Page 13 - Jewish News_January 2022
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2022                                   13A

 Volunteer Spotlight                      This series highlights mission-based

 The “write” person to keep us informed about Israel  Where  programs and projects that are sup-
                                          ported by  The Jewish Federation
                                          of Sarasota-Manatee.  Funding  for
       Your                               these initiatives is derived from the

                                          Annual Campaign. The series helps
                                          to explain where your generous dol-
       Dollars                            lars are spent and features certain         IF YOU’RE STILL PAYING FULL
                                          initiatives  that  enrich  the  lives  of
                                          Jews living in Sarasota-Manatee, lo-
       Go                                 cal projects with area partners, and         COMMISSIONS, YOU’RE NOT
                                          overseas  programs  that  support  the
                                          social  and humanitarian  needs of
                                          Jews in Israel and around the world.
                                          Your generous support is found in
                                          our tenet… To strengthen Jewish life
                                          and identity in our community. (See
                                          the article below.)                             A REAL ESTATE INVESTOR.

     Jewish Burial Fund

     Staff Report                                                                      YOU’RE A PHILANTHROPIST.
           he Jewish Federation of Sara-  done. Our goal is to ensure that these
           sota-Manatee  (JFSM)  is  here   mitzvot  continue  to  happen  and  that
     Tfor you and your family in both     every Jewish person who passes away
     the  good  times  and  the  bad.  That  is   in Sarasota-Manatee  can be honored
     precisely why we initiated our Jewish   with a traditional Jewish funeral.”
     Burial Fund in 1996.                     Working  through  our  partner,  the
        Twenty-five years ago, the Grants   Jewish  Healing  program  at  JFCS  of
     Committee  of  the  JFSM  Foundation   the Suncoast, Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz,
     Trustees  (which  no  longer  exists  to-  who acts as our Community Chaplain,
     day)  established  the  Indigent  Burial   is available to help you in your time of   LOWER FEES. PROVEN RESULTS. LESS STRESS.
     Fund. In 2016, as a collaboration be-  need. The Jewish Healing program is
     tween the Federation and Chevra Kadi-  underwritten by your Federation.
     sha, the Jewish Burial Charitable Fund   Rabbi Katz says, “Kavod HaMet,      JARED SALZMAN                                    BARBARA ZAPAL
                                                                                  JARED SALZMAN
     of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-   honoring the dead, is a central Jewish            ®                                                ®
     Manatee was re-established.          value.  However,  due  to  financial  rea-  REALTOR                                           REALTOR
        The goal of this fund is to pro-  sons,  fulfilling  this  commandment  to   727-515-3462                                  727-599-4722
     vide financial support to families who   appropriately  lay  a  loved  one  to  rest
     desire  a  Jewish  burial  for  their  loved   according  to  Jewish  custom  can  rep-  ROBERT TOALE AND SONS
     ones  but  are  financially  unable  to  do   resent  a  significant  hardship.  In  such
     so. During a time of mourning a loved   situations, we work with local funeral           FUNERAL HOME
     one, individuals shouldn’t be worried   homes, cemeteries and synagogues to                      AD    VER     T  ORIAL
     about the financial burden that accom-  ensure a proper burial. It is gratifying         PALMS MEMORIAL PARK
     panies planning a funeral. Rather, the   to see all the parties involved come to-     MANASOTA MEMORIAL PARK
     person should be focused on what re-  gether to ensure that the needs of the    ROBERT TOALE AND SONS
                                                                                                 WIEGAND CHAPEL
     ally matters, such as commemorating   deceased and his or her family are ad-
     the deceased’s life, spending time with   dressed with dignity and caring.”
                                                                                                 FUNERAL HOME
     family and friends, sitting shiva, etc.   We  are  most  appreciative  of  our   Announcing the development of a NEW FACILITY IN LAKEWOOD RANCH
                                                                                        located near the corner of Lakewood Ranch Blvd. and 44th Ave.
        Since  the  beginning  of  2015,  the   area  funeral  homes, which often  pro-
     fund has  distributed  $42,374  in  local   vide discounted costs, and area congre-
                                                                                                          Gerald “Gerry” Ronkin
     grants  to  assist  with  the  costs  of  17   gations, which often donate a plot and       PALMS MEMORIAL PARK
                                                                                                          Jewish Community Liaison
     Jewish  funerals;  $8,500  was  provid-  offer rabbinic officiants for no fee.                      Here is a question I am frequently asked:
                                                                                                         Gerry, I have two cemetery plots up north, but now we
     ed just in 2021. Federation COO Kim      If you  are  in  need  of  assistance,         MANASOTA MEMORIAL PARK
