Page 17 - Jewish News_January 2022
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FEDERATION NEWS January 2022 17A
CRConnect...continued from previous page
definition of how criticism of Israel Movement itself. championing the right of nationhood Rejection of efforts for a negotiat-
may constitute antisemitism are: The BDS National Committee is for Palestinians while seeking to de- ed peace
“Denying the Jewish people their the controlling body of the BDS Move- stroy Israel, the BDS Movement seeks Rejection of the right of Israel to
right to self-determination, e.g., ment. It is far from “a network of local to eliminate the Jewish people’s right exist as a Jewish state
by claiming that the existence of a grassroots, non-violent human rights of self-determination. Rejection of economic opportuni-
State of Israel is a racist endeavor. groups advocating...a peaceful Pales- Palestinians are hurt by the BDS ties for Palestinians
Applying double standards by re- tinian state next to Israel.” Its founding Movement, as well. Nabi Basherat was Rejection of bridge-building and
quiring of it [Israel] a behavior not member organization is the Palestin- a factory manager at SodaStream’s relationship-building between Pal-
expected or demanded of any other ian Academic and Cultural Boycott of West Bank plant, closed under pres- estinians and Israelis
democratic nation. Israel (PACBI). Its membership has sure from the BDS Movement. Five Creation of an atmosphere of more
Using the symbols and images as- groups designated as terror groups in- hundred Palestinian workers lost their hatred, enmity and polarization
sociated with classic antisemitism cluding, among others, Islamic Jihad, jobs. Israeli companies provide better Creation of an atmosphere in com-
(e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus Hamas and the Popular Front for the insurance and benefits while provid- munities and on college campuses
or blood libel) to characterize Isra- Liberation of Palestine. PACBI histor- ing economic security to the workers. that leads to acts of clear antisem-
el or Israelis. ically has actively supported Islamic A professor and peace activist, Mo- itism
Drawing comparisons of contem- and Palestinian terrorists. Omar Bar- hammed Dajani, talks about how the One can choose to be sympathet-
porary Israeli policy to that of the ghouti, the co-founder of both PACBI diversely staffed factories provide an ic to Palestinian issues without being
Nazis.” and the BDS Movement, has frequent- environment for Israelis and Palestin- antisemitic, but support of the BDS
Natan Sharansky, an Israeli leader ly declared that the goal of BDS is the ians to build relationships and break Movement, in this author’s opinion,
and former Soviet “refusenik,” applies destruction of Israel. down stereotypes. He said, “It helps is an antisemitic act. Bassem Eid, an
a “3-D test” to measure when anti- The BDS Movement works to de- Palestinians to work with Israelis on award-winning Palestinian human
Israel criticism crosses over into an- monize, delegitimize and isolate Israel. an equal level and it gets them to know rights activist who has filed a com-
tisemitism. It occurs when Israel is: It takes a complex issue and presents it one another.” plaint against Ben & Jerry’s, stated,
Demonized as solely the fault of Israel. It rejects the Another fallout from the BDS “The gangsters behind BDS are caus-
Delegitimized or two-state solution, seeking to establish Movement is harassment and antisem- ing a lot of damage to Palestinians.... If
Held to a Double-Standard a single Palestinian state “from the riv- itism felt by Jews in communities and [people] poured all of the money they
Dr. Sara Hirschhorn a renowned er to the sea.” The BDS Movement un- on college campuses. For example, at are spending on boycotts into building
professor, author and lecturer, would dermines any effort to negotiate peace. the University of Toronto, where the factories and creating jobs in the West
add a fourth “D” – “Determination.” It opposes any efforts to build bridges student union formally supports the Bank and Gaza, it would go a long way
When Jews are denied the right of or allow interactions of Palestinians and BDS Movement, a request by Hillel to to truly helping Palestinians.”
self-determination, it crosses into an- Israelis because it would create “nor- have kosher food offered on campus There are more positive ways to
tisemitism. Regardless of the definition malization,” an unacceptable outcome. was rejected because “Hillel is pro- show support like supporting organi-
one uses, the BDS Movement checks BDS seeks to delegitimize and demon- Israel and therefore kosher food should zations that engage in bridge-build-
all the boxes as being antisemitic. ize Israel through false accusations of not be allowed.” Similarly, the D.C. ing between Palestinians and Israelis.
In looking at the BDS campaign, Israel as an “apartheid state” (see the Chapter of Sunrise Movement boycot- Whatever action one takes, it is import-
one may draw a distinction between CRConnect article in the January 2021 ted Jewish groups from participation in ant to understand or learn the facts.
the organization’s goals and those of issue of The Jewish News or go to jfed a coalition on voting rights because of Any opinions expressed in this article
some supporters. Some supporters of their ties to Israel. are those of the author and not nec-
the BDS Movement sincerely believe apartheid-state-like-south-africa) and Support for the BDS Movement essarily those of The Jewish News or
BDS will encourage Israel to change accusations that Israel is engaged in means: The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
policies. That is not the goal of the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians. By Rejection of a two-state solution Manatee.
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