                                                                                            At Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota
                                           For a complete schedule of                  All Art is Original, Personally Handmade & for Sale by the Artist Present at the Show
                                           events, ticket information,                        Saturday, January 15 & Sunday, January 16 ~ 10am-5pm Daily
                                                                                                     Free Admission; Parking $5 supports
                                           author bios, book synopses               Plus! Call for Entries! Budding Artist Competition for Grades 6-12 or Ages 9-19. More info
               PEOPLE OF THE BOOK
                                                                                                         See Art, Love Art, Buy Art!
                                            and a 16-page brochure,
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