                                                                                                          170 Honore Avenue
     Adler says, “Jewish law is unequivocal   please reach out. We are here for this                     live permanently here. What should we do?
                                                                                                          Sarasota, Florida 34232
     about the importance of a proper funer-  community! Kim Adler can be reached                     WIEGAND CHAPEL
                                                                                                         Every family is different.  There is no one answer
                                                                                                          Office 941-371-4962
     al for the deceased. In fact, attending   at or 941.552.6300.                    for everyone. But here is some food for thought.
     and participating in a funeral is one of   Rabbi Katz can be contacted at jkatz@  Gerald Ronkin       Cell 941-809-5195
     the most significant mitzvot that can be or 941.366.2224 x166.  Announcing the development of a NEW FACILITY IN LAKEWOOD RANCH
                                                                                                         There are six Jewish cemeteries in the area:
                                                                                        located near the corner of Lakewood Ranch Blvd. and 44th Ave.
     Volunteer Spotlight...continued from previous page                              •  Temple Beth Sholom was the first one established back in 1938 (on Circus Blvd)
     the Jewish community and embracing   our  community.  “Harold’s  grasp  of      •  Temple Sinai, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Beth Israel and Chabad of Sarasota
                                                                                                                 Gerald “Gerry” Ronkin
     life, including rooting for the Buffalo   the  complex  issues pertaining  to  the      were established later and are on the Palms Memorial Park-Fruitville and Honore
     Bills!”                              Middle East makes him a sought-after       •  Jewish Congregation of Venice’s cemetery is located behind the Synagogue
                                                                                                                 Jewish Community Liaison
        When  not  reaching  for a  sweater   speaker  and  writer.  I  invariably  gain     •  In general plots are considerably less expensive here vs. up north
     because of all the “drafts” he creates,   more  insight  because  of his unbiased
                                                                                                                 170 Honore Avenue
     Harold  enjoys  traveling  to  family  re-  account.”                         Call the cemetery office up north. Each cemetery has is own rules and regulations.
                                                                                     Not affiliated with Toale Brothers Funeral Home or Toale Brothers Inc.
                                                                                                                 Sarasota, Florida 34232
     unions, uniting with 300 cousins from    Our community and those beyond       Some may let you resell yours on your own, others may give you a letter if you return
                                                                                   the plot back to the synagogue as a charitable gift. Others may pay you something
     nine countries.                      Florida continue to benefit from Har-    for the plot especially if they can resell it to someone else for more money.
        “Since Covid,” he says, “we regu-  old’s passion, knowing that he commu-                                 Office 941-371-4962
     larly meet on Zoom. We’re also eager   nicates the “write” message.           Something else to consider. Who is likely to visit the grave? Today, children are located
                                                                                                                 Cell 941-809-5195
     to  resume  regular  visits  with  our  six   If you are interested in volunteering,   all over the country. Perhaps now they live near where your plot was purchased.  Is it
     children and 11 grandchildren.”      there are many ways to contribute and    likely they will relocate? Some people have large family plots up north bought some
        Harold  also  remembers  his  trip  –   be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-  time ago and this could tilt the decision to the north solution. In some instances, you
     with press credentials – to the opening   eration. For more information, please   may be able to exchange (receive credit) for your plots up north in your new local area.
     of the POLIN Museum of the History   contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-  One last thought. Think of the surviving spouse. How easy will it be for that person to
     of  Polish  Jews.  “Engaging  with  the   novation and Volunteer Engagement,     travel back north for the burial, especially in winter?
     world press, I met President Rivlin of   at 941.343.2113 or  I  would  be happy to  discuss your individual situation in a confidential,
     Israel and interviewed the chief curator   You can read Harold’s              private meeting.  Call me at 941 809-5195, Gerald Ronkin, Jewish Community
     of the core exhibit.”                                                         Liaison, Robert Toale and Sons Funeral Home.
        Isaac  Azerad,  Executive  Direc-  January column on page                         
     tor of  Temple Beth  Israel, captures
     why Harold is the “write” person for        34A in this issue.                          

                                                                                     Not affiliated with Toale Brothers Funeral Home or Toale Brothers Inc.
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