Page 11 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 11

FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2022                                   11A

                                                                               Town Square

                                                                               Innovative Adult Day Center

                                                                               Town Square will be opening its first Florida

                                                                               location in Sarasota on January 24th!

                                                                               Come  visit  our  center  at  3882  Central

                                                                               Sarasota  Parkway,  Sarasota,  FL  34238!

                                                                               Memberships  are  being  accepted  now!

                                                                               Please call us or drop in for a tour.

                                                                               Town  Square  is  fashioned  after  a  1950's

                                                                               main  street,  with  10  unique,  immersive

                                                                               storefronts where our specially-trained staff
                                                                               will  deliver  engaging  programming,  while

                                                                               providing  a  safe  and  fun  environment  for

                                                                               your loved one.

                                                                              NOW SCHEDULING TOURS AND ENROLLING MEMBERS - CONTACT US
                                                                                                   BY EMAIL OR PHONE TODAY



     Lessons from Holocaust Education Week

     to last a lifetime

     By Bette Zaret, Holocaust Education and Programming
           he Jewish Federation of Sara-   sion to invite a Holocaust survivor to   one of his students, Autumn Brannan:
           sota-Manatee is immensely      speak in their classrooms to share their   “I think the daffodil garden is a great
     Tgrateful to Sarasota County         story of resilience, courage and hope.   memorial and a good way to put out a
     Schools and the  School District  of     We  have  received  such  amazing   very important message. Hearing (Ho-  Rachel Lenerz’s 5  grade class at Pine View
     Manatee County and their boards for   feedback  from  students  and  teachers   locaust survivors) Mr. and Mrs. Tobias   School planted their daffodil garden and are
     their partnership in helping to provide   related  to  our  Holocaust  Education   speak to us about their stories was very   awaiting for the flowers to bud in the spring
     quality  Holocaust  education  to  their   Week programs and resources, far too   incredible  and  something  I  will  nev-  imaginable.  It  is  vital  to  society  as  a
     students.                            many for this article, but we hope to   er forget. I was honored to hear their   whole that we learn from past mistakes
        As mandated for K-12 instruction   post all the wonderful comments and   stories from a tragic event in history.   to ensure that they are never repeated.
     by the  State  of Florida  Department   photos we received on our website for   I think that sharing these stories helps   The  Daffodil  Project  helped  me  be-
                                                   all to see. We hope even more   prevent them from ever happening in   come more aware that there are still so
                                                   schools will participate in the   the future.… This experience has tru-  many children in the world who suffer
                                                   future. Here are a few of the   ly meant a lot to me and touched my   humanitarian crises today. I learned not
                                                   comments:                    heart.”                               to take anything for granted, especially
                                                      “During  Holocaust  Edu-      As a student who participated     my childhood, because we only get to
                                                   cation  Week,  seventh  Grade   in  last  year’s  Daffodil  Project  at  Mi-  live it once and so many are still de-
                                                   Social  Studies classes  in     chelle  Portnow  Rivas’  5  grade class   nied that simple right to be a kid! 1.5
                                                   Mr. Schimek and Mrs. Morri-  at Gulf Gate Middle School said at a   million children were denied that right
                                                   son’s classes at Sarasota Mid-  recent school board meeting, you can   during the Holocaust and we cannot let
                                                   dle School learned about the   see the important impact of our Holo-  that happen again.”
                                                   events  of  the  Holocaust  and   caust Education: “My name is Nicho-  For  more  information  on  Holo-
     Sarasota Middle School students created their daffodil garden    how  it  affected  the  lives  of   las Brown. I am a 6  grade student at   caust  Education  and  Programming,
     with the names of Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust  Jewish children. They began   Sarasota  Middle  School.  Last  year  at   please  contact  me  at  bzaret@jfedsrq.
     of  Education,  November  8-12,  2021,   to  participate  in  the  Daffodil  Project   Gulf Gate Elementary, I participated in   org or 941.228.3676.
     was  Holocaust  Education  Week.  We   and learned of the garden that will be   the  Daffodil  Project
     were pleased to see so many schools   planted at their school to honor the 1.5   with Mrs. Rivas and
     and teachers use the Holocaust educa-  million children who died in the Holo-  my 5   grade  class.
     tion resources we offered on our web-  caust. They created their own “garden”   This experience was
     site  created  specifically  for  them. We   of posters that are currently displayed.   very  important  to
     were also grateful to the schools that   Each student wrote the name of a youth   me because I already
     celebrated  World  Kindness  Day  by   who died in the Holocaust on a yellow   had a strong interest
     planting a daffodil garden on their cam-  paper  daffodil  and  added  words  and   in that era of history.
     puses as part of the worldwide Daffodil     symbols of remembrance and hope.”  The acts that were
     Project,  remembering  the  1.5  million   Mr. Baker, the Social Studies Chair   committed  against
     children  who  perished  in  the  Holo-  at  Buffalo  Creek  Middle  School  in   humanity  were un-                     th
     caust. Teachers also marked the occa-  Bradenton,  shared a letter  written  by   thinkable  and  un-  Michelle Portnow Rivas’ 5  grade class after planting
                                                                                                              their daffodil garden at Gulf Gate Middle School
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