Page 22 - Jewish News_January 2022
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22A January 2022 JEWISH INTEREST
K’zohar Ha-Ivrit
Temple Sinai B’ray-sheet – Beginning
By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
he year 2022 is here. The cele- Another use of m’ray-sheet is
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bration of a new year conjures found in the words of Ecclesiastes who
with us
Tideas of new beginnings and a suggests tov a-cha-rit da-var m’ray-
fresh start. For many of us, when we shee-toh, literally ‘better the end of
Celebrate with us
think of the concept of beginning, a matter than the beginning thereof,’
the Hebrew word b’ray-sheet comes meaning it is the end results that count
to mind. B’ray- not the beginning action. (Ecc. 7:8)
sheet is the first Last, but not least, we should men-
word in the nar- tion the statement regarding the cre-
ration of the He- ation story in Genesis where it states:
brew Scriptures b’ray-sheet bara Elohim, which is
and the name of translated by most, ‘in the beginning
the first book of God created.’ However, some prefer the
the Bible, name- translation, ‘when God began to create.’
ly Genesis. In (Gen. 1:1) Either way, b’ray-sheet can
honor of the be- receive several meanings depending
Dr. Rachel Dulin ginning of a new on context. B’ray-sheet means ‘start,’
year, let us briefly explore the etymol- ‘beginning,’ ‘inception,’ ‘outset,’ ‘com-
ogy of the word b’ray-sheet and a few mencement,’ ‘Genesis’ and ‘choice.’
phrases connected to it. In post-Biblical Hebrew, ma-a-se
The word b’ray-sheet is composed b’ray-sheet means ‘cosmogony.’ (Ha-
of two parts: the first part is b’, which giga 1:2)
is a preposition meaning ‘in,’ and the The philosopher Even Gevirol of
second is the noun ray-sheet, which, 11 -century Spain encapsulated it all
without a preposition attached to it, in his poem Adon Olam, in which he
usually means ‘first.’ Ray-sheet ap- referred to God as the Master of the
pears 51 times in the biblical Text. For Universe who is b’li ray-shit or ‘with-
example, the term ray-sheet ha-pri, the out a beginning nor an end.’
first fruits, refers to the first fruits of the In Modern Hebrew, b’ray-sheet
season to be given to the Lord. (Deut. also means ‘a pioneering act.’ Also,
26:1) Another example, the term ray- Ye-a-rot b’ray-sheet literally means
sheet o-no literally means ‘the first of ‘forest of the beginning of time,’ refer-
his strength,’ referring to one’s first- ring to the primordial forest, whereas
born child. (Gen. 49:3) Also, we should cha-yot b’ray-sheet refers to the ani-
mention the Psalmist who advocated mals of old, like the dinosaurs which
the thought that ray-sheet cho-khma, roamed the earth and now are extinct.
the first sign of wisdom, is the awe So now that we went back to b’ray-
Looking for of the Lord (Ps. 111:10), whereas the sheet, investigating words of primordi-
Looking for
al time, while moving on to the future
wisdom writer declared that the awe of
in the counting of time, as we say in
the Lord is ray-sheet da-at, namely the
another way
another way first step to knowledge. (Prov. 1:7) Hebrew, ray-sheet kol, first and fore-
There are times in the Text when
most, I wish all our readers a happy
to advertise the prepositions like m’, meaning year m’ray-sheet ha-shannah, from the
to advertise
beginning of the year onward. May it
‘from,’ and b’, meaning ‘in’ are at-
your business? tached to the word ray-sheet, and thus be a year of peace and joy.
your business?
give a new nuance to the word. For ex-
Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
of biblical literature at Spertus Col-
ample, the Deuteronomists advised that
With g uaranteed categ or y exclusivit y , * the Land of Israel is guarded by God lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
With guaranteed category exclusivity,*
m’ray-sheet ha-shannah, from year’s
professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
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