Page 45 - Jewish News_January 2022
P. 45
FOCUS ON YOUTH January 2022 9B
Tu B’Shevat “rooted” The mitzvah deeds at
in early learning The Gan at Temple Sinai
to us and our planet and what people By Laura Freedman
can do for trees. Lessons can revolve ach school year, The Gan at others outside of school too. Moms and
around the importance of saving our Temple Sinai includes mitzv- dads sent notes about all the wonderful
trees and recycling to save our earth, Eot (good deeds) in the school’s acts of kindness they observed. These
for trees are homes to so many liv- curriculum. There are multiple Mitz- mitzvah notes are posted in our school
ing creatures and provide the air we vah Projects sprinkled throughout the hallway for all to see.
breathe. Students can learn about the year. Every fall, we host a St. Jude Chil- On the big day of the October 29
life cycle of plants, and they can be a dren’s Research Hospital Trike-a-thon. Trike-a-thon, parents and grandparents
part of caring for and tending to a gar- Our staff teaches the children about arrived at our outdoor track to cheer
den to watch their seeds grow, change bike and helmet safety, so we are ready the children along. We reviewed safety
and develop. to ride. The students practice riding rules, talked about the mitzvah of the
An additional way to celebrate is along our playground trike path, fol- ride, and off they went to the roar of the
Education through a figurative interpretation of lowing the speed limit, looking ahead parents’ applause! All students earned
Tu B’Shevat. Just as trees have their
their trike licenses, and the “Mitzvah
where they are riding and wearing their
Let’s branch out Corner roots that support the plant, families helmets. The children learn to watch Monster” was so proud of their mitzv-
By Laura Freedman have roots, too. Family histories are for driveways and never ride in the ot. Popsicles were served on the play-
listed in family trees’ branches that il-
ground. The donations totaled $5,628
street, as well.
or early childhood educators in lustrate the connections between fami- Along with these important safety for St. Jude Children’s Research Hos-
a Jewish setting, Tu B’Shevat is ly members and show from where we lessons, another valuable lesson that pital, making 2021 a record-breaking
Fa wonderful holiday that allows come. Our heritage is drawn out for us. is taught is doing mitzvot. Thinking year. It was a lesson learned and a pos-
us to celebrate the trees, our roots, our Schools can host Tu B’Shevat celebra- of others is what we ought to do. The itive day.
natural world and so much more. It tions for multiple generations to attend boys and girls at St. Jude Children’s
can be a springboard to examine our to explore their figurative roots, as well Research Hospital are not able to ride
earth and our personal history through as to literally plant some seeds together for themselves, so we ride to raise
a Jewish lens. and revisit over the years. funds for the doctors to be able to help
The holiday is often referred to as Providing ways for families of the patients get well.
the Birthday of the Trees. Children and different generations to interact with Doing good deeds for others is a
their teachers have birthday parties for each other through the Jewish holidays social/emotional value that should be
the trees in and around their schools builds a love for traditions and allows taught from a young age. The children
and homes. Songs are sung, stories are us to create new rituals. Celebrating at at The Gan have met our “Mitzvah
told and projects are created all for the a young age enriches and encourages Monster.” This pretend creature is al-
trees. More often in modern times the the whole Jewish community to engage ways looking to catch the kids doing
observance of the holiday has an eco- and connect through a Jewish lens. mitzvot. The children made their own
logical emphasis. The science lessons Laura Freedman is the Director of version of the “Mitzvah Monster” to
that can be explored are numerous. Early Childhood Education at The take home, and the families were very
Teachers can talk about what trees give Gan at Temple Sinai. much a part of further encouraging the
kids to do kind and thoughtful acts for The Gan at Temple Sinai Devorim Class
The impact of Jewish camp lasts a lifetime. Children benefit from Jewish camp
experiences by learning to value their Jewish heritage. The Jewish Federation of
Sarasota-Manatee, in partnership with local philanthropists, offers incentive
and need-based grants for Jewish children planning to attend not-for-profit The Gan at Temple Sinai Parparim Class
Jewish overnight camps for the summer.
Applications are
accepted until
Jan. 31, 2022.
Thank Y ou
Thank You
for your Impact
$584 , 82 7 LEARN MORE
was invested in 2020 in worldwide community needs SPONSORED BY
“Welcoming Shabbat”
If you would like to help more, photo courtesy of
Camp Coleman.
please visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/donate