Page 43 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 43
Temple Emanu-El marks Cynthia Roberts-Greene’s
25 anniversary
A were celebrated musical gifts but also for her warmth, thia’s favorite musical selections. She gious service. I can imagine that when
The service featured some of Cyn-
quarter century of music and
sincerity and visionary leadership both
you were a young woman winning
with a special Shabbat service
ture and a gift of jewelry
marking Music Director Cynthia Rob- on and off the pulpit. also received a beautiful glass sculp- organ competitions and scholarships,
studying music and earning your de-
erts-Greene’s 25 anniversary with from Ritual Chair Marian grees, if someone said, ‘Cynthia, you
Temple Emanu-El on October 15. The Raupp, Ethel Gross and are going to be a Jewish music direc-
week’s Torah portion – Lech Lecha – Mona Salomon, as well tor in a synagogue for 25 years,’ you
was the same one on which she led her as words of appreciation would have been as surprised as Abra-
first service back in 1996! from Senior Rabbi Brenner ham was that day! Yet that has been
Cynthia is a renowned organist, Glickman. your destiny. And like Abraham before
composer, singer, arranger and con- “This portion begins you, you have been a blessing.”
ductor who holds both a bachelor’s and with a summons, a call,” Temple Emanu-El congratulates
a master’s degree in music and shares Rabbi Glickman noted. Cynthia and her husband Paul on this
her talents throughout the west coast of “You have known, as Abra- wonderful milestone and looks for-
Temple Emanu-El President Barry Gerber, Paul Greene,
Florida. At Temple Emanu-El, she is Music Director Cynthia Roberts-Greene, Mona Salomon, ham before you, a calling ward to many more years together.
valued not only for her liturgical and Ritual Chair Marian Raupp – to be summoned to reli-
Sarasota Jewish Chorale update
By Nancy B. Finn
he Sarasota Jewish Chorale Rav,” “Great Abundant Peace,” among For more information on the Cho- activities, ways to donate and how to
presented a number of joyous, others. The program features soloists rale, visit purchase tickets for the Spring Gala
Twell-received Chanukah con- from within the group and a variety You’ll find information about its many Concert.
certs at Temple Beth Sholom, Temple of percussion instruments. Also being
Emanu-El and Aviva Senior Living, considered for this concert is a klezmer
as well as an inspiring performance at performance featuring a collaboration
The Mall at University Town Center with a prominent local quartet. Stay
during Chanukah week in December. tuned for more information.
In January, the Chorale begins pre- Chorale Artistic Director Sharon
paring for the annual Spring Gala Con- Greene says, “This program was to
cert to be held on Sunday, March 27 be presented in March 2020 and was
at 4:00 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom. canceled due to Covid. How appropri-
Entitled “Songs of Peace and Joy,” the ate that these joyful songs will be pre-
concert will spotlight “Hava Nashira,” sented this year, as we return to a more
which translates to “Let’s Sing Togeth- normal time, to celebrate our 20+ years
er as One;” “Dai Lanu,” which trans- of enriching the community through
lates to “This is Enough;” and “Shalom song.” Members of the Sarasota Jewish Chorale