Page 165 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 165

                                  acceleration profile function includes sinusoidal functions at the corners of the curve
                                  and constant acceleration functions in other segments of the cam. Let    rise  be the
                                  period of input shaft rotation for the rise period. The modified trapezoidal accelera-
                                  tion profile is formed by constructing a function where the pieces of it are obtained
                                  from a sinusoidal function with period    rise ∕2 and constant acceleration function.
                                    Let us consider a modified trapezoidal acceleration function. The acceleration
                                  function has positive and negative (symmetric to the positive) portions. The variable
                                  portions of the acceleration function are implemented with portions of the sinu-
                                  soidal, and constant acceleration portions are implemented with a constant value
                                  (Figure 3.16),

                                            d x
                                                = A ⋅ sin(2    ∕(    ∕2)); for 0 ≤    ≤     ∕8  (3.119)
                                            d   2  o          rise               rise
                                            d x          1          3
                                                = A ; for     rise  ≤    ≤     rise            (3.120)
                                            d   2        8          8
                                            d x                             3          5
                                                = A ⋅ sin(2    ∕(    ∕2) −   ); for      ≤    ≤      (3.121)
                                            d   2  o          rise          8  rise    8  rise
                                            d x            5         7
                                                =−A ; for      rise  ≤    ≤     rise           (3.122)
                                            d   2          8         8
                                            d x                              7
                                                = A ⋅ sin(2    ∕(    ∕2) − 2  ); for      ≤    ≤     (3.123)
                                            d   2  o          rise           8  rise     rise
                                  Again, the acceleration functions describe half of the displacement cycle of the
                                  follower. For a symmetric return function, the mirror image of the same acceleration
                                  function is implemented in the cam profile.
                                4. Polynominal functions of many different types, that is including third, fourth, fifth,
                                  sixth, or seventh order polynomials, are used for cam functions.
                                                  x(  ) = C + C    + C    + C    + ... + C    n  (3.124)
                                  Typically, the input shaft is driven at a constant speed, and output follower motion is
                             obtained as a cyclic function of input shaft rotation. Before the development of computer
                             controlled programmable machines, almost all of the automated machines had one large
                             power source driving a shaft. Many different cams generated desired motion profiles at
                             individual stations from the same shaft. Hence, all the stations are synchronized to a master
                             shaft. The synchronization is fixed as a result of the machined profiles of cams. If a different
                             automated control is needed, cam profiles had to be physically changed. As programmable
                             computer controlled machines replace the fixed automation machines, the use of mechanical
                             cams has decreased. Instead, cam functions are implemented in software to synchronize
                             independently controlled motion axes. If a different type of synchronization is required, all
                             we need to do is to change the cam software. In mechanical cam synchronized systems, we
                             would have to physically change the cam.

                             Example     Consider a cam with its follower as shown in Figure 3.9. Let us consider
                             the displacement, speed, acceleration, and jerk profiles for modified sine cam functions.
                             Assume that the input shaft of the cam runs at a constant speed, hence    = 0,  dt    = 0.0.
                             Assume that nominal operating speed of input shaft of the cam is    = 2   ⋅ 10 rad∕s(   =
                             10 rev∕s = 600 rev∕min ), the total displacement of the cam follower is 2.0 in, and the period
                             of cam motion for a complete up–down cycle is once per revolution of the input shaft. Since
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