Page 42 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 42
Sarasota Open Art Show, January 15-16 presents its 6 Stern. Having been raised in Reform turning them into art. They take pride twist on the grandfather clock. While
Sarasota Open Art Show on Jewish homes, they love having tra- in providing new life to vintage win- mimicking the human form, their Peo-
HSaturday and Sunday, Janu- ditions in their family, such as going dows and 19 and 20 century items to ple Curio Cabinets are both function-
ary 15-16, outdoors at Phillippi Estate to synagogue, having family dinners create a fun way to accessorize your al and whimsical art. These pieces are
Park, 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. and passing on family recipes to future home. Since 1993, they’ve continued created from various architectural arti-
The show features quality fine art and generations. They are proud of their to proudly display their whimsical cre- facts such as late-19 century salvaged
crafts created by award-winning artists heritage and the many holidays they ations in juried art shows and galleries barn siding and Victorian hardware.
and juried by art professionals. All art- celebrate. around the United States. Each item is Their People Curio Cabinets each have
work is original and personally hand- Patti and Bob create one-of-a-kind transformed into art by cleaning and a functioning clock as the head.
made by the artist who is present at the pieces by taking antique artifacts and applying various finishes. The frames They are happy to create a one-of-
show. Juried by art professionals, crite- are painted to keep the pieces’ antiqui- a-kind piece of art for you! Be sure to
ria are based on originality, technique/ ty and unique style. say hello and that you read about them
execution and booth appearance. You Their modern collection exhibits a in this article.
will find something for everyone, in all Hot Works’ associated 501(c)(3)
price ranges. nonprofit arm, the Institute for the
To allow for Covid safety precau- Arts & Education, focuses on visual
tions, the show is held outdoors with arts, cultural diversity, community en-
plenty of room for social distancing. richment and fostering art education
While at the show, be sure to vis- among youth. It integrates a Budding
it mixed media artists Patti and Bob Artist Competition within the show, a
unique program that encourages stu-
dents ages 9-19 or grades 6-12 to enter
his/her original art that is publicly dis-
played the entire weekend. On Sunday
at 3:00 p.m., $250 Youth Art Awards
are presented as young artists are ex-
posed to the rules and entrepreneurship
of doing art shows for a living.
There is free admission to the art
show. A $5 parking fee supports the
Institute for the Arts & Education and
helps to pay the costs of producing the
Artists Patti & Bob Stern show.
Tel Mond student wins Embracing Our Differences award
ahli Kalfus, a fifth-grade stu- waterfront. quote opens a window studio. Beloved by her friends, she is
dent from Sarasota’s Sister “Embracing Our Dif- into our common hu- very fond of animals and involved in
YCity, Tel Mond, Israel, has ferences exists to proclaim manity. They touch us several environmental protection ef-
garnered a quote award from Embrac- the values of inclusion, with their wit, insight forts. Yahli enjoys music and dreams
ing Our Differences (EOD). Each year, kindness and respect,” em- and empathy.” of becoming a singer. Her winning
the organization invites student sub- phasizes EOD Executive The youngest of quote – “Give me your hand; let’s walk
missions from the U.S. and around the Director Sarah Wertheimer. four children, Yahli is together. My path will be easier and
world. Winning quotes are paired with “We need to honor the an excellent student yours more interesting.” – reflects her
the 50 large-scale outdoor art exhib- things that make us differ- who participates in eagerness to engage and work together
its highlighting the value of diversity ent and celebrate the things Tzofim (Israel Scouts) with others.
displayed in Island Park on Sarasota’s we have in common. Every Yahli Kalfus and dances at a local
Every woman
y woman
matters here.
matters here.
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
The Women’s Giving Circle [ “Ma’agal
Nashim”] is a giving circle that empowers
women as funders, decision makers and
agents of change. Each member contributes
$518, and each has an equal voice in directing
our funds. The giving circle model multiplies individual actions,
creating a tremendous collective impact.
In the last seven years, we have distributed more than $307,000
in grants to nonprofits in Israel that help women and children of
all backgrounds live safer, healthier and more meaningful lives.
Our Mission
To enhance the lives of Jewish women
and children who are in need of help
Stay informed throughout and live in Israel.
the month. Sign up for
the Federation’s Enewsletter
at QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113 or