Page 16 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 16
16A January 2022 FEDERATION NEWS
Is support of the global BDS Movement
an antisemitic act?
By David J. Millstone, Chair of the Community Relations Committee
he goal of CRConnect is to or nothing about the BDS Movement. the BDS Movement. In passing its res- as saying, “BDS is nothing more than a
bring you information to help In a poll conducted by the Brookings olution, the Canadian legislature stated: cloak for antisemitism.”
Tunderstand difficult questions Institute in late 2019, only 49% knew “BDS is about intolerance. It’s a The BDS Movement and its sup-
we all face concerning both Israel and anything about the BDS Movement broader movement to demonize and porters claim the opposite is true. BDS
antisemitism. This month we address a and more than half of those who knew delegitimize Israel.... Whereas an- claims to be a grassroots and civil
complex question which distinguishes anything, only knew “a little.” To have tisemites have long targeted Jews society movement. It denies BDS is
between an “antisemitic act” and “an- a better understanding of the issues, it throughout the world as the root of all antisemitic, stating it is a nonviolent
tisemitism.” As Deborah Lipstadt, the is important to understand more about society’s ills, this new form of anti- human rights movement seeking free-
renowned Holocaust historian, author BDS and what it stands for. semitism targets Israel as the Jew dom, justice and equality for Pales-
and nominee to be the United States In 2019, the German Parliament among the nations, singling out the tinians. Through its efforts, the BDS
Department of State antisemitism en- passed a resolution declaring the BDS Jewish state as the root of all ills in the Movement seeks to pressure Israel
voy, recently stated, “Young people on Movement to be antisemitic and ille- world.” (emphasis added) into “complying with international
campuses who support BDS because gal. Proposed initially by the parties on law” by ending Israeli
they see it as a way of changing Isra- the political far right, it was ultimate- Robert and Esther Heller occupation of Palestine
el’s policies, I don’t label them as an- ly supported across the political spec- and permitting the Pal-
tisemitic....” even though she finds the trum, including those parties on the far CRC estinian people to have
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions left. The BDS Movement’s call for the self-determination.
(BDS) Movement to be clearly antise- boycott of Israeli goods was compared Multiple organiza-
mitic. Thus, according to Lipstadt, one with the Nazis’ call for the boycott of tions and individuals
can support a movement viewed as an- Jewish goods. In addition, 35 states, including that support the BDS Movement do
tisemitic, engaging in an antisemitic A number of other governments, Florida, have passed legislation and not see it as antisemitic. Supporters
act, without necessarily being antise- including Switzerland, Austria, Cana- resolutions or adopted executive or- of the BDS Movement argue that reli-
mitic. da, Czech Republic, Spain and the U.S., ders decrying the BDS Movement. ance upon the International Holocaust
Most Americans know very little have passed resolutions condemning These have either taken the form of Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) defini-
being contract focused (requiring gov- tion of antisemitism makes criticism of
ernment contractors to certify they do Israel antisemitic and thereby unduly
not engage in a boycott of Israel) or restricts free speech. They argue the
investment focused (prohibiting state IHRA definition is the only reason the
OUTDOOR DINING. funds, including retirement funds, BDS Movement is claimed by some
that it is antisemitic.
from investing in companies that boy-
HANDCRAFTED CUISINE. cott Israel). Florida’s law, adopted with The IHRA definition of antisemi-
AWARD-WINNING WINE LIST. bipartisan support, prohibits both state tism does not include criticism of the
contracts with, or state investment in, government of Israel or its policies as
For Reservations: companies that boycott Israel or Israeli antisemitic unless they meet certain
Call 941-366-0007 or Visit products from the West Bank. Recent- criteria. Illustrative examples in the
ly, Governor Ron DeSantis was quoted continued on next page
just It was wonderful to see so many new faces
amongst our friends in a safe, outdoor setting
for our Just Schmoozing event. Our many thanks
LIVE to Ed’s Tavern for hosting our event with
yummy appetizers